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[SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

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#81 a.fake.name


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Posted 21 June 2013 - 06:53 AM

well my post got ate when I was about done so I'll keep this revision of it shorter......

Hero upgrades: VERY good.
Some upgrades should remove a Hero, when said hero joins a Squadron, or add it if the hero leaves a Squadron (IE: when Luke leaves Rogue Squadron and Wedge takes over).

Past that, bring back the stock EAW Imperial era upgrade method, but make it cheaper and faster, and have lots more era upgrades.

Basically, have each upgrade cover a period of time, say six months to a year, and the Rebels and Imperials would have to finish upgrading everything to unlock this.

It could also allow for VERY accurate timing of when a hero becomes avalible, and what form the heroes are available in.

So for example, the post-Yavin era upgrade could replace Red Squadron with Rogue Squadron under Skywalker's command (since the Rogues were formed in part from survivors of that particular Red Squadron).
The pre-Endor Rogue Squadron could change Rogue Squadron to the Wedge icon/name, and add Luke as a Jedi instead.

Also, the current ground unit for Luke Skywalker and the Rogues gives Luke AND R2D2, prehaps add in Luke, R2, and 11 or so pilots.
When in Era's covered by books or comics, most or all of them could be named heroes on the ground, with special skills.
Prehaps also add Wraith Squadron in the same way, and have an upgrade to allow both squadrons a few X-wings for ground support.

While it would mean more work for it's inital setup, once setup this method would allow for VERY easy placement of new units in a way that stays chronologically accurate with minimal work on your part because you only need make the unit/hero dependent on having advanced to the correct era.

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#82 johnchm.10



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Posted 21 June 2013 - 08:31 AM

i would have posted this about 16 hours ago, but Check-disk had to go through my 2TB external, took 15 hours.


additional questions

1: if i want to change the hardpoints of say, the XQ5 so that the Lasers are replaced by Heavy Lasers, will just adding H to the appropriate lines work?


additional ideas:

this probably would be shot down, and i think i might have suggested it before, but one thing that might make infantry more viable as a tactical unit would be getting rid of the homogeneous units and having composite units.

how im viewing it is this.

instead of spamming rifle-armed infantry, you have it so you've got, in a platoon, a few guys armed with Light Machine Guns or Automatic Rifles which are better at putting out full-auto fire then the rifles carried by their Riflemen buddies, a few guys with Grenade Launchers mounted on their Rifles, maybe a sniper or two, and a few guys trained as Anti-tank guys with rockets

and you could also have different sizes and make-ups of units, so you could have a platoon better optimized for anti-armor or anti-air, yet still have rifle-armed troops so the platoon maintains at least partial effectiveness against infantry

idr off the top of my head if it works like this In-Universe, but IRL, thats typically how it works. you dont send out 40 guys, all armed only with rocket launchers. you send out say, 8 guys with rockets, and the other 32 with rifles to keep enemy soldiers from killing your rocket guys. 

i think it would have infantry become useful, without having to completely overpower them or making them spammable, and allow for what i believe to be a less expensive force used, since now you dont have to build as many units to have a well rounded force. 


not sure how i feel bout that potential upgrade system. using Luke as an example, assuming you remove his captaining of the Justice, an MC80, even if you give him an entire squadron of modified J7's thats more massive of a downgrade than my proposed Wedge Antilles going from Lusankya to a Dominator 4, or Baron Fel's going from the Pride of the Senate, a Dreadnought to the 181/1st., a squadron of TIE Interceptor x2's. on the other hand, using it so that heroes that command Starfighter groups for a longer period of time don't become redundant. input: if you do end up having the transition for some heroes from fighter to larger craft, i would try to avoid maxing out the fighter. mainly for canon. the only canon example i can really provide is for Wedge. by the time the J-series of X-wing was released, it was implied he had been retired for a few years. (assuming the J was released on the eve of the Vong war)

#83 a.fake.name


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 12:35 AM

Well, using Fel as an example, his Dreadnought could be a Mk3 or older version to make it weaker, and he could start out with just one 181st squadron, and upgrade it to the 181st wing, with the correct number of TIEs for a wing.

As for Wedge, he could go from Rogue Squadron, to having both Rogue AND Wraith Squadron come in after an upgrade (with the the Rogues in Xwings and Wraiths as ground pounders for ground ops)


With the 181st wing, they could be given a carrier vessel, be it an escort carrier, or some other craft as an upgrade, and after a certain point the 181st would also need to have Fel removed, as he eventually defects.

As for your mixed ground unit idea, that's how it works in real life (I used to be in the Army).
Most folks get issued M-16's/M4's (some get the M203 grenade launcher attached to their weapon), a few get issued squad automatic weapons, and depending on the unit a few may get some type of rocket launcher.

I actually fully support that idea.
Plus it cuts down on the number of units needed, because you are using mixed unit tactics in a way that makes sense.

