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S.E.E. Campaign?

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#21 SovietSoldier


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Posted 01 October 2008 - 02:56 AM

Excellent List,except...you triple posted.

And doesn't that Campaign sound a bit "easy"?Killing Hobbits with a Nazgul does not seem hard.

Edited by SovietSoldier, 01 October 2008 - 03:00 AM.

What is the motherland,when you know you weren't born of land?
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#22 kraken

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 02:24 PM

It might be better to leave the ending of a couple of missions more open for continuity. For example, if all the Rohirrim get destroyed at Helm's Deep (including Eomer's units) then how can they come to Gondor's aid later? How could Gandalf (who would be defeated in the same battle) be able to ride to Minas Tirith and lead the defence there? It would mean the end of almost all the good heroes as I cannot see how you could argue that they all were "defeated" but survived in such a place. Also, by keeping it exactly with what happened in the film, it is hard to see how evil can win (at least in my eyes) - there needs to be a little change, something that was done differently that meant that they could win.

A way around at least part of it is to have a small mission where Saruman pre-empts the return of Eomer and sends a small force to delay them en route to Helm's Deep. You have a small troop of Uruk Hai and a hero, also the ability to create more units, gain an income etc. and have to protect a wooden barricade for a certain amount of time to win against Eomer's Rohirrim and some archers with fire arrows (probably in enough numbers to stop the user from actually defeating them in battle). Then, by the time that they reach Helm's Deep, it is already destroyed, rendering them useless. Eomer goes off to collect any men who have survived and Gandalf travels to Minas Tirith. Maybe the three main heroes and Eowyn (need her for later) escape, but the rest are taken out of the picture.

Similarly, with Minas Tirith I'd almost want the good forces to "win" (more on why later). At the end of the mission, both Gondor and Rohan's might will have been sapped dramatically (the white city in ruins, the Mumakill having taken down most of the remaining Rohirrim etc.) and several more good heroes will have left that world (Gandalf and Eowyn for certain, seeing as they'd fought the Witchking, possibly Eomer and the Gondorian heroes as well). However, the mission would end before the army of the dead arrived and took down most of Mordor's army. This means that instead of this being essentially the key moment of the campaign, there is still more to come...

Now the reason why I wanted the good side to win at Minas Tirith. In the books and the films, the good side set out to the Black Gate to keep Sauron's eyes on them, making him think that they had the ring. It is probably my twisted humour that would love the final mission be exactly the same, only that Sauron already had the ring and was laughing at them trying to trick him. It would also end up being a challenging mission. Starting off with a pitched battle at the Black Gate with the remnants of Gondor and Rohan facing the might of Mordor (note that Men still have some strength left - Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn and Eomer being the minimum number of heroes left and also experienced troops), Mordor starts off with large number of units (mainly orcs) with some of their heroes as well.

As the fight progresses, more orcs get killed than men (for obvious reasons) but it looks like Mordor will win comfortably due to numbers. However, then remnants of the Dwarves and Elves and the Eagles arrive, forcing Mordor onto the back foot (not overwhelming numbers, but they are strong fighters as well and would be led by more heroes). Eventually, another time limit passes and Isengard shows up, evening up the battle. Finally, Sauron himself appears and it is down to what I believe is called in the books and films as the "hour of wolves"

However, your idea ties in well with the film and as such would do well for this mod (if it was ever used). Just adding two ideas to the pot (probably both what are not being looked for.

#23 zakske

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 03:34 PM

The ideas for missions are great, tho I think a lot of things should be written down a bit more precisely... And there's still some holes that have to be filled-up (not trying to sound smart, I couldn't have been thinking of any better ideas :blush: )

I really support Krakens ideas too, there's a lot of nice thinking in there :crazed:

#24 Captain Beremir

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 09:01 PM

Kraken that last mission idea is really funny: "They go to make keep Sauron's eye off the ring but he already has it and is laughing at them." Poor Aragorn...
It's also a very creative ending with all forces of good and evil joining together.

Perhaps there should still be some missions with the War in the North:
3 Assaults on Lorien
Scouring of the Shire
Battle Under The Trees
Ents vs. Orcs in the Wold
Siege of Erebor
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#25 Guest_aNaRcHiSt44_*

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 11:19 PM

Kraken what I was saying was that it was what was left of Rohan's military which Eomer rounded up after he escaped from Helms Deep. I should've specified on Eomer being there; sorry about that. Same applies to Gandalf. And by 'defeated' that doesnt mean actually killed; usually it means just forced to flee. Sorry about that mate; I understand perfectly why it didnt get through :p I can be a very messy and 'uninformative' writer.

