I could give you all RA3 Voices & Explosion sounds if you want.
We have all RA3 voices on request but we aren't using them as quite frankly they are awful and the explosions/weapons fire is wimpy and suckage.
If you want voice actors, why dont you get people from revora to send them in?
I remember one of the generals mods that had a thread on people getting their voices into it(contra i think...)
You just put out the call, and then any that people send in you look over. if they are good you use them, if not then dont.
You could also take voices from all the other C&C games(and even other games too)
[just make sure they are fitting. No terrorist voices for yuri or stuff like that...]
You could even use a sound editor on normal voices to make them sound all machine-like, then give them to nexus.
You guys are giving answers which we've come to a similar conclusion or resolution from the start.. One time I requested some VA's a while ago in the recruitment topic and nobody replied.. This is why I'm looking in other places, because the C&C community isn't a voice actors community and voice acting is a wholly separate skill of its own.
We already take voices from other games than C&C.. you have listened to the RS preview vids..? We also did robotize some game voices to sound Nexus-like such as the Predator mech's voice proxy it uses at the moment as a sort of nice experiment we did. As for voice quality me and Apollo always keep our eyes on what fits and what doesn't so you might hear different voice at one stage and a better one or a temporary one to test out in other vids as everything is still a WIP with the mod. Of course as its TC and to make the mod look more professional (and look better for all of us) we always want to do our own scratchbuild voices so at the moment I'm just scouting for interesting voices online and logging them down after giving the QA check to Apollo as voices is kind of low priority. You might wonder who we plan to ask for Nexus and we know who it is
Edited by Elerium, 06 January 2009 - 01:50 AM.