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The SEE Trailer

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#1 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 11 October 2008 - 05:08 PM

Over the next few weeks, we'll decide in this topic what material will be shown in the trailer . The first person who should have something to say about this is of course our dear Nazgûl, so after he has given us a general idea about the content, we can add all the details.

My personal idea is to follow the general chronology of the films, this way we can separately introduce all the factions and heroes the way it happened in the films. First the fellowship + Goblins in Moria, then Elves in Lórien, then Isengard vs Rohan, then Mordor vs Gondor. The dwarves could be added somewhere in between, or we could combine the dwarves and elves to show the war in the north a bit. Since SEE is a film mod, I think it's very important that we add various scenes from the films like zach did in his teaser.

All the things mentioned above belong in the first part of the trailer, composed by Dre@mer. The second part will show the Evil Men and new additions in beta 4.7, which will be made by zachdaddy_3000

The highlights of the mod that should be shown are (in my opinion):

- Film-based accuracy, combined with a graphical overhaul

- Many new units, heroes and maps

- The new AI

- The RJ camera system

- The added realism (siege, powers, build times, ...)

- The new faction of the Evil Men
(only in part 2)

- The new additions in Beta 4.7 (only in part 2)

Everyone is invited to post their own ideas :) !


Edit: mike_ posted this script a few months ago, maybe it gives everyone some inspiration.

Here's an updated version:
SHOW: Barad-dur on MOUNT DOOM map, shown from GROUND VIEW. The camera is inching slowly towards the tower, when the "beam" from The Eye locks onto the camera. Sauron voiceover, "I SEE YOU."
CUT TO: [shown from GENERAL VIEW] The Eye of Sauron passes over and onto Saruman [zoom in to Saruman] in front of Orthanc, voiceover from Sauron, "Build me an army..."
CUT TO: [shown from GENERAL VIEW] Rohan Farm, surrounded by Peasants. Suddenly, Dunlendings with lit torches and Scout Uruks kill many of the Peasants and light the Farm on fire.
CUT TO: [GENERAL VIEW] The surviving Peasants (two or three) are shown fleeing, voiceover from Theoden, "They will pillage and burn. We've seen it before."
CUT TO: [shown from: COMMANDER VIEW, looking down the collumn] An army of Fully-Upgraded Uruk-hai are shown marching across open plains in a long block, voiceover from Aragorn, "Open war is upon you. Whether you would have it or not."
[cue music track, "HELM'S DEEP" from The Two Towers Soundtrack]
CUT TO: [shown from: UNIT VIEW, from among the Dwarves' ] A battalion of Dwarven Warriors (?) is attacked by two hordes of Goblin Warriors. Reinforcements from both sides arrive and join in the conflict.
CUT TO: [shown from: UNIT VIEW, from over Gandalf's shoulder] Grond breaks down the Gate of Minas Tirith, and several Trolls with Siege Maces, many Morgul Orcs, some Warg Riders, and Easterling Pikemen run through. Gandalf on Shadowfax stands behind a wall of Gondor Spearmen, in front of a mass of Gondor Archers. Gandalf voiceover, "Volley!" and the Archers do so. The wave of enemies slams into the shieldwall. On the walls, Gondor Archers can be seen in the background firing into Mordor's army out and inside the City as fireballs soar over and through them and into Minas Tirith.
Gandalf voiceover,"The board is set."
CUT TO: [shown from: GENERAL VIEW] Celeborn stands in some trees, stealthed. An army of Orcs is seen running through a path in the woods. Suddenly, many battalions of Elven Archers unstealth and open fire, killing several Orcs in the first ranks. Some Elves draw swords, and they Elves attack the Orcs' sides.
Gandalf voiceover,"The pieces are in motion."
CUT TO: [shown from: GENERAL VIEW] A fleet of Elven ships are shown heading to the left of the screen, in a clump. Then, a smaller fleet of Corsair ships come up from the bottom of the screen, and attack the Elven ships.
CUT TO: [shown from: COMMANDER VIEW] Gothmog on Warg rides in a line between two battalions of Mordor Orcs.
[cue music track,"THE BATTLE OF THE PELLENOR FIELDS" from the Return of the King soundtrack]
CUT TO: [shown from: GROUND VIEW, among the Knights] A battalion of Gondor Knights is shown running across a field, when a Nazgul on Fell Beast swoops down and grabs one of them, knocking the others down.
CUT TO: [shown from: UNIT VIEW] A few scattered Uruk-hai are shown running into a woods, were Ents unstealth and destroy them. Gandalf the White, Eomer, Theoden, and a battalion of Rohirrim ride onto a hill and look on.
Gandalf voiceover,"Sauron's wrath will be terrible. His retribution swift."
CUT TO: [shown from: GROUND VIEW, among the Orcs] The NEW Minas Tirith is shown, the lower levels on fire, with Nazgul on Fell Beasts swooping down upon. A HUGE army of Orcs, Trolls, Siege Towers, Mumakil, Catapults, and everything else available is shown standing outside of it. GROND is attacking the GATE.
CUT TO: [shown from: COMMANDER VIEW, among the Rohirrim] A massive army of Rohirrim (still signifcantly smaller than the Orcs') is seen on top of a hill. Theoden is front of them, on horseback. The camera is positioned so that it's looking down to the Orc army.
Theoden voiceover, "A red day! A sword day! Ere the sword's rising! Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride to death, and the world's ending!"
He turns to the Rohirrim, his horse rears up. He continues, "DEATH!" He turns again, "DEATH!" The Rohirrim CHEER and voiceover, "DEATH!" They repeat this three more times, and then charge down the slope, gathering speed.
The Rohirrim get closer and closer to the Orc lines, and they meet. BEFORE ANY COMBAT IS SEEN:
IMMEDIATELY CUT TO: [black screen]
Gandalf Voiceover, "The Battle for Middle-earth is about to begin."
CUT TO: The S.E.E. website address and logo appear for a few (three or four) seconds.
CUT TO: [movie clip] Gandalf in Minas Tirith, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
What d'you think? Still seems more than a little short, though...