Also, I said that every single unit in Minas Tirith would be fully levelled and upgraded to spare you from actually winning before the Army of the Dead arrives, as well as the Rohirrim remnants. They would be killing anything and everything bloody quickly, also seeing as they have all the catapults and the city is practically FILLED with units, as I planned. Basically though, actually getting into the city before Grond arrives is bloody hard, and after that it is limited by how well you apply yourself to micro-management of forces moving up on towers and through the gate, etc, etc, and also where your catapults are firing. Basically, you have endless numbers, but you cant really do much until the events unless you have a wee bit of luck. It is the real final mission after all, so it has to be extremely hard, but doable.

What I was going for was that difficulty increases every mission, and stays true to the movies, yet makes the person feel more like they really are destroying Middle-Earth. That's why the Shire mission is intended as an Introduction (literally; very easy). It gets more interesting at Weathertop, and so on and so on, and having six (or five) against the three hobbits and Aragorn should be fine, although perhaps giving Aragorn a damage boost (fire atack) should make it work.

I think Naz was going for the Black Gate as the final Good mission, seeing as the Good campaign would pretty much follow on directly from the BFME 1 campaign. I like your ideas Kraken, although the bit with Sauron actually joining the fight wouldn't work when he doesn't have the Ring....in fact, I dont even know if giving him the Ring would allow him to assume that form again. Then again, in my version of the Evil Campaign you do get to use him, so eh. :wink_new:

Although......if you meant that in the Evil campgain your suppossed to 'lose' after the Army of the Dead or something like that then follow up with your Black Gate idea, then I dont think that would work so much; it's true to the films, but not to everything that happens. I'd want that to be the last mission because it's extremely hard, and also because I think it is pretty much a fact that if Minas Tirith was razed to the ground and all the 'heroes' of Middle-Earth defeated there would be no real way for the Free Peoples to recover from that blow. Gondor and Rohan would be pretty much leaderless and spent anyway, the Elves would likely retreat (the rest of them) with a few staying to protect their lands, or band together at Rivendell or some other place. You can even throw in the Dwarves in that encounter, and that's where I got the idea of the last 'bonus' mission from.

Captain Beremir, I think that might work considering there are actually visions of the Shire being burned and Lorien is also featured in the films, so those two would work well as missions taking place after 'Fall of Man' (bonus missions; see 'Dominion of Middle-Earth'). Just chane them around to include Sauron or Ringwraiths and Orc and what-not. The rest I think goes away from the movies, but it would really help to get all factions included. Great ideas everyone!

By the way, Ill repost my missions so they arent so jumbled up and messy, an I'll add edits.

1. Scouring of the Shire (Black Riders)
Introduction to the SEE mod, you try to find the ‘Baggins’, and thus you run around with several of the Black Riders (how many; I forgot XD), killing any opposing hobbits, except for some ‘neutral’ hobbits that give you directions (block of the corresponding section of the map ‘till you see them). Basically just getting the player into the story.

2. Weathertop (Black Riders)
Continuation of the pursuit of Frodo, you get several of the Black Riders (including an unnamed Witch-King) and you must fight off Aragorn and the three other hobbits; finish the mission after ‘defeating’ them and get one of the Black Riders to use the Morgul Blade ability (make all level 1 except for ‘the witch-king’) on a now appearing Frodo.

3. Rise of Isengard (Saruman and Uruk-hai and Orcs)
Beginning of Saruman’s hordes; chop down trees and corrupt the land surrounding Orthanc as you create the first Uruk-hai, then fight off the army of Rohan (very similar to BFME1 counerpart)

4. Burning of Fangorn Forest (Uruk-hai and Orcs)
Exactly the same as BFME1 counterpart, except no Saruman and player gets lots of Orcs.

5. Fires of Doom (Massive Goblin (Moria) army, Balrog(duel-Gandalf gets reborn later)
The player finds themselves using the Goblins for only once in the campaign, where they must ‘hold off’ the Fellowship with their near endless numbers (basically just a massive gobbie spam with no re-enforcements or buildings) in the halls of the great city until the timer counts-down (Balrog), then scene changes to the bridge of Khazad-Dum where he must defeat Gandalf the Grey(who will spam his abilities).

