I have recently joined the team as a mapper, and thought I would open up a topic for people to put ideas for maps they would like to see at some point.
Currently, I have been contacted by some of the staff and am working on the campaign, but once that is complete, I would be more than happy to take on other requests and ideas that you, the players, would like to see in the mod.
Thank you very much for both your ideas and your patience with me getting some other things first.
Also, I will be working on things on a "first come first served" basis. So the sooner you get your requests in, the sooner you will see something from it.
Edit: Oh, a final note. I will also be happy to make any modifications to the requested maps if they are not exactly as you wish for them to be
dude, do you know i had exactly the same idea
only then for other people to upload maps like on cnc generals world
i am currently building a AOD Map (Art Of Defence) so i will upload it in the future.
can i ask you some questions about the scripting in the future, i am still building the map, but that's rather easy, the scripting is the difficult thing.
i already asked on generals world about it and they advised this.
1. Go into Edit->Edit Player List... and click Add Skirmish Players.
2. Go into Edit->Edit Teams... and click SkirmishGLA (i know i can use any but GLA is most commonly used).
3. Click Add New Team, name it Wave 1 and choose the unit type and how many of each unit you want.
4. Repeat for as many waves as you want.
5. Go into Edit->Scripts... and click on SkirmishGLA
6. Create a new script and in the "actions if true" section, click new and create timers to expire for Wave 1, Wave 2, etc. *1
7. Create another new script. In the "script conditions" section, click new, timer expired and put in the timer you created for Wave 1.
8. In the "actions if true" section, go into team->create->Spawn a reinforcement team. Choose the team that you created for Wave 1 and the waypoint that you want the team to spawn on.
9. In the "actions if true" section, go into team->Move->Set to follow a waypoint path. Use the waypoint path you want them to follow and the team for Wave 1.
10. Repeat steps 7, 8 & 9 for every other wave.
*1: i don't want to use timers, i want a few reinforcement pads (about 6-8) that will send in reinforcements, that way, you will always know when the reinforcements arrive because they have timers.
well, i wont bother you anymore,
have fun making your maps