I was thinking to make each stronghold map follow fortress map concepts that haven't been done before. One of the Easterling Fortresses could be a place where each level down, and not up, is closer to the throne-house. The Khandian Castle could be a stack of wall-rings with elevators (like in Battle for Middle-earth 1). Corsair City could be a castle where it is surrounded by water except for on the uttermost back, which is connected to a straight line of land that goes into a crocodile-jaw shaped coastline. Then, one of the Haradrim Castles could be a fortress that is an octagon surrounded by a moat of obsidian spearheads, in the dead center of a five-player map. Another Easterling Castle idea is a pentagon-shaped castle that has an underground throne-room, and a mix of tall and underground sections throughout the castle. My second layout idea for a Haradrim Castle was to be a series of rectangles that together form one castle, and one of them being a place for siege and monster buildings, and another is where the throne-house is located, and it is cage-like, built with Mumakil ribs. Idea #3 for an Easterling Castle could be one where the central gate is connected to the ground by a BfME1-style elevator that even a Mumakil can fit onto, so it is roofless and wall-less, and the castle itself is heavily walled, and it is divided into sections that are connected by open spaces in the walls. The final Haradrim Fortress layout I had in mind was one where everything is walled by Mumakil rib and Mumakil tusk with molded cement, and the fortress is a triangle with a oval-shaped bridge, that crosses over gaps in between sand dunes.
I know this is mostly a mapping topic, but it is exclusively for the Rhun-Harad faction, and for revealing their homelands to people all over our reality (since Arda according to Tolkien is an alternate reality).