6. Skirmish at Amon Hen (Lurtz and Uruk-hai)
Lurtz and his Uruk-hai company attack the Fellowship, where they kill Boromir, ‘defeat’ Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli and ‘capture’ Merry and Pippin.

7. Siege of Helms Deep (Lurtz and Uruk-hai-massive army)
Basically Helms Deep from BFME1 except you get no buildings, same as those that defend the walls (except the Citadel), you get massive waves every minute and eventually you will get a siege mine (more will come in case it fails, even if the walls or the gate have been breached), the walls are pretty much full with Elves (I mean full) along with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Haldir, there are Elves set to bombard the area just in front of the wall from behind it, lots of Rohan archers on the gate and around the citadel along with many Rohan peasants behind the gate with Theoden and Gamling providing support for that area. The only way to win is to kill every unit and destroy the citadel, and that includes (edit) DEFEATING Eomer’s large Rohirrim army (along with Gandalf the White).

8. Battle of Edoras (Uruk-hai-smaller army)
Moving forward, another smaller host of the White Hand legions besieges Edoras to destroy any remnants of Rohan civilization and rulership, defended by many archers and peasants.

9. Terror in Ithilien (Haradrim)
The story turns east to the forests of Northern Ithilien, where a large convoy of Haradrim leading Mumakil is attacked by the Ithilien Rangers led by Faramir (consider making this the focal point of the ‘Evil-Men’s’ introduction?), and the player must burn down (or knock down) the forests to uncover the Forbidden Pool that will call constant re-enforcements of deadly rangers to Faramir’s aid (edit) who will then be forced to flee after its destruction.

10. Destruction of Osgiliath (Witch-King and the Nazgul and Gothmog and massive Orc-army)
The prologue to the Great Battle of the Third Age, you must push into Osgiliath and take over the bridges with the great army of Mordor whilst destroying all in your path. This is also where Gondor’s main forces are fist seen in the campaign.

11. Finding of the Ring (Takes place in Shelob’s Lair; Ugluk, Black Uruks, Orcs)
This is where fate intervenes to either save Frodo and signal the end of Sauron or spell doom for the lands of Middle-Earth, as you must use the large, yet limited, amount of orcs and black-uruks at your disposal to fend off Shelob, send Gollum fleeing for his life and kill Sam and Frodo to claim the One Ring.

12. Fall of Man (Takes place in Minas Tirith; massive Orc-army and massive Uruk-hai army with Grond spawned late in mission, Witch-King and the Nazgul, Gothmog, Saruman, Lurtz, etc, etc)
You start off with a massive army of Orcs and the Nine (as well as Gothmog), and like with Helms Deep you periodically get more waves of Orcs, until you get Grond; the city is virtually impossible to breach even with the siege towers and the catapults because of the fully upgraded and levelled units and heroes defending it (any Gondor heroes that haven’t been killed yet LOL), also because there are soldiers AND archers on the walls. Then everything speeds up (except the wave timers) as you move into the city to be greeted by Gandalf the White and the many soldiers accompanying him. The player will then be told to dismount the Witch-King at the gates where Gandalf will be on his horse, and the two will duel. If the Witch-King dies, then the mission is failed, so the flaming sword ability comes in use here. The soldiers should also be focusing on the Orc hordes.

A minute later, a horn blast will sound signalling the remains of Rohan’s military, a large and well equipped + trained force of cavalry led by Eomer and Eowyn and they will have a permanent ‘Glorious Charge’ effect (they never slow when crushing in particular, although I think that was only in BFME 1). A minute after that, the player will hear the sounds of Mumakil roaring as the Rohirrim sweep across the Orc lines, and then ten fully upgraded and levelled Mumakil will spawn with archers atop them, and the Rohirrim will turn to face the new threat. Two minutes hence, just as the Rohirrim should be gone, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli will arrive with the Army of the Dead at their backs. They will kill virtually all of your army, then disappear as the three heroes will rush in to the city to bolster its defence. Then, when hope seems to have been restored, another tide of Orcs will arrive, surmounted by Lurtz leading the entire Army of the White Hand. A Balrog will be summoned too, and will have an infinite timer. Then it’s up to the player to use their heroes and units wisely to finally destroy the White City.