Hell, better yet, have each squad assigned a LAAT or some type of transport, which is landed fully loaded with troops.
This would remove the need to wait on multiple landing craft to slowly land and disembark the units, then wait for them to become controllable so you can wait for them to slowly move to the transport to get onboard.



Past that, honestly, we should try to come up with several ideas, then mod them all in and test to see which works best.

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#84 johnchm.10



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Posted 22 June 2013 - 01:08 AM

again, its somewhat complicated and would probably have to be handled on a case by case basis.

lol, i was actually going to use the make-up of a Squad in the Marines as an example, as they have 3 Fire-teams as opposed to 2 in the Army, although if the SAW gunners were using M27 Automatic Rifles, it wouldnt make much of a difference. not that the IAR is a bad weapon, but it seems to me that going from a belt-fed Light Machine Gun to a Magazine-fed rifle to perform the same role seems a little odd to me. unless the Corps is trying to fully switch over to the HK416 as their new standard issue rifle, and they want to get it into low-rate issuance now so when it comes time to issue it to everyone, you wont have to do as much R&D and all, so you save time and money.



and you can give various sized units various vehicles.

so a rifle platoon would get Humvee or Stryker equivalents, while a heavy weapons platoon would get something with a bit more kick.


now the only thing here would be mechanized units and air units. do you have mixed Recon and Tank units like the Bradley/Abrams pairings, or Little Bird/Apache in the case of aircraft, or just keep it how it is at the moment

Edited by johnchm.10, 22 June 2013 - 01:14 AM.

#85 a.fake.name


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 04:47 AM

again, its somewhat complicated and would probably have to be handled on a case by case basis.





Have vehicles deploy fully loaded with a squad of ground troops, or if that isn't doable, edit the vehicles code so that you deploy the vehicle WITH a full loads worth of ground troops beside them.

Have it set so that as you upgrade the vehicle, the troops get upgraded as well.

For example, Imperial LAATs could come start with four squads of clone troopers, and those clone trooper squads would include a mix of squad types using a sensable military loadout.


Basically, move further away from the rock-paper-scisors approach the game started with, and move more towards a more realistic approach.

Actually, the same could be applied to space. You could have the option to also build FLEETS of various compositions, which when entering a space map pulls in a fleet.


Each fleet would take up less space population than the combined separate ships would, as well as costing a little less.

The key is to have the size and composition of the groups range evenly, and have the ships involved fill a purpose that makes sense from a sci-fi perspective at least.


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#86 Chih

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 06:45 PM

well my post got ate when I was about done so I'll keep this revision of it shorter......

Hero upgrades: VERY good.
Some upgrades should remove a Hero, when said hero joins a Squadron, or add it if the hero leaves a Squadron (IE: when Luke leaves Rogue Squadron and Wedge takes over).

Past that, bring back the stock EAW Imperial era upgrade method, but make it cheaper and faster, and have lots more era upgrades.

Basically, have each upgrade cover a period of time, say six months to a year, and the Rebels and Imperials would have to finish upgrading everything to unlock this.

It could also allow for VERY accurate timing of when a hero becomes avalible, and what form the heroes are available in.

So for example, the post-Yavin era upgrade could replace Red Squadron with Rogue Squadron under Skywalker's command (since the Rogues were formed in part from survivors of that particular Red Squadron).
The pre-Endor Rogue Squadron could change Rogue Squadron to the Wedge icon/name, and add Luke as a Jedi instead.

This actually sounds really nice, and would be logical while still using PR as a base. What I'd want to do here though, is to measure how long a week in the game takes in time, and then have each tech upgrade cost 1 credit but take as long as it takes for 52 weeks to pass ingame. Basically the start of the mod probably should be reduced to 3 or 2 BBY if I'd do this though. That said it would be a huge change, and not something I will want to consider until I am done with the current vision I have :)

However, this would remove a lot of the freedoms the player and the AI has in what techs they want to research in what order. Also, it can't be dependent on the tech eras (vanilla style), as the max here is 5 tech levels I believe, but would have to utilize how you unlock units in PR.

Still, it would be a large undertaking. It's more likely to see unit research dependent unlocks, as in to research the next tech of a unit, you will have to have researched all techs that came before. Basically this would mean that you can't research MC80B Wingless until you've researched both MC80A's, started researching most other MC ships, as well as researched the fighters/bombers that are part of the MC80B complement. This would be the easiest way to make the AI and player research canonically, and would basically just involve adding prerequisites to tech unlocks.

This kind of tech progressions would solve several issues:

1) AI researching in a non-canonical way and then having some units way before their time.
2) Player researching in a non-canonical way and then having some units way before their time.
3) Late game lag because of unit variety will be even less than it already is in my sub mod.
4) There'd be an incentive to research fighter/bomber techs.
5) Research costs will be easier to balance.


additional questions
1: if i want to change the hardpoints of say, the XQ5 so that the Lasers are replaced by Heavy Lasers, will just adding H to the appropriate lines work?

