Nert's Coding Questions
Posted 14 July 2009 - 03:15 PM
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:20 AM
RadarPriority = STRUCTURE KindOf = PRELOAD STRUCTURE SELECTABLE IMMOBILE SCORE CAPTURABLE FS_FACTORY AUTO_RALLYPOINT MP_COUNT_FOR_VICTORY NEED_BASE_FOUNDATION ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT MADE_OF_STONE Behavior = GettingBuiltBehavior ModuleTag_04 WorkerName = DwarfWorkerNoSelect End Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB End Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_05 MaxHealth = TDH_DWARVES_ROOKERY_HEALTH MaxHealthDamaged = TDH_DWARVES_ROOKERY_HEALTH_DAMAGED MaxHealthReallyDamaged = TDH_DWARVES_ROOKERY_HEALTH_REALLY_DAMAGED DamageCreationList = OCL_BuildingDamageList01 CATAPULT_ROCK ; Disabled until advanced d2s complete ;DamageCreationList = OCL_GBBarracksN2D2_Chunk1 CATAPULT_ROCK FRONT_DESTROYED ;DamageCreationList = OCL_GBBarracksN2D2_Chunk2 CATAPULT_ROCK RIGHT_DESTROYED ;DamageCreationList = OCL_GBBarracksN2D2_Chunk3 CATAPULT_ROCK BACK_DESTROYED ;DamageCreationList = OCL_GBBarracksN2D2_Chunk4 CATAPULT_ROCK LEFT_DESTROYED End Behavior = ProductionUpdate ModuleTag_06 ; nothing End ; Right on the perch. Behavior = QueueProductionExitUpdate ModuleTag_07 UnitCreatePoint = X:16.35 Y:-8.8 Z:9.178 NaturalRallyPoint = X:16.35 Y:-8.8 Z:9.178 ExitDelay = 100 End ; --- grant this upgrade on construction Behavior = GrantUpgradeCreate ModuleTag_GrantUpdateRookeryISHERE UpgradeToGrant = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryExists End ; -- Roost Starts with raven sight upgrade Behavior = GrantUpgradeCreate ModuleTag_GrantUpdateRavenSight UpgradeToGrant = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight End ; -- regrant actual upgrades on commandset swap Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade StealthUpgrade02 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth Delay = 0.1 GrantUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth DestroyWhenSold = Yes End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade SpeedUpgrade02 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed Delay = 0.1 GrantUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed DestroyWhenSold = Yes End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade SightUpgrade02 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight Delay = 0.1 GrantUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight DestroyWhenSold = Yes End ; -- SIGHT MODIFIER: swap commandset, remove all other object upgrades and start attributemodifer Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveAllSight TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight ;keep a generic name so it can be reused :P RemovesUpgrades = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed CommandSet = DwarfRookeryCommandSetSightOn End Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_UpgradeSight TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth StartsActive = No BonusName = RavenSightBonus;RohanWallPassiveLeadership RefreshDelay = 1000 Range = 100000 ObjectFilter = NONE +DwarfRaven End ; Old method OBSOLETE ; Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade RemoveUpgradesExceptStealth ; TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth ; Delay = 0.0 ; RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight ; DestroyWhenSold = Yes ;;DeathAnimAndDuration = AnimState:DEATH_2 AnimTime:999999 ; Offset = X:50.0 Y:0.0 Z:68 ; End ; -- STEALTH MODIFIER: swap commandset, remove all other object upgrades, activate broadcaststealth, and start attributemodifer Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveAllStealth TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth ;keep a generic name so it can be reused :P RemovesUpgrades = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight CommandSet = DwarfRookeryCommandSetStealthOn End Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_UpgradeStealth TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight StartsActive = No BonusName = RavenStealthBonus;RohanWallPassiveLeadership RefreshDelay = 1000 Range = 100000 ObjectFilter = NONE +DwarfRaven End Behavior = BroadcastStealthUpdate ModuleTag_Stealth TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight Radius = 100000 End ; Old method OBSOLETE ; Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade RemoveUpgradesExceptSpeed ; TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed ; Delay = 0.0 ; RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth ; DestroyWhenSold = Yes ;;DeathAnimAndDuration = AnimState:DEATH_2 AnimTime:999999 ; Offset = X:50.0 Y:0.0 Z:68 ; End ; -- SPEED MODIFIER: swap commandset, remove all other object upgrades and start attributemodifer Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveAllSpeed TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed ;keep a generic name so it can be reused :P RemovesUpgrades = Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight CommandSet = DwarfRookeryCommandSetSpeedOn End Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_UpgradeSpeed TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSpeed ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarfRavenSight Upgrade_DwarfRavenStealth StartsActive = No BonusName = RavenSpeedBonus;RohanWallPassiveLeadership RefreshDelay = 1000 Range = 100000 