13. Dominion of Middle-Earth (Final mission just for fun; all units and heroes aside from the Moria faction (except for the Balrog) including Sauron attack Rivendell or some other random place )
This is the only mission where buildings are buildable, and they are optional too. You’re armies and all the heroes you have will be more than enough anyway I would suggest placing Rivendell as the location for this mission, but eh. Just make it that there are tonnes of Elves of every kind (they form up to defend the last real sanctuary that stands between Sauron and the Elves that flee to Mithlond and then to Valinor) that are fully upgraded and levelled, plus all Elven heroes (except for Haldir) who are fully levelled up too. It will be difficult no matter what you choose to do, but either option (build or keep your army as it is) can still gain total victory.

(edit) Also pending adding some missions from the War in the North (Captain Beremir's ideas) and changing them to suit the 'Sauron Returned' effect.

14. Credits: All members of the SEE team, including those that have left.

#26 Guest_aNaRcHiSt44_*

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 11:24 PM

Woops I noticed another problem; Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arriving with the Army of the Dead....ok;

7. Siege of Helms Deep (Lurtz and Uruk-hai-massive army)
Basically Helms Deep from BFME1 except you get no buildings, same as those that defend the walls (except the Citadel), you get massive waves every minute and eventually you will get a siege mine (more will come in case it fails, even if the walls or the gate have been breached), the walls are pretty much full with Elves (I mean full) along with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli who can only be defeated and Haldir, there are Elves set to bombard the area just in front of the wall from behind it, lots of Rohan archers on the gate and around the citadel along with many Rohan peasants behind the gate with Theoden and Gamling providing support for that area. The only way to win is to kill every unit and destroy the citadel, and that includes (edit) DEFEATING Eomer’s large Rohirrim army (along with Gandalf the White).

There we go :p

#27 Lt Commander Chris

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 04:52 PM

Nobody has mentioned a structure including the good; this thread has been very much focussed on who can get the coolest evil campaign with exiting evil-biased situations :p

I would suggest a campaign which is a prequel to what we see in the Lord of the Rings in that rather than follow the ring-bearer or another campaign at the same time, we see the wane of Gondor and the struggle to keep Sauron at bay and the ongoing war before the climax (Faramir and his Ithilien rangers are just a small example that we happen to see in the film), and examples, apart from the gradual dwindling of Gondor's territory are such things such as the White Council driving Sauron from Dol Guldur (different faction integration), all the border skirmishes, the loss of the east bank of Osgiliath etc.

Would be a campaign militarily interesting and playable from both sides.
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#28 *Ranger*

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 07:16 PM

I would love a campaign that focuses on the struggle of Gondor and others before the official start of war of the ring. As Boromir said "its the blood of our people while your lands of kept safe" (or something like that). Before the war started Gondor will struggling to the hold of Osgiliath from constant attack from Mordor, even though they were just harasing forces. Also Rohan was slowly being crippled by saruman and their military strength was being lost by someone, so it would be good to have a few missions that still had all the action, by it was before the war of the ring.

Edited by *Ranger*, 13 October 2008 - 07:33 PM.

#29 kraken

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 09:30 PM

How much information do you have on the battles before the ones in the LotR? Added to the ones that you have said, there is the battle in which Theoden's son dies (it is the Fords of Isen?) and you could argue for the battle of 5 armies to be in there, with a little rejigging (Thorin Oakenshield, Bard and Bolg are missing at least and Bilbo would look a lot younger). Or is that too far back?

#30 *Ranger*

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 10:05 PM

Yeah thats too far back, i was thinking of most of the battles when evil was rising, about 0-5 years before the start of the war of the ring. i dont know most of them but ill look it up.

Edited by *Ranger*, 13 October 2008 - 10:06 PM.

