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#141 johnchm.10



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Posted 15 April 2012 - 08:28 AM

that and if you wanted to get into it, there are still too many variables to consider, mainly a planet's wealth and importance, etc, and even then there are issues
case in point, in Rogue Squadron (book), Valdet, an Imperial Sector Capitol, had only a Carrack-class Cruiser, a Lancer-class Frigate, and a mere quartet of TIE's, which could have been from the Carrack even, as well as a power system which was not even powerful to allow the operation of both surface to air cannons and the shields simultaneously to any effective degree.
i know that there was a period of disorganization at this time, and the planet's defenses may have been stripped to give to other sectors, and the Admiral in charge was rather arrogant, to put it mildly, but the forces were all but destroyed, with only the Carrack surviving, and only then because the commander was not close enough to the Lancer to lend any fire support, else the attack on the Lancer might not have gone as well as it did.
then you have a world like Borleias, a world that isnt critical to the Empire's survival at large, which had 1 Squadrons of fighters and another 3 of Interceptors (obtained in a gray method, but still counts) as well as a power system which, much to the New Republic's chagrin, was more than adequate to accomplish both tasks. granted that power system itself wasnt exactly known to the higher ups, but again, it counts. in terms of firepower, it beats Vladet by a considerable margin.
then youve got Rendili, which granted is the headquarters and homeplanet of a major starship corporation, and after an incident, had its home defenses incorporated into the larger Galactic Republic Military, but it had a force of at least 6 Dreadnought class Heavy Cruisers. presumably the world had a defense force of similar size while under the rule of the Empire, due to its status.

#142 SDS/Spencer

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 03:23 PM

crew-i assume it includes a ton of droids-to have a crew of some 45,000 is enormous without being able to re-stack on food, but then again we dont know what type of food we are talking about-it could easily be the old "add water" space food where all you do is add water and boom you have a steak in front of you, the only reason why having a crew of 45,000 on a space ship unlikely is due to food, what type of food, how often are we docking for food, and are we growing food in the starship-yes the Nimitz class supercarrier carries around 5,000 men at maximum capacity-but thats with it docking every few months, or weeks- the only way you could sustain 45,000 depends on the food, you can easily pack everyone in a ship of a km long, that would be extremly easy. exspecially when you add in how tall the ship is,
Droids i doubt will be considered part of the crew-since there should only be a few astrodroids to do outside work to damage on the hull-maybe a few hundred, and some translation droids such as c3p0 due to them picking up smuggles, criminals etc...
do we know if the ISD of vector class destroyers had there own "farm"? this would easily stop the subject since that could answear the question

Then my own question-can we sell built mining facilitys or space stations? because i would love to sell some of the shipyards i have at for example, kuat, so i could make it an only building dreadnought shipyard-only have lvl 5 shipyards etc.. or only lvl 4 shipyards, also is anyone else finding themselves strip mining large portions of the planets you take over?
for example-the core worlds on GFFA, all i have is mining facilitys at nearly every single planet to get as much money as i can, and then just leave a large fleet and army at a planet that the rebels have to go through to get to the core worlds-specifically blockading off any rout to get to those planets that i am strip mining

#143 Tucker

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 03:33 PM

With respect to the food limitation, would it be more helpful to look at size/crew ratio of submarines rater than carriers as submarines dock much less often?

#144 SDS/Spencer

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 08:15 PM

likely yes, but you wouldnt want too, a submarine would allow us to see how packed we could get a crew, of which means we could most likely look at having an ISD at ahving around a crew of 100,000 people, BUT, submarine conditions would be much more life like on a space ship then a carrier, also i didn't think about this but to repair an space ship would be much like a submarine? idk, for Imperial ships it would be easy, since i am assuming that the majority of the crews would always be human/stormtroopers, easy to look at submarines, but if you go to the rebels who have alot of aliens, they will take up more space etc...it's very complicated and im getting a headache about thinking of all the variables which makes it nearly impossible to truly know, maybe a squid fish only needs an apple a day, while a human needs alot more, etc etc...
for the empire it will be easier to judge the number due to them having humans as the majority of the crew, rebels and pirates-not so much

Edited by SDS/Spencer, 15 April 2012 - 08:20 PM.

#145 MawDrallin

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 08:18 PM

A few suggestions:
*Add the Mon Remonda for Han & Chewie as an upgrade. Historically, he used it as the flagship of his Fleet tasked with hunting down Warlord Zsinj. I know MC90 Star Cruiser models are in short supply, perhaps a modified Reef Home-type Star Cruiser could serve as a placeholder until a proper model is found.

*Initially, have Lando Calrissian paired with the Lady Luck. I know he used it in the period from ROTJ to 11 ABY, so he could use it as the ship he starts out with when he is recruited. I think there is a model available somewhere on filefront, I know the mod Thrawn's Revenge mod has one, so if a model can't be found on filefront, maybe it could be negotiated with the TR Team.

