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January 25th Update: Mordor Spellbook, Part II

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#1 Nertea


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 09:37 AM

Our last update covered two new and one revised power(s) in the Mordor spellbook. Today, I'll be revealing the final power that we will be using to replace the Balrog Ally spell.

Instead of summoning a temporary monster to smite your enemies, Sauron chooses to take a... longer term approach in The Dwarf Holds. For the cost of 18 power points you can unlock the passive Dark Tower spell. Once purchased, your Camp or Castle citadel will gain a new ability - upgrade to Dark Tower. Purchasing this will improve the selected citadel into a massive fortress of darkness (you can only have one Dark Tower at a time though, so choose wisely if you have multiple Castles).

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The Dark Tower is no mere structure. Besides firing arrows at nearby enemies and having strong physical defenses, it projects a map-wide leadership effect that applies to all units, heroes included. It also allows you access to Nazgul mounted on fell airborne steeds - once upgraded, the Dark Tower will generate one such rider which will be replaced for free once it dies, though after a long period. For a somewhat hefty resource cost, you may choose to upgrade it with two other such Nazgul, giving you a terrifying air force.

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And yet, the Dark Tower does even more. Such a monument to the Dark Lord allows you to summon his finest troops. You'll find your Orc Pits and Haradrim Palaces upgraded to produce new, fiercer elite units. The Orc Pit can now produce Morgul Orcs and Morgul Archers, the Haradrim Palace can now produce Soldiers of Rhun and Easterling Marksmen. This gives the Mordor player many more troop specialized troop options to use against the forces of good. Of course, you can produce Orcs and other basic units if you wish!

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One thing to note - defend your fortress at all costs! Should the Dark Tower be destroyed, it will have detrimental effects on all of your troops, imposing penalties to their attack and defence, and slowly killing any Nazgul summoned by the Tower.

That's all for this update! Stay tuned for more on Mordor next week.

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#2 Námo



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 11:06 AM

'Gakh Nazgi Ilid/Albai/Golug - durub-uuri lata-nuut. / Udu takob-ishiz gund-ob Gazat-shakh-uuri. / Krith Shara-uuri matuurz matat duumpuga. / Ash tug Shakhbuurz-uur Uliima-tab-ishi za, / Uzg-Mordor-ishi amal fauthut burguuli. / Ash nazg krimpatul, / Uzg-Mordor-ishi amal fauthut burguuli.'

... elen síla lúmenn´ ómentielvo ...
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#3 Grucha3

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Posted 25 January 2011 - 01:01 PM

I can not wait to play ... great job :facepalm: :xd:

#4 Ganon


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 03:14 PM

'Gakh Nazgi Ilid/Albai/Golug - durub-uuri lata-nuut. / Udu takob-ishiz gund-ob Gazat-shakh-uuri. / Krith Shara-uuri matuurz matat duumpuga. / Ash tug Shakhbuurz-uur Uliima-tab-ishi za, / Uzg-Mordor-ishi amal fauthut burguuli. / Ash nazg krimpatul, / Uzg-Mordor-ishi amal fauthut burguuli.'


...Yeah, I thought it was pretty amazing too. :xd:

#5 Guest_Tom_*

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Posted 25 January 2011 - 05:20 PM

cool update, but i think balrog is stronger. For example youve this tower and the other guy has balrog: He will distroy your Tower and youre doomed

#6 m@tt



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 07:38 PM

cool update, but i think balrog is stronger. For example youve this tower and the other guy has balrog: He will distroy your Tower and youre doomed

But they won't have the Balrog though, as he's been removed from both Mordor's and Isengard's spellbooks.
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#7 Námo



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 07:58 PM

'Gakh Nazgi Ilid/Albai/Golug - durub-uuri lata-nuut. / Udu takob-ishiz gund-ob Gazat-shakh-uuri. / Krith Shara-uuri matuurz matat duumpuga. / Ash tug Shakhbuurz-uur Uliima-tab-ishi za, / Uzg-Mordor-ishi amal fauthut burguuli. / Ash nazg krimpatul, / Uzg-Mordor-ishi amal fauthut burguuli.'


I just wanted the poem to appear in its own beauty (without comments or translation) as a tribute to the sheer beauty of Nertea's work. When I see some particular awesome work from his hands, my mood is sometimes for expressing my feelings rather by reciting a poem than just using plain words.

This is the Ring-verse in the original 'Common Black Speech' invented by Sauron, and not the 'Debased Black Speech' used by the Orcs. Though it also contains the phrase "Ash nazg krimpatul", it is different from the well-known Ring-inscription: "Ash nazg durbatuluuk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluuk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul".

