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The Revolution Is Here: Phoenix Rising v1.2!

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#101 MinofDefense

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 07:36 PM

Sorry guys, I'd love to be able to fix that but I've only been able to reproduce such crashes with either an incorrect shortcut or non-vanilla files in the FoC data folder. All I can suggest right now is doing clean installs of EaW and FoC, patch them, and finally install the mod.

That's what I'm doing now, hopefully it's just an odd hiccup that a total re-install will fix.

#102 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 07:38 PM

Thanks for that info!

If you're experiencing a crash on the loading screen, make sure you delete any XML folders in the Data folder! (Data is in the same folder as swfoc.exe)

I can verify that this works and is almost certainly due to the 64-bit patch Lucasarts released for FoC. This patch is not needed for PR because it is included in the mod, and the way it works currently conflicts and causes a crash at startup.

LucasArts botched the install on that patch if it's adding loose XMLs. They should've put it in a Patch.meg and updated MegaFiles.xml. Better yet, released an actual FoC v1.2 to correct it.

Edited by Phoenix Rising, 25 March 2012 - 07:39 PM.

#103 P.O._210877


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 07:53 PM

LucasArts botched the install on that patch if it's adding loose XMLs. They should've put it in a Patch.meg and updated MegaFiles.xml. Better yet, released an actual FoC v1.2 to correct it.

True, but let's face it, that's why we have you guys! True fans dedicated to excellence and pride in one's work.

Edited by P.O._210877, 25 March 2012 - 07:55 PM.

If it's hard then it's worth doing.


- Alcor, Alcor pardonne-moi mais je ne veux pas que tu meurs. Je ne veux
pas que la planète bleue soit mise à feu et à sang par ces monstres. Je
me battrai pour les empêcher de détruire ce qui est devenue ma Terre.
Goldorak m'aidera. Au besoin, j'irai jusqu'au camp de la Lune Noire
puisque c'est là que Véga et ses monstres ont établi leur base. Et je la



#104 Invadious

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:37 PM

Stellar release polished and consistent beyond any existing game, solid install sans hiccups--what more is there to ask for? It is reassuring using something you know has had a lot of thought put behind it: That nothing was rushed just for the sake of time, or that the attitude of "it sort of looks Star Wars-ish so that will suffice" was taken.

I commend the entire Phoenix Rising team for their dedication and perseverance.

#105 Guest_AK_*

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:40 PM

Ok , did like ppl suggested and deleted FOC\Data\XML folder and PR is running now. TY )

#106 evilbobthebob



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Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:42 PM

Thanks for the feedback!

Phoenix Rising, head of mapping. Thanks to everyone who got us to the position below!
Posted Image

#107 MinofDefense

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:09 PM

I did a clean re-install of my Gold Pack and made sure those folders got eliminated. This time around it worked like a charm, so I guess it was an odd hiccup or some tiny error in the pathfinding or a rogue file somewhere. Anyways, looked through all the campaigns just to see how everything looks at the beginning and it's definitely taking 1.1 to the next level from the starting scenarios alone. Good job to those who worked on this.

#108 Stormhawk

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:18 PM

Under the Data folder, there is an xml called Megafiles, as well as a folder named "XML" with two more xml's inside of it. Of the three, which ones should I delete?

#109 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:23 PM

Don't delete anything in base Data (keep MegaFiles.xml). Data\XML and possibly Data\Scripts are the problem. Just renaming those two folders would work.

Edited by Phoenix Rising, 25 March 2012 - 10:24 PM.

#110 smashedsaturn

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 11:26 PM

Just beat Skyhook as the empire in 39 weeks on hard, built the death star at the Maw and conquered hyper lanes as a priority, once it was finished just smashed the remaining rebel planets, now onto shadow hand :D

#111 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 11:34 PM

Awesome! Had the Death Star not been destroyed at Yavin, that means the Rebellion would've been crushed within three months.

#112 smashedsaturn

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 11:57 PM

Awesome! Had the Death Star not been destroyed at Yavin, that means the Rebellion would've been crushed within three months.

So then we can say han is single handedly responsible for saving the galaxy because he saved luke's ass in the trench run. I think tarkin would have tried to usurp the emperor had he lived long enough.

#113 Pellean

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 02:16 AM

Awesome! Had the Death Star not been destroyed at Yavin, that means the Rebellion would've been crushed within three months.

