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#41 Max-o-l1

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 04:42 PM

I have recently joined the team as a mapper, and thought I would open up a topic for people to put ideas for maps they would like to see at some point.
Currently, I have been contacted by some of the staff and am working on the campaign, but once that is complete, I would be more than happy to take on other requests and ideas that you, the players, would like to see in the mod.
Thank you very much for both your ideas and your patience with me getting some other things first.
Also, I will be working on things on a "first come first served" basis. So the sooner you get your requests in, the sooner you will see something from it.

Edit: Oh, a final note. I will also be happy to make any modifications to the requested maps if they are not exactly as you wish for them to be :p

dude, do you know i had exactly the same idea :D
only then for other people to upload maps like on cnc generals world
i am currently building a AOD Map (Art Of Defence) so i will upload it in the future.

can i ask you some questions about the scripting in the future, i am still building the map, but that's rather easy, the scripting is the difficult thing.
i already asked on generals world about it and they advised this.

1. Go into Edit->Edit Player List... and click Add Skirmish Players.
2. Go into Edit->Edit Teams... and click SkirmishGLA (i know i can use any but GLA is most commonly used).
3. Click Add New Team, name it Wave 1 and choose the unit type and how many of each unit you want.
4. Repeat for as many waves as you want.
5. Go into Edit->Scripts... and click on SkirmishGLA
6. Create a new script and in the "actions if true" section, click new and create timers to expire for Wave 1, Wave 2, etc. *1
7. Create another new script. In the "script conditions" section, click new, timer expired and put in the timer you created for Wave 1.
8. In the "actions if true" section, go into team->create->Spawn a reinforcement team. Choose the team that you created for Wave 1 and the waypoint that you want the team to spawn on.
9. In the "actions if true" section, go into team->Move->Set to follow a waypoint path. Use the waypoint path you want them to follow and the team for Wave 1.
10. Repeat steps 7, 8 & 9 for every other wave.

*1: i don't want to use timers, i want a few reinforcement pads (about 6-8) that will send in reinforcements, that way, you will always know when the reinforcements arrive because they have timers.

well, i wont bother you anymore,

have fun making your maps :p

A soldiers task is not do die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his...

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yay to mapping!

#42 Pals7

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Posted 03 December 2009 - 01:05 AM

*1: i don't want to use timers, i want a few reinforcement pads (about 6-8) that will send in reinforcements, that way, you will always know when the reinforcements arrive because they have timers.

You can set timers to send units in the same time fashion as the reinforcement pads. If you would like, feel free to contact me via PM and provide a more detailed explanation of what you are trying to do, and I will do the best I can to help you get your map working :ohmy:
If you are looking for a specific map I've made, and cannot find it in the forum, feel free to PM me and ask for it.
Or, if you want me to try to make you a specific map. Feel free to PM me with the details on how you want it to look/work and I will do my best to make the map you're looking for.

#43 Casojin


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Posted 03 December 2009 - 04:32 AM

Personally, I prefer special operation kind of mission. With stealthy infiltration deep behind enemy line, the mission is much more interesting.

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#44 Guest_Guest_max-o-l1_*_*

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Posted 03 December 2009 - 03:06 PM

Personally, I prefer special operation kind of mission. With stealthy infiltration deep behind enemy line, the mission is much more interesting.

#45 Max-o-l1

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Posted 03 December 2009 - 03:19 PM

excuse me for the post above, it was a misunderstanding.

At Casojin,

i'm considering 2 options:

(the attacker can also be a player)
1: after some time the attacking player will get money that is increasing each level, with that money he can build troops from the pre-set war factories, barracks eg, that way you can also make a strike force and try to scale the cliffs, (as there are some places you can go up to raid the defences) and then wreaking havoc on the defences, general powers will be available, but i'm trying to do the following:

all lvl 3 offensive powers disabled(artillery strike eg), on lvl 5 he can get some offensive to help attacking the defences
all aiding gen powers available.


Almost all offensive powers available
no aiding powers.

(air planes will be removed in the first 10 waves, the player then hopefully has enough defence i'll use a script something like this (it's only an example)
Timer wave 10 has expired
make airfield 1, airfield 2, airfield 3 selectable

thus making air planes building possible.
A soldiers task is not do die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his...

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yay to mapping!

#46 Max-o-l1

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Posted 03 December 2009 - 03:21 PM

Personally, I prefer special operation kind of mission. With stealthy infiltration deep behind enemy line, the mission is much more interesting.

excuse me for the post above, it was a misunderstanding.

At Casojin,

i'm considering 2 options:

(the attacker can also be a player)
1: after some time the attacking player will get money that is increasing each level, with that money he can build troops from the pre-set war factories, barracks eg, that way you can also make a strike force and try to scale the cliffs, (as there are some places you can go up to raid the defences) and then wreaking havoc on the defences, general powers will be available, but i'm trying to do the following:

all lvl 3 offensive powers disabled(artillery strike eg), on lvl 5 he can get some offensive to help attacking the defences
all aiding gen powers available.