Though it is not generally known in the form shown, this ring-verse is probably the most beautiful and unique example of Sauron original Black Speech ... and as such fitting for the occasion.

The CBS version is from a collection in Vinyar Tengwar (#13 pp 13-15), and the direct translation runs thus:

'Three rings for elf rulers under sky. Seven in their (noun omitted)s of stone for dwarf lords. Nine for men mortal to die doomed. One only for lord dark in this his throne, in land Mordor where hide-themselves shadows.'

[to be correct it should be followed by the Ring inscription, and then the line "in land Mordor where hide-themselves shadows" repeated, but I posted only the first half to shorten it a bit.]

Edited by Námo, 25 January 2011 - 08:00 PM.

... elen síla lúmenn´ ómentielvo ...
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#8 {IP}Solstice


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 09:03 PM

Wow this mod is getting better and better each week. :p
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#9 yams in a can

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Posted 26 January 2011 - 07:22 PM

But they won't have the Balrog though, as he's been removed from both Mordor's and Isengard's spellbooks.


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To the professor, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

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-yams in a can

#10 Bashkuga


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 08:21 PM

I miss the Rhovanion Alliance when i see this :(

#11 Yarrum



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Posted 26 January 2011 - 09:44 PM

But they won't have the Balrog though, as he's been removed from both Mordor's and Isengard's spellbooks.

You have no clue how happy that makes me. In my opinion, super-weapons were the worst part of Battle for Middle Earth. Has the Army of the dead been removed as well?

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#12 Lauri


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 09:54 PM

You have no clue how happy that makes me. In my opinion, super-weapons were the worst part of Battle for Middle Earth. Has the Army of the dead been removed as well?

The Army of the Dead is not removed entirely from the game, no. I'll leave it at that :p


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#13 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 10:03 PM

In that Aragorn has the single-battalion summon still, correct? The full AotD was just... OP'd.

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#14 Spartan184



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Posted 26 January 2011 - 10:07 PM

I disagree with both of you, I don't see how there OP really. Just cause you don't know how to handle AOTD summon doesn't mean its OP. But anyways back on topic. Well I like the new power totally will bring a new play style for Mordor :p




#15 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 10:17 PM

How do you fight the AotD? With the Balrog? :p

Edited by {IRS}Athos, 26 January 2011 - 10:17 PM.


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#16 Spartan184



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Posted 26 January 2011 - 11:50 PM

Yes, also with Gandalf, Saruman,and Aragorn :p But I do see your point that AOTD can wipe out a army in seconds and Balrog can only if you summon right on top of army. But they balance each other out, plus most of the time you won't see them in a game cause they take forever to get.




#17 Lauri


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 11:58 PM

spartan.... Athos was testing you, and you failed :p

Balrog.... TDH.... gone....


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#18 Spartan184



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Posted 27 January 2011 - 12:39 AM

I know there gone, I just hate it how people say there Over Powered. Of course there going to be powerful there the Super Power that most of the time you don't even see in games. Plus AOD is only good at killing armies, they harderly do anything to buildings and Rog on the other hand pwns buildings but most of the times does little to armies unless you summon him ontop of one.




#19 Lauri


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Posted 27 January 2011 - 12:53 AM

Well, they are OP. Both of them.
The AotD is best for defence, if you're about to get your ass whipped by the enemey, while the Balrog is great for tearing down 60% of the enemy base. You can kill entire armies with the AotD, now that, that is OP.

Saying that you can counter one of them isn't going to make it better. Two OPs don't make it right ;)


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#20 isledebananas

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Posted 27 January 2011 - 04:16 PM

I have to say I'm a bit disappointed that there won't be a Balrog. One of my greatest joys playing has been killing the Balrog with one well placed Lightning Sword by Gandalf anytime he pops up. However, when you look at it objectively its pretty OP. If summoned properly its tough to deal with and you have to throw everything at it and even then it might still get its job done. Also, Rohan and Erebor have a more difficult time dealing with it. I remember panicking as Erebor when it came up since they really have nothing to keep him at bay, but fortunately the computer is terrible at placing those spells so it never got close to my base though it did kill some lvl 10 battalions and a hero. Definitely both AotD and Balrog are very good at ending offensive strikes either directly or indirectly. Any good human player will always keep it in reserve for when their front lines are broken to save them. Also, on some maps getting a full army and marching it to your opponents base will take enough time that the spell has recharged.

But this revelation about the AotD means that both Rohan and Gondor will be getting new final spells as well correct?

Edited by isledebananas, 27 January 2011 - 04:17 PM.

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