#146 Zeta1127


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Posted 16 April 2012 - 04:40 AM

PR is well aware of the Mon Remonda, which is actually a MC80B (I hate the class name, the MC line is so inconsistent), and the Lady Luck, models are the problem.

Some other worlds worth considering are the Alliance safe worlds, like Bulwark, Isis, Sanctuary, and Stronghold, to go along with New Alderaan.

Bulwark was notable for being important enough to have one of the Alliance's v-150 Planet Defenders (I usually think its Planetary Defender), like Echo Base on Hoth, though there isn't a lot of info on it. Stronghold is only slightly better documented than Bulwark, and it appeared in WEG's Otherspace II: Invasion RPG scenario.

On the other hand, Isis and Sanctuary have proper galactic locations and planetary stats. Isis possessed about 30% of the Alliance's starfighter production capability, its fleet and garrison are known, and it appeared in WEG's The Isis Coordinates RPG scenario. Sanctuary produced fish and clothing for the Alliance, and it appeared in the Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.

Bulwark and Stronghold are just interesting places, however, the best choices are Isis and Sanctuary, because they are well documented.

Edited by Zeta1127, 16 April 2012 - 08:46 PM.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe." - Jango Fett
"You are fooling yourself, Captain. Nothing here is what it seems. You are not the plucky hero, the Alliance is not an evil empire, and this is not the grand arena."
"And that's not incense." - The Operative and Inara Serra
"What you will see, if you leave the Mirror free to work, I cannot tell. For it shows things that were, and things that are, and things that yet maybe. But which it is that he sees, even the wisest cannot always tell. Do you wish to look?" - Galadriel
Clone Marshal Commander Zeta 1127 of the 89th Legion
Admiral Zebulon Wilhelm of Task Force Mystic/Fleet Junkie

#147 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 16 April 2012 - 08:32 PM

The Death Star was designed to be self-reliant, so it should have some method of fabrication. I'm not sure that's true for conventional ships. Also, the DS lists the droid pool numbers separate from crew, which is telling.

I'd love to be able to sell stations too. As of yet, I don't have the means.

Of course we'd add Mon Remonda and Lady Luck if those classes were available.

Noted on safeworlds. We actually used Turkana as the T-65B production location in Skyhook.

#148 Zeta1127


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Posted 16 April 2012 - 09:18 PM

Well, Isis and Sanctuary are actually better documented than Turkana :smile2ap:.

Edited by Zeta1127, 16 April 2012 - 09:22 PM.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe." - Jango Fett
"You are fooling yourself, Captain. Nothing here is what it seems. You are not the plucky hero, the Alliance is not an evil empire, and this is not the grand arena."
"And that's not incense." - The Operative and Inara Serra
"What you will see, if you leave the Mirror free to work, I cannot tell. For it shows things that were, and things that are, and things that yet maybe. But which it is that he sees, even the wisest cannot always tell. Do you wish to look?" - Galadriel
Clone Marshal Commander Zeta 1127 of the 89th Legion
Admiral Zebulon Wilhelm of Task Force Mystic/Fleet Junkie

#149 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 16 April 2012 - 09:43 PM

Right, we just took the first deployment of the T-65B and wound the clocks back a bit to get to the beginning of Skyhook:

We don't know where the X-wings were being manufactured, but Occam's razor says Turkana. The planet needed an advantage, so that one fit.

#150 Zeta1127


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Posted 16 April 2012 - 10:36 PM

It worked for your purposes, and was a really good call considering how little info there is on many things.

Now you have two more options for Alliance worlds, Isis was another starfighter production facility and Sanctuary was another good world. I don't know how viable Bulwark and Stronghold are as choices, they just seem like they are worth mentioning.

So that's Star Wars: X-wing, sadly I never got to play the X-wing series.

Edited by Zeta1127, 17 April 2012 - 05:43 AM.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe." - Jango Fett
"You are fooling yourself, Captain. Nothing here is what it seems. You are not the plucky hero, the Alliance is not an evil empire, and this is not the grand arena."
"And that's not incense." - The Operative and Inara Serra
"What you will see, if you leave the Mirror free to work, I cannot tell. For it shows things that were, and things that are, and things that yet maybe. But which it is that he sees, even the wisest cannot always tell. Do you wish to look?" - Galadriel
Clone Marshal Commander Zeta 1127 of the 89th Legion
Admiral Zebulon Wilhelm of Task Force Mystic/Fleet Junkie

#151 Guest_Pyrrhos_*

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 10:33 PM

Love 1.2 so far. Now, I'm certain the ship ideas have already been stated and thought of, but maybe not my first thought:

From my experience with this version, it seems to drop the framerate to zero every 13-15 seconds (the ai is thinking, it seems), maybe for 1.3, double or triple the counter for when the AI decides to plan its moves, because I'll have about 15 seconds of great/acceptable/playable framerate (16-20fps), then it drops to nothing for about 8-10 seconds or so, then continues on. If caused by the AI, that's my reasoning for lengthening the counter for it. Also considered having a higher clocked processor would be preferable since the game is single-threaded to mitigate the bottleneck/effects. food for thought.