ObjectFilter = NONE +DwarfRaven End Behavior = StructureCollapseUpdate ModuleTag_08 MinCollapseDelay = 000 MaxCollapseDelay = 000 CollapseDamping = .5 MaxShudder = 0.6 MinBurstDelay = 250 MaxBurstDelay = 800 BigBurstFrequency = 4 FXList = INITIAL FX_StructureMediumCollapse FXList = ALMOST_FINAL FX_StructureAlmostCollapse DestroyObjectWhenDone = Yes CollapseHeight = 155 ; Spawn the upgrade killing object OCL = FINAL OCL_SpawnRookeryKiller End Behavior = BuildingBehavior BuildingModuleTag End Geometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0 GeometryHeight = 10 ;; These are the actual building geometry pieces AdditionalGeometry = BOX GeometryName = Geom_Orig GeometryMajorRadius = 53.5 GeometryMinorRadius = 36 GeometryHeight = 26.5 GeometryOffset = X:7.08 Y:8.6 Z:0 AdditionalGeometry = BOX GeometryName = Geom_Orig GeometryMajorRadius = 6 GeometryMinorRadius = 20.7 GeometryHeight = 11 GeometryOffset = X:-51.7 Y:0 Z:0 GeometryIsSmall = No Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME BuildCompletion = PLACED_BY_PLAYER AttackContactPoint = X:-29 Y:29 Z:21 GeometryContactPoint = X:-20.35 Y:6.282 Z:0 Repair GeometryContactPoint = X: 50.9 Y:5.461 Z:0 Repair GeometryContactPoint = X:-19.95 Y:44.7 Z:0 Repair GeometryContactPoint = X:3.707 Y: -25.8 Z:0 Bomb GeometryContactPoint = X:-29.106 Y:25.298 Z:25.5 Swoop EndAnd the object created by the death OCL:
; //////////////////////////////////////////////// ; -------- This object is created on death, it removes the player upgrade (i hope) Object DwarfRookeryUpgradeRemover Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw DefaultModelConditionState Model = duraven_skn;doesn't matter not drawn End End KindOf = INERT IMMOBILE UNATTACKABLE Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_MakesKillWork MaxHealth = 1 End Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_HatchTrigger MinLifetime = 1 MaxLifetime = 1 End ; Grant the player upgrade Behavior = GrantUpgradeCreate ModuleTag_GrantUpdateRookeryISNOTHERE UpgradeToGrant = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryDoesNotExist End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_HatchProcess DestructionDelay = 1000 End EndAnd the relevant section of the building foundation code:
CommandSet = DwarvesFoundationCommandSet Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_WeHaveARookery TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryExists RemovesUpgrades = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryDoesNotExist CommandSet = DwarvesFoundationCommandSetMinusRookery End Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_WeHaveNoRookery TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryDoesNotExist RemovesUpgrades = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryExists CommandSet = DwarvesFoundationCommandSet EndLet me know if you want the upgrade/commandset/commandbutton codes
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:27 AM
CommandSet = DwarvesFoundationCommandSet Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveUpgrades1 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryExists RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryDoesNotExist End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveUpgrades2 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryDoesNotExist RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryExists End Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_WeHaveARookery TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryExists ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryDoesNotExist CommandSet = DwarvesFoundationCommandSetMinusRookery End Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_WeHaveNoRookery TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryDoesNotExist ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarfRookeryExists CommandSet = DwarvesFoundationCommandSet End
Posted 15 July 2009 - 04:57 PM
New plan: what is the proper usage of CommandTrigger? is it possible to have a button that spawns a fake unit (with a maxsimultaneousoftype) and then triggers a foundation construct button?
Edited by Nertea, 15 July 2009 - 05:13 PM.
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 16 July 2009 - 08:44 PM
The upgrades to change the orders have now been moved to the objects (ravens). This presents a new problem - granting an attributemodifier by an upgrade works, but then removing that attributemodifier doesn't appear to work. If the duration of the modifiers is zero, they stay permanently even when i know the object level upgrade is removed. Oh, this idea is a pain....
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 17 July 2009 - 05:47 PM
Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
*Retired. PM me if you need to get a hold of me as I'll get an email notification and should reply within a day or so*
Posted 18 July 2009 - 02:01 AM
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 18 July 2009 - 02:19 AM
Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_AragornLineOfKings4 StartsActive = No;If no, requires upgrade to turn on. BonusName = AragornLineOfKingsPersonal TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GoodHeroLV6Ability RefreshDelay = 0 Range = 200 AllowSelf = Yes ObjectFilter = ANY +GondorAragornII End
This is from my new Aragorn and it works perfectly.
Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
*Retired. PM me if you need to get a hold of me as I'll get an email notification and should reply within a day or so*
Posted 19 July 2009 - 05:29 PM
So errr... my next question is puzzling. My vision range modifiers don't appear to work.
ModifierList RavenSightBonus Category = FORMATION Duration = 2000 ; Matches RefreshRate of giving module (2000) Modifier = VISION 900% FX = FX_TDHRavenFXSight End
As you can see, I'm putting absolutely massive values in there (even tried 100 000%) with no ingame effect. It's really odd. The upgrade is evidently working, because the commandset gets swapped and the FX is displayed. The only thing I can think of is that FORMATION doesn't allows vision range stuff, but I've tried LEADERSHIP as well with no change.
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 19 July 2009 - 05:52 PM
ModifierList RavenSightBonus Category = FORMATION Modifier = RANGE 10% ; Additive. Modifier = VISION 900% ; Additive. Duration = 2000 ; Matches RefreshRate of giving module (2000) FX = FX_TDHRavenFXSight Endor this one, but is unlikely to
ModifierList RavenSightBonus Category = FORMATION Modifier = VISIONRANGE 900% ; Additive. Duration = 2000 ; Matches RefreshRate of giving module (2000) FX = FX_TDHRavenFXSight End
Edited by ElvLord, 19 July 2009 - 06:00 PM.
Posted 19 July 2009 - 06:56 PM
My vision range modifiers don't appear to work.
That's because the vision range modifier doesn't affect the gray shroud. It lets your unit see stuff further away but doesn't affect the shroud. So this would be useful if you wanted to make a power for say a catapult that would let it shoot across the map at an enemy unit, you could give it a vision and range bonus and then it would be able to "see" and hit anything that you as a player could see but that power itself wouldn't remove the shroud.
I don't know of any way currently to remove the shroud but I have a few ideas. First off would be to create a passenger or banner carrier type unit that when the upgrade is selected, joins your horde/flock/unit of birds and you could set the VisionRange or ShroudClearingRange to whatever you need for that new unit. It might be difficult to make work properly but that seems like a method that would definitely work.
My other idea is to look at the palantir and eye of sauron codes and see if there is anything helpful there. From System.ini I found this object: MapRevealPing and this behavior:
Behavior = DynamicShroudClearingRangeUpdate ModuleTag_02 FinalVision = 0.0 ShrinkDelay = 10000 ShrinkTime = 5000 GrowDelay = 0 GrowTime = 1000 GrowInterval = 10; Faster than most ChangeInterval = 80; Faster than most GridDecalTemplate Texture = EXGrid Style = SHADOW_ADDITIVE_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% OpacityThrobTime = 500 Color = R:32 G:64 B:128 A:0 //dim blue, additive End End
Also this KindOf from that object: INERT_SHROUD_REVEALER
I have no idea how these work or if they might help, but they sound promising.
Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
*Retired. PM me if you need to get a hold of me as I'll get an email notification and should reply within a day or so*
Posted 19 July 2009 - 10:24 PM
Edited by Nertea, 19 July 2009 - 10:24 PM.
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 20 July 2009 - 02:13 PM
ModifierList RavenSightBonus Category = BUFF ; or LEADERSHIP? Modifier = SHROUD_CLEARING 900% ; Additive. Duration = 2000 ; Matches RefreshRate of giving module (2000) FX = FX_TDHRavenFXSight End
Posted 20 July 2009 - 05:53 PM
Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
*Retired. PM me if you need to get a hold of me as I'll get an email notification and should reply within a day or so*
Posted 22 July 2009 - 05:29 PM
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
Posted 22 July 2009 - 07:03 PM
Posted 22 July 2009 - 07:55 PM
Rank 1 SkillPointsNeededDefault = 0; If there is no side specific override (Replace Default with Side name, or with 'Campaign' for SP) just use this. SkillPointsNeededCampaign = 0 SciencePurchasePointsGranted = 1 End
And just change the SciencePurchasePointsGranted = 1 to whatever you want.
Click on my Sig to go to my BFME Modding site where you can download my mods.
Kings of the West Mod Leader
*Retired. PM me if you need to get a hold of me as I'll get an email notification and should reply within a day or so*
Posted 22 July 2009 - 08:36 PM
... want to code my mod for me?
I really don't do requests and my Arnor Soldier is not fit for BFME. Don't ask me for either.
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