The previous topics about this trailer can be found here:



Edited by Mordor Slayer, 12 October 2008 - 08:48 PM.

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#2 Nazgûl


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:17 PM

This is a really big project, and I wish you the best of luck. You have gathered some good talent, and that's a promising start. I won't get my hopes up though, cause due to the magnitute of this work load, I wouldn't be surprised if people dropped out half ways into it. But I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best :shiftee:

// C}{riZpc_punch.gif
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

#3 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:25 PM

Have you got anything to say about what should be in? Or can we use our wildest imaginations =)?
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#4 mike_


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 06:44 PM

If it was me I'd do like in the script above...work around the focus of the mod (NJM's Minas Tirith, Rj-Cam, multiple Orc skins, bigger armies, larger units (Mumakil, Grond), movie-mod, etc) by doing a larger, remastered version of the "Siege of Gondor" BFME1 trailer.

#5 Nazgûl


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 08:04 PM

Have you got anything to say about what should be in? Or can we use our wildest imaginations =)?

You seem to be on the right track... Unfortionately I don't have time to get involved in the trailer, so I'm gonna out my trust in you completely. Just think:
- Storyline of the movies
- Spirit of the movies
- Trademarks of the mod: multiple orc models, new units, new skins, new faction, RJ cam, Siege, AI, realism, and so on...
- Movie feeling
- Suitable music

...things like that :p

// C}{riZpc_punch.gif
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

#6 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 08:51 PM

If it was me I'd do like in the script above...work around the focus of the mod (NJM's Minas Tirith, Rj-Cam, multiple Orc skins, bigger armies, larger units (Mumakil, Grond), movie-mod, etc) by doing a larger, remastered version of the "Siege of Gondor" BFME1 trailer.

And where can I find that trailer?

@ Nazgûl: thanks, that's all I needed to know :p !
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#7 mike_


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 09:09 PM

EDIT: Closest I could find to it.

Edited by mike_, 12 October 2008 - 09:13 PM.

#8 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 09:48 PM

Ah, the memories... When everyone still had high hopes for this game. That's a nice concept, but it doesn't quite introduce all factions. But part of it should definitely be in.
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#9 mike_


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Posted 12 October 2008 - 09:56 PM

The first trailer doesn't have to announce all factions :p it'd probably work better to give each faction it's own trailer anyway.


combining them into "battle trailers" which feature the multiple combatants (Elves, Moria, Erebor, and Rhun in one (MotW, Mordor, Harad in another)). I'm aware of the whole Men of the East alliance-thingy, but that would help show them both equally where they should be.

#10 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 10:01 PM

Hm, interesting idea :p. Let's see what the others say.

Edited by Mordor Slayer, 12 October 2008 - 10:02 PM.

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#11 Ed Of The 3rd Kind

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 10:22 PM

Maybe cut the trailer into sections, that diversify each culture as their own individually, starting with peaceful pans and sweeps over different terrains (faction oriented of course) without saying too much about the different attributes yet, set up the awe factor for the world your inviting people into.... then once that is established, bring them crashing into some fast cuts of the different units and various attributes of the mod, finally ending with something epic like a monster bursting forth on the battle field or grond/ something huge that will leave people with the flavour of the mod and the want for gaming...

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#12 Elearen

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 01:45 PM

I think you should feature the hobbits and the shire with the shire theme from the soundtrack.
There's a reason to all the fighting remember.

And I think that when the mod title shows it should play the same music as the movies had when they showed the title.
(#1 on the RotK soundtrack.)

I think you should have a unit's view of a Mumakil/elephant and it's death animation. ie the beast comes crashing down into the camera, flattening nearby enemies.
Just for that epic feeling.


#13 orcman3334

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 02:14 PM

hey I'm new, wassup everyone!

I wanted to say a couple ideas for the trailer content for SEE.

Firstly maybe the Mumakil should charge AT the camera at the tail end of the trailer, and then it would show some text saying something along the lines of, "they are coming" or better yet!, add a voice clip from the FOTR when Gandalf says, in Moria, they are coming.