I don't know about that- Mon Mothma, Commander Ackbar, Crix Madine, and several other major Alliance leaders were not at the Yavin base, so the Rebellion would not be in total disarray. Also, if Yavin was destroyed and the Death Star survived, a few elements of the post-Yavin war would have gone differently. Darth Vader would not have been given a massive fleet to crush the Rebellion, as the victory would have made the Imperial Command more complacent rather than vengeful and motivated. Also, if the Empire started using the superlaser in earnest, the entire galaxy would have rebelled; just the destruction of Alderaan, which had been effectively buried in propoganda, had nevertheless caused a rash of Imperial desertions- imagine what would have happened if the total destruction of worlds became doctrine! All ethical Imperial officers would be placed in serious dilemmas and every planet concerned with its own survival would basically be forced to declare war on the Empire as a preemptive defense against the Death Star.
Forgive me if I'm waxing lyrical- I've just read two World War Two theorists' books and am feeling a little anylitical right now. ;) Still, it's fun to speculate.
Don't think, Fingan, you aren't properly equipped for it.

#114 johnchm.10



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Posted 26 March 2012 - 02:17 AM

so i had a thought that i put on another thread, but it might be relevant
should we toss the PR 1.1 files, so theres no issues with gameplay or w/e, or is it not an issue?

Edited by johnchm.10, 26 March 2012 - 02:17 AM.

#115 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 02:23 AM

It's live on Mod DB :good:.

Awesome! Had the Death Star not been destroyed at Yavin, that means the Rebellion would've been crushed within three months.

I don't know about that-

Just calculating from smashedsaturn's Skyhook outcome. He won it in 0.25 ABY. (The in-game Death Star takes about half a year to build.)

so i had a thought that i put on another thread, but it might be relevant
should we toss the PR 1.1 files, so theres no issues with gameplay or w/e, or is it not an issue?

Your choice. It's not an issue.

#116 smashedsaturn

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 03:11 AM

Awesome! Had the Death Star not been destroyed at Yavin, that means the Rebellion would've been crushed within three months.

I don't know about that- Mon Mothma, Commander Ackbar, Crix Madine, and several other major Alliance leaders were not at the Yavin base, so the Rebellion would not be in total disarray. Also, if Yavin was destroyed and the Death Star survived, a few elements of the post-Yavin war would have gone differently. Darth Vader would not have been given a massive fleet to crush the Rebellion, as the victory would have made the Imperial Command more complacent rather than vengeful and motivated. Also, if the Empire started using the superlaser in earnest, the entire galaxy would have rebelled; just the destruction of Alderaan, which had been effectively buried in propoganda, had nevertheless caused a rash of Imperial desertions- imagine what would have happened if the total destruction of worlds became doctrine! All ethical Imperial officers would be placed in serious dilemmas and every planet concerned with its own survival would basically be forced to declare war on the Empire as a preemptive defense against the Death Star.
Forgive me if I'm waxing lyrical- I've just read two World War Two theorists' books and am feeling a little anylitical right now. ;) Still, it's fun to speculate.

It could go either way; if the empire destroyed planets for harboring single rebels and generally became even more dark-side driven than it was before than it is likely the rebels would not attempt to hide on populated worlds, forcing them into asteroids and space even more than they were previously. Their morale would have been crushed and any battle like Hoth would have been much different, no need to even land troops just blow it up. Leia would have died at Yavin and luck would either be dead or captured, if he was captured Vader and the emperor would likely have turned him, he would not have been able to turn Vader in Rotj either. We then end up with a stable, powerful, secure and united empire when the Vong show up and the Death star and other imperial super weapons are used to wipe out fleets of Vong. I root for the empire in case you didn't notice :p.

#117 Guest_spencer_*

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 03:17 AM

okay were can u see the manuals?? im trying to open it up, and its auto going to word and the manuels are encrypted...so i cant see it sadly:( other then that i've been playing the mod and one word-beautiful!!!! Magnificent!!! Amazing!!! really you guys did sum work on this game

#118 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 03:20 AM

Going to Word? You probably lack a PDF reader.

#119 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 04:17 AM

Hey everyone, I seem to be having a bit of a problem, well not really a problem. I downloaded the mod and installed and it works great. great work on it by the way. But for the life of me I can't find any XML files in the mod. I usually like to mess with them a little bit((For my own use))but I can't find any. If someone could help me out with this I would really appreciate it.

#120 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 04:50 AM

Config.meg. You'll have to extract it.

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