Almost all offensive powers available
no aiding powers.

(air planes will be removed in the first 10 waves, the player then hopefully has enough defence i'll use a script something like this (it's only an example)
Timer wave 10 has expired
make airfield 1, airfield 2, airfield 3 selectable

thus making air planes building possible.
A soldiers task is not do die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his...

System to come...
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yay to mapping!

#47 Casojin


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Posted 04 December 2009 - 04:03 AM

Personally, I prefer special operation kind of mission. With stealthy infiltration deep behind enemy line, the mission is much more interesting.

excuse me for the post above, it was a misunderstanding.

At Casojin,

i'm considering 2 options:

(the attacker can also be a player)
1: after some time the attacking player will get money that is increasing each level, with that money he can build troops from the pre-set war factories, barracks eg, that way you can also make a strike force and try to scale the cliffs, (as there are some places you can go up to raid the defences) and then wreaking havoc on the defences, general powers will be available, but i'm trying to do the following:

all lvl 3 offensive powers disabled(artillery strike eg), on lvl 5 he can get some offensive to help attacking the defences
all aiding gen powers available.


Almost all offensive powers available
no aiding powers.

(air planes will be removed in the first 10 waves, the player then hopefully has enough defence i'll use a script something like this (it's only an example)
Timer wave 10 has expired
make airfield 1, airfield 2, airfield 3 selectable

thus making air planes building possible.

My point is that I prefer Commando mission. Infiltrating enemy base, assassinating enemy leader, and so on.....
I've got a lot of such idea in my head and I plan to make these missions in the future.

EDIT: It would also be nice to have multiplayer Lone-wolf mission. One player has large force hunting down another player with single unit.

Edited by Casojin, 04 December 2009 - 04:05 AM.


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#48 Arcadian Daze

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 08:56 AM

yeah i realy like thoe missions
also a fox and wolf mission would be cool
meaning you got only x amount of units and no buildings whatsoever(kinda like every CWC mission)



#49 Pals7

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 02:45 AM

3vs5 map. Can also be 3vs3 or 3vs2 with the way the team of 5 is set up :p
As usual, I welcome comments, suggestions, questions, etc :huh:

Enjoy :p

(Just don't ask about the name...I was very very very tired when I named it >.> )

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Edited by Pals7, 05 December 2009 - 04:06 AM.

If you are looking for a specific map I've made, and cannot find it in the forum, feel free to PM me and ask for it.
Or, if you want me to try to make you a specific map. Feel free to PM me with the details on how you want it to look/work and I will do my best to make the map you're looking for.

#50 Max-o-l1

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 05:13 PM

One question: what is AoD? I do not know. Explain to me, but please is easier

it means Art of Defense, it is a map where you will be defending a key structure or unit from the enemy.
typical AoD maps are:
Tower Defense maps
wave maps (where units spawn wave after wave

i hope this helps you out
A soldiers task is not do die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his...

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yay to mapping!

#51 dcesarec



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Posted 07 December 2009 - 08:32 AM

I have suggestions for mapping team, its about 2 maps.

"Ghost Land"


Typical 2v2 map with trees and stuff, but in center of map is abandoned town with all kind of vehicles (from all factions) but without drivers.
So,its gonna be race for taking those vehicles which is gonna help and give advantage in the beginning. All vehicles are on 50% health (for somekinda ballance)...rank 1,2 or 3 units, up to you :lol:

"Super Trophy"


Pretty much as map before, but in the middle of map is high cliff but filled with small toxin and rad fields, in center of cliff is one Nuke Storm or 2 Tomahawk Missiles (because they dont provide some upgrades), neutral ones, so chase is for capture those buildings, or to destroy them cause they will gave great advantage to one who takes them. Buildings respawn thmeselfs if destroyed like tech buildings. Cliff is good for building some base defense structures and defend superweapons.
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#52 Max-o-l1

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 01:19 PM

I have suggestions for mapping team, its about 2 maps.

"Ghost Land"


Typical 2v2 map with trees and stuff, but in center of map is abandoned town with all kind of vehicles (from all factions) but without drivers.
So,its gonna be race for taking those vehicles which is gonna help and give advantage in the beginning. All vehicles are on 50% health (for somekinda ballance)...rank 1,2 or 3 units, up to you :lol:

"Super Trophy"


Pretty much as map before, but in the middle of map is high cliff but filled with small toxin and rad fields, in center of cliff is one Nuke Storm or 2 Tomahawk Missiles (because they dont provide some upgrades), neutral ones, so chase is for capture those buildings, or to destroy them cause they will gave great advantage to one who takes them. Buildings respawn thmeselfs if destroyed like tech buildings. Cliff is good for building some base defense structures and defend superweapons.

i will try to make the map Super Trophy, and if pals7 makes the map Ghost land it will be something lighter
A soldiers task is not do die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his...