Secondly maybe you guys can display the new units/fraction and show them in battle

Lastly, maybe there can be huge battle scenes with the new/old stuff and have different match-ups in the same spot like Evil men vs MOTW or mordor vs dwarves and it would fade from one scene to another in the same spot.

those are my ideas for content, tell me what you guys think!
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#14 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 05:15 PM

I like the concept of separate trailer/separate section for every faction. But I really need zach's and Dre@mers input on this.
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#15 Dre@mer


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Posted 13 October 2008 - 06:10 PM

Thank you for the ideas guys. I see a bit of contradiction in your suggestions.

Some of you want to see storyline and spirit of the movies, or even a variation on EA's BFME1 trailer. While that is possible, there would be no place for introducing new stuff. Besides, this could lead into campaign expectations, which is not happening.

Ed's and orcman's ideas seem more sensible to me as we could display all the new features of the mod through skirmish battles (in appropriate fashion of course).

That said, what you want to highlight is your choice. Just sort out your ideas and give me some basic outlines.

#16 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 08:08 PM

Maybe cut the trailer into sections, that diversify each culture as their own individually, starting with peaceful pans and sweeps over different terrains (faction oriented of course) without saying too much about the different attributes yet, set up the awe factor for the world your inviting people into.... then once that is established, bring them crashing into some fast cuts of the different units and various attributes of the mod, finally ending with something epic like a monster bursting forth on the battle field or grond/ something huge that will leave people with the flavour of the mod and the want for gaming...

Let's use this as a base (thanks for the idea Ed!)

One trailer for two factions (one good vs one evil faction in one trailer)... Three sections:

1) 'Peaceful' introduction to the good and/or evil faction (base, maps, ...)

2) Then a showdown of the units, heroes, new features, ... of that particular faction. An army assembles.

3) Lastly a large epic battle scene with some (victorious) music of one specific faction in the background, which changes when the other faction turns the tide. Powers, 'super' units and such can be shown in this phase.

A good example to keep in the back of your head is the original EA intro trailer for TBFMEII, particularly the sections about the dwarves: first some peaceful shots of miners, an overview of a dwarven camp, then the axethrowers who are practicing and then a brutal battle against the goblins... You get the idea :xd:.

Also note that there are still some bugs with the camera system (spots of black skies), so be prepared to replace some scenes later on. If you don't mind, I'd like you to start with Gondor vs Mordor Dre@mer (just forget about Rohan for the moment, they'll get new units in the new beta). When you've finished a part or the general outline (it doesn't have to be finished at all) PM it to me so I can take a look. Don't post it in this topic, it has to be a surprise for everyone :rolleyes: .

Suggestions for music or shots or requests for required material can be asked for in this topic.

Edited by Mordor Slayer, 14 October 2008 - 09:12 PM.

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#17 Ed Of The 3rd Kind

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 08:38 PM

The patches of black can be solved usually by going into scripts on the map that is provided you have you sky box and reveals in place all ready

So go into scripts/camera/adjust/change depth of field and modifying the normal depth of frustrum to something like 10, this is one of the methods I figured out how to make the sky backgrounds appear while not having half the landscape disappear in the process

Edited by Ed Of The 3rd Kind, 14 October 2008 - 08:39 PM.

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#18 Lauri


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Posted 14 October 2008 - 09:00 PM

Why mot make a 3-4 minutes trailer, which contains the mod in it's own way?
Not remaking the movies.. :p

The way I would do it, would be like this, and no, I haven't read any other ideas, so sorry if it seems stolen or anything :p

Gondor\Rohan men gathers, and stands fast against a horde of orcs and guys of Mordor, and a little fight there, with possibly a screech from a Nazgûl to end it all..
Then it's faded onto uruks of Isengard that marches towards the Lothlorien forest (for example), and get's ambushed by the elves, and a little fight there, showing elven heroes :p
Then we're taken to Erebor, where hell is raised by goblins attacking the dwarves...

Maybe take the Gondor battle last though, with evil men coming after the orcs, then at the very end, a Nazgûl appears... :shiftee:
Of course, that would result in a action-oriented trailer, and not really showing off much of the aspects of the mod itself... :shiftee:

Maybe having lots of peace could do a trick, cause it takes some time to build an army in the mod, which is a major key point ;)

Remember kids, don't show off every new unit and hero... that's not good karma :shiftee:
Focus on the main changes...


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#19 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 09:11 PM

One trailer would be too short I'm afraid. But maybe 6 trailers would be too much :shiftee:. I've changed it to one good faction vs one evil faction, so that makes:

- Gondor vs Mordor
- Isengard vs Rohan
- Dwarves + Elves vs Goblins
- Rhun vs ? (possibly Gondor again, without showing the latter extensively, or maybe Gondor + Rohan)

Edited by Mordor Slayer, 15 October 2008 - 05:35 PM.

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#20 orcman3334

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 09:31 PM

hey mordor slayer I have a great idea for the music!

have you ever heard of the song Waxing Elizabeth from young sherlock holmes?

if not here is the link to a(slower out of tuned) version of it, listen up til 3:44 on it


download link of it(much better) http://bruce-brought...it.net/_/606167

Edited by orcman3334, 14 October 2008 - 09:32 PM.

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