#31 Gfire



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Posted 14 October 2008 - 12:39 AM

Battles of the fords of Isen would be cool. Also, since this mod is film-based, it might not be the smartest to do stuff from the hobbit until the movies come out (in 2010-11 I think.)
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#32 Lauri


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Posted 14 October 2008 - 09:16 PM

so let's put SEE on pause until then! :shiftee:

Seriously though, I don't think there's any need to have old battles in the mod :p After all, the Battle of the Five armies are almost 80 years before the time of the mod :p I think it's about 80 years... 60 before Frodo get's the ring, then another 17 before he sets of his journey.. :shiftee: so yeah, about 77.. :shiftee:


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#33 Prince of the Dark Forest

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Posted 29 October 2008 - 09:25 AM

so let's put SEE on pause until then! :p

Seriously though, I don't think there's any need to have old battles in the mod ;) After all, the Battle of the Five armies are almost 80 years before the time of the mod ;) I think it's about 80 years... 60 before Frodo get's the ring, then another 17 before he sets of his journey.. :p so yeah, about 77.. :p

Perhaps we could replace one of the campaigns with an 'Old Battles' campaign. And the other campaign would be replaced by this.
Ignited into the world in a flash of lightning, it gleams faintly in the heart of its mother, wood. It begins as an ember, a mere wisp of heat and colour. Its chance of survival at this critical moment is minute, yet it fights on, against the unforgiving cold, against the depths of night and against its mortal enemy: rain.

#34 Prince of the Dark Forest

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Posted 29 October 2008 - 11:30 AM

Sorry to double post, but I have some developed ideas for a film-based campaign:

Campaign 1- Shire/Weathertop/Rivendell
This is going to be a very long campaign:
Escape from Shire whilst Nazgul are after hobbits. Narrative meeting Strider and off Strider leading hobbits to Weathertop. Then Aragorn (armed with torch) must fight off the Nazgul as they all target Frodo. When all Nazgul are hurt very badly, they flee (except for last Nazgul). The Final Nazgul (The Witch King) gets past Aragorn and stabs Frodo.
Witch-King also flees, narrative showing Aragorn and company camping in wood when Arwen appears and offers to take Frodo. Player must guide Arwen whilst avoiding Nazgul. If she makes it to the river, the campaign ends with Nazgul being trampled by Water horses.

Campaign 2- Moria
Opening narrative showing Fellowship is forced to go under the Mountain.
As they approach entrance, Watcher in the Water is summoned. They must fight it off without any casualties.
Once they are inside, they go through a maze of tunnels with small hordes of goblins on the way to Blain’s tomb room.
Once in the tomb room, after a little narrative from Gandalf, drums start to sound outside.
The door is smashed through by Goblins. There should be about 6 hordes of them (4 Warriors, 2 Pikemen). The Fellowship has to fight them off.
After most of the goblins are dead, A Cave troll bursts through the door, carrying a hammer and chain.
Cave Troll targets Frodo, but Fellowship has to defend him and kill Cave Troll.
More drums sound, and another narrative as Gandalf leads them out of another door. Narrative continues with Fellowship crossing the bridges and steps above the lava.
Player controls Fellowship to the bridge. Balrog is summoned in narrative whilst rest of Fellowship flee and Gandalf stays behind.
One on one fight with Balrog, player must control Gandalf and defeat Balrog.
Here, the Balrog is invincible to Gandalf’s attack. If he uses his spells, Balrog merely flinches and is temporarily stunned, but not hurt. Gandalf must lead Balrog to bridge and Balrog will follow, then the weight of both will crush the bridge and both fall. (This makes the player think how else to dispose of the Balrog if Gandalf’s powers don’t have the same effect)
Then there is another narrative, this time of Fellowship making it out of the mines. Campaign ends with Fellowship trekking to the bottom of the mountain.

Campaign 3- Amon Hen
Opening narrative showing Fellowship camping at the shore with boats nearby.
We see Frodo walking near some ruins when suddenly Boromir comes along and tries to steal the ring off Frodo. Player must control Frodo to make him invisible and escape Boromir.
Then a horn blows and we see Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in a clearing whilst some 12 hordes of Uruk (12 Scouts) approach. Player must again fight them off without losing any casualties.
Once all Uruk are dead, Boromir’s Horn sounds far off and Aragorn goes to protect him.
We see Boromir defending Merry and Pippin with Glorius Death when Lurtz finishes him off. Remaining Uruk scouts disappear with Merry and Pippin when Aragorn arrives. Player must control him to finish off Lurtz.
Campaign ends with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas setting off into the woods, the Uruk scouts carrying Merry and Pippin and Frodo and Sam setting off into the woods on the other side of the river.

I don't know if any of that's possible, but I think it would be really cool!