System to come...
Core i7 930
Corsair Dominator 1600-6GK
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ATI HD5870
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Samsung P2770HD
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+Custom watercooling

yay to mapping!

#53 Casojin


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Posted 07 December 2009 - 03:27 PM

GLA would have a bad time because of no powerplant or you might put in some powerplants there too.

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#54 dcesarec



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Posted 07 December 2009 - 04:52 PM

GLA would have a bad time because of no powerplant or you might put in some powerplants there too.

You are right, i didnt count on gla, than Superweapon on one center side of map, and powerplants next to them. Well, you can let superweapons to your team mate and by gla provide him some defense.
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#55 Pals7

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 08:53 PM

I have suggestions for mapping team, its about 2 maps.

"Ghost Land"


Typical 2v2 map with trees and stuff, but in center of map is abandoned town with all kind of vehicles (from all factions) but without drivers.
So,its gonna be race for taking those vehicles which is gonna help and give advantage in the beginning. All vehicles are on 50% health (for somekinda ballance)...rank 1,2 or 3 units, up to you :lol:

"Super Trophy"


Pretty much as map before, but in the middle of map is high cliff but filled with small toxin and rad fields, in center of cliff is one Nuke Storm or 2 Tomahawk Missiles (because they dont provide some upgrades), neutral ones, so chase is for capture those buildings, or to destroy them cause they will gave great advantage to one who takes them. Buildings respawn thmeselfs if destroyed like tech buildings. Cliff is good for building some base defense structures and defend superweapons.

i will try to make the map Super Trophy, and if pals7 makes the map Ghost land it will be something lighter

Way to volunteer me for it >.>
I will see what I can do, but am kinda in the middle of exams right now...so I might not be able to get working on it. Um...tonight maybe because I have to stay up late anyway ;)
If you are looking for a specific map I've made, and cannot find it in the forum, feel free to PM me and ask for it.
Or, if you want me to try to make you a specific map. Feel free to PM me with the details on how you want it to look/work and I will do my best to make the map you're looking for.

#56 Max-o-l1

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 07:51 AM

Personally, I prefer special operation kind of mission. With stealthy infiltration deep behind enemy line, the mission is much more interesting.

Well, Casojin i'm currently working on a 3 player map where 1 player only has a small strike-force , second player has base on a cliff ad cannot directly attack enemy, but ik can use generals powers , thus supporting the strike-force team. And a third one that can only be the computer player, (otherwise playing the map will be way too difficult).
You’l see when i comes out. I’m currently making, my TD map, my Final Fortress map, and a special suprise map which i won’t tell anything about :p
A soldiers task is not do die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his...

System to come...
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yay to mapping!

#57 Casojin


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Posted 10 December 2009 - 02:05 PM

Well, Casojin i'm currently working on a 3 player map where 1 player only has a small strike-force , second player has base on a cliff ad cannot directly attack enemy, but ik can use generals powers , thus supporting the strike-force team. And a third one that can only be the computer player, (otherwise playing the map will be way too difficult).
You’l see when i comes out. I’m currently making, my TD map, my Final Fortress map, and a special suprise map which i won’t tell anything about :p

Wow....nice idea. I'm looking forward to it.

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#58 Pals7

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Posted 11 December 2009 - 08:20 AM

I have created another AoD for all of you who are monitoring my mapping progress.

As the Super Weapon general, you need to defend the weapon testing facilities in the area.

You begin with some defenses, but I wouldn't rely solely on the beginning defenses :p
If you can't win, it is okay, the "scene" that is brought forth on defeat is always entertaining :p
There are some "boss" units with extra HP that show up during a few waves, you are given warnings about large forces though so beware.
15 waves (approximately 65 minutes for the final wave to appear) - It is a map you probably want to play in parts, or when you have a lot of time to kill.

Enjoy :alien:
Please leave your comments/feedback :alien:

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If you are looking for a specific map I've made, and cannot find it in the forum, feel free to PM me and ask for it.
Or, if you want me to try to make you a specific map. Feel free to PM me with the details on how you want it to look/work and I will do my best to make the map you're looking for.

#59 Su8perkillr


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Posted 11 December 2009 - 05:17 PM

ive got a working AOD on this, but only one question as it isnt fully complete. if you have a script, you can choose between triggered by easy, medium and hard. because easy and hard dont exist, is it true that easy bedomes hard in game? i need this because of winning conditions (super boss, sneak attack) and the starting conditions (time before first wave, radar enables) can you tell me?
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its like a big ball of tesla troopers firing on down below, but cant attack structures. ION STORM :D

#60 Casojin


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Posted 12 December 2009 - 01:22 AM

Well, it does exist with a different string showing up for player to see.

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