Ship suggestion: Vindicator class cruiser for empire, because it seems interesting to me lol. Also, be nice to have something to take on the Empire's dreadnaughts. Mediator or something comes to mind.

#152 evilbobthebob



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Posted 17 April 2012 - 11:03 PM

Problem with increasing the time between AI plans is that it will reduce its ability to react to the player quite a lot. Increasing processor clock speed is something I've looked into. Overclocking does get me a few more FPS but I don't know if it's really worth it, I think there's a case of diminishing returns.

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#153 Guest_Pyrrhos_*

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 11:36 PM

I thought about the point of its reaction time to the player; as it stands, with the way it acts, i don't make blitzkrieg-fast moves, unless its at the very beginning to minimize framerate reduction. I would think that on average, at least in my case, tripling or quadrupling the AI reaction times isn't going to give it too much less a disadvantage, and could make the game more enjoyable in the process by making the ratio of good framerate-bad framerate something like once every minute, it lags up for 10 seconds or so, instead of the 15 good, 15 bad, seconds it seems to do now. Anyways, that's my rationale for it. Also, if it's a simple number change in a file somewhere for the counter, maybe the answer to that is easy access for people who want to tinker with the AI reaction times.

Also, currently I'm using an AMD 3850 APU with discrete graphics as well, and it's clocked at right around 3.0ghz; mayhaps, say, one of the AMD bulldozers that come stock at 4.2ghz would yield favorable returns. I intend to test that this summer, if nothing else.

#154 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 12:11 AM

I'm not sure it's the AI that's causing the lag. I want to say it's the free store, but I did tweak those intervals and it didn't seem to make much difference. I'll keep at it.

#155 anakinskysolo


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Posted 18 April 2012 - 01:51 AM

A few suggestions:
*Add the Mon Remonda for Han & Chewie as an upgrade. Historically, he used it as the flagship of his Fleet tasked with hunting down Warlord Zsinj. I know MC90 Star Cruiser models are in short supply, perhaps a modified Reef Home-type Star Cruiser could serve as a placeholder until a proper model is found.

*Initially, have Lando Calrissian paired with the Lady Luck. I know he used it in the period from ROTJ to 11 ABY, so he could use it as the ship he starts out with when he is recruited. I think there is a model available somewhere on filefront, I know the mod Thrawn's Revenge mod has one, so if a model can't be found on filefront, maybe it could be negotiated with the TR Team.

The Thrawn's Revenge Mod has decent enough MC80B and MC90 models, I believe.

Edited by anakinskysolo, 18 April 2012 - 01:53 AM.

#156 johnchm.10



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Posted 18 April 2012 - 04:04 AM

3 issues there as far as i can understand
1: permission must be given for use of the model...etc...
2: thrawns revenge has hardpoints, so i imagine theres some coding issues, etc
3: other issues thereto related
4: the models might need to be modified/reanimated, etc

Edited by johnchm.10, 18 April 2012 - 04:10 AM.

#157 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 06:08 PM

I can generally fix those issues; the main concerns are quality and visual consistency with existing models.

#158 johnchm.10



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Posted 20 April 2012 - 04:39 AM

as a side note, i dont even know if the TR guys, or any other mod have a model for the Lady Luck, so that might have to be made from scratch
although it would allow for some heroes. Dunari and Mara Jade for the Rebels/NR, and Karm'n Viraxo for the Empire, to name a few. i also imagine that for some of the Advisers to the Emperor or Corporate CEO's etc also use a PLY-3000 or something similar as their personal craft

#159 SDS/Spencer

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Posted 21 April 2012 - 09:25 PM

rail guns, why arn't they in star wars? they in my opinion would likely be way stronger then a laser gun and should go right through a shield, lasers are just highly energized light particles and radiation etc etc that can be deflected because they have essentially no mass-explaining the strength of shields in star wars, but against something that is equipped with rail guns i would think they would be fairly useless

rail guns rely on pure kinetic energy caused by the speed of the "bullet" to cause the damage, its basically just a big ass sniper rifle that happens to shoot a larger bullet and shoots it around 13,000 feet per second-if you put these rail guns on a space ship i would think that they could just go right through the shields and so would missles likely

really im just going to change the question is what are the shields made of? is it produced through plasma? is it like earth electromagnetic field?

Conclusion: one are their rail guns in star wars and wouldn't they be extremly useful? and lastly what are the shields made up of or how to you determine the strength of said shields that prevents things with a large amount of matter from going right through them, such as missles or a large rail gun caliber

#160 johnchm.10



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Posted 21 April 2012 - 09:47 PM

they are in star wars. slugthrowers and hypervelocity cannons, among others. the reason they arent prevalent is due to the TWO different types of shields. Particle: which stops objects, and Ray which stops Energy. particle shields are more common and are active more often due to things like having objects in space that you may not want to hit like space junk or micrometeorites, etc

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