What do you guys think? (btw, I'll post more later, this is just the Felloship of the Ring Mission. I need to try and finish all the major battles of WotR in 8 missions... Or can we go over that? Is it possible to have more than 8 in a campaign?
Ignited into the world in a flash of lightning, it gleams faintly in the heart of its mother, wood. It begins as an ember, a mere wisp of heat and colour. Its chance of survival at this critical moment is minute, yet it fights on, against the unforgiving cold, against the depths of night and against its mortal enemy: rain.

#35 zachdaddy_3000



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 07:45 PM

I think that's actually a pretty damn good idea. Now get scripting!
Do not come between a Zach and his........Zach?

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#36 Prince of the Dark Forest

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Posted 30 October 2008 - 07:48 PM

I think that's actually a pretty damn good idea. Now get scripting!

Who? Me? I don't know the first thing about modding BFME 2... I can't even mod the English.big, how am I meant to script it? :p

Edited by Prince of the Dark Forest, 30 October 2008 - 07:48 PM.

Ignited into the world in a flash of lightning, it gleams faintly in the heart of its mother, wood. It begins as an ember, a mere wisp of heat and colour. Its chance of survival at this critical moment is minute, yet it fights on, against the unforgiving cold, against the depths of night and against its mortal enemy: rain.

#37 Gfire



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Posted 31 October 2008 - 05:04 PM

I think that's actually a pretty damn good idea. Now get scripting!

Who? Me? I don't know the first thing about modding BFME 2... I can't even mod the English.big, how am I meant to script it? ;)

That would be mostly map scripting. :sad:
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#38 zakske

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Posted 31 October 2008 - 05:22 PM

Hey Prince of the Dark Forest...,

I hope you're not going to take any offense with this, but I don't think these ideas are very useful at the moment...
Like Zach said, your ideas are great, but at the moment there's no one who's going to start scripting the campaign.

I think what Zach meant was that a lot of ideas are given and a lot of expectations are coming with it... Expectations that may or may not be fulfilled... And most likely the second one...

Ideas with no-one scripting them remain ideas, at least for the moment, and it would be great if someone would start to script yours, but at the moment, I'm afraid, there isn't anyone I know of who would get started on it...

Once again, I hope you're not taking any offense and I hope you get my point (I always kinda circle around things because I don't really know how to say them in English XD)


#39 Prince of the Dark Forest

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Posted 31 October 2008 - 06:28 PM

Hey Prince of the Dark Forest...,

I hope you're not going to take any offense with this, but I don't think these ideas are very useful at the moment...
Like Zach said, your ideas are great, but at the moment there's no one who's going to start scripting the campaign.

I think what Zach meant was that a lot of ideas are given and a lot of expectations are coming with it... Expectations that may or may not be fulfilled... And most likely the second one...

Ideas with no-one scripting them remain ideas, at least for the moment, and it would be great if someone would start to script yours, but at the moment, I'm afraid, there isn't anyone I know of who would get started on it...

Once again, I hope you're not taking any offense and I hope you get my point (I always kinda circle around things because I don't really know how to say them in English XD)


It's ok, no offence taken! :sad:

I'm useless at modding, I'm an ideas guy...
Ignited into the world in a flash of lightning, it gleams faintly in the heart of its mother, wood. It begins as an ember, a mere wisp of heat and colour. Its chance of survival at this critical moment is minute, yet it fights on, against the unforgiving cold, against the depths of night and against its mortal enemy: rain.

#40 Gfire



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Posted 31 October 2008 - 10:32 PM

Hey Prince of the Dark Forest...,

I hope you're not going to take any offense with this, but I don't think these ideas are very useful at the moment...
Like Zach said, your ideas are great, but at the moment there's no one who's going to start scripting the campaign.

I think what Zach meant was that a lot of ideas are given and a lot of expectations are coming with it... Expectations that may or may not be fulfilled... And most likely the second one...

Ideas with no-one scripting them remain ideas, at least for the moment, and it would be great if someone would start to script yours, but at the moment, I'm afraid, there isn't anyone I know of who would get started on it...

Once again, I hope you're not taking any offense and I hope you get my point (I always kinda circle around things because I don't really know how to say them in English XD)


It's ok, no offence taken! :sad:

I'm useless at modding, I'm an ideas guy...

Well, they are good ideas. Maybe another mod that is doing a campaign at this time would be interested in them. ;)
Greetings, community.

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