No, that is not enough. If you just add an H, it will only change the name of the hardpoint. If you only change the name, then the STATIONS_XQ5_PLATFORM.xml file wont find the hardpoint and your game might crash or be buggy.

What I'd do is rename the hardpoint in hardpoints_space.xml from HP_XQ5_DTL_01_G to HP_XQ5_HTL_01_G. This I'd do just to keep it logical. Then you change the projectile type from <Fire_Projectile_Type>Proj_Space_Double_Turbolaser_G</Fire_Projectile_Type> to <Fire_Projectile_Type>Proj_Space_Heavy_Turbolaser_G</Fire_Projectile_Type> (different projectiles are all found in projectiles.xml btw). Then I'd balance the stats of HP_XQ5_HTL_01_G in hardpoints_space.xml to the kind of stats that heavy turbolasers tend to have. After this you can copy all changes to the other XQ5 hardpoints that you want replaced with heavy turbolasers, just remember to rename them logically (remember the colour) and add G/R/B to the end of Proj_Space_Heavy_Turbolaser_ to define the colour of the laser.

When you are done overhauling all the hardpoints, you go to the STATIONS_XQ5_PLATFORM.xml and rename the hardpoints of all the XQ5 platform variants that you want changed to the ones you've modified in the hardpoints.xml file.

You also do not have to replace/delete any line from the hardpoints.xml. It might be better if you save the old XQ5 hardpoints and just make new ones, this way you can use different XQ5 hardpoints on different platform variants, eg. Empire and Rebels could have the heavy turbolasers while the pirate variant uses double turbolasers.

additional ideas:
this probably would be shot down, and i think i might have suggested it before, but one thing that might make infantry more viable as a tactical unit would be getting rid of the homogeneous units and having composite units.
how im viewing it is this.
instead of spamming rifle-armed infantry, you have it so you've got, in a platoon, a few guys armed with Light Machine Guns or Automatic Rifles which are better at putting out full-auto fire then the rifles carried by their Riflemen buddies, a few guys with Grenade Launchers mounted on their Rifles, maybe a sniper or two, and a few guys trained as Anti-tank guys with rockets
and you could also have different sizes and make-ups of units, so you could have a platoon better optimized for anti-armor or anti-air, yet still have rifle-armed troops so the platoon maintains at least partial effectiveness against infantry
idr off the top of my head if it works like this In-Universe, but IRL, thats typically how it works. you dont send out 40 guys, all armed only with rocket launchers. you send out say, 8 guys with rockets, and the other 32 with rifles to keep enemy soldiers from killing your rocket guys. 
i think it would have infantry become useful, without having to completely overpower them or making them spammable, and allow for what i believe to be a less expensive force used, since now you dont have to build as many units to have a well rounded force.

This is a very cool idea and it could be done rather easily I believe. I will definitely think about having it like this in later releases. I will probably also do this for the specialist units, especially the ones which currently are using a lot of different weapons and you have to swap back and forth to what they use. I'll balance the squads according to their speciality. Eg. Rangers and Vanguards would be kind of similar, but vanguards can take a lot more damage and have heavier weapons, while rangers move faster and have longer range. Same thing for shocktroopers & scout troopers. Infiltrators would remain similar to how they are, and Stormtroopers would essentially be very good "regular infantry" (as in similar setup of soldiers to how SecForce Troopers and Army Troopers will be but much better).


not sure how i feel bout that potential upgrade system. using Luke as an example, assuming you remove his captaining of the Justice, an MC80, even if you give him an entire squadron of modified J7's thats more massive of a downgrade than my proposed Wedge Antilles going from Lusankya to a Dominator 4, or Baron Fel's going from the Pride of the Senate, a Dreadnought to the 181/1st., a squadron of TIE Interceptor x2's. on the other hand, using it so that heroes that command Starfighter groups for a longer period of time don't become redundant. input: if you do end up having the transition for some heroes from fighter to larger craft, i would try to avoid maxing out the fighter. mainly for canon. the only canon example i can really provide is for Wedge. by the time the J-series of X-wing was released, it was implied he had been retired for a few years. (assuming the J was released on the eve of the Vong war)

Honestly, I forgot that Luke gets the Justice  :blush: 

As I mentioned with Vader, heroes who get a capital ships will get complement upgrades and capital upgrades instead.

Hell, better yet, have each squad assigned a LAAT or some type of transport, which is landed fully loaded with troops.
This would remove the need to wait on multiple landing craft to slowly land and disembark the units, then wait for them to become controllable so you can wait for them to slowly move to the transport to get onboard.

This wont happen in my mod :p

Past that, honestly, we should try to come up with several ideas, then mod them all in and test to see which works best.

You are free to use my modifications as a base for your own changes (a mini mod of a submod for a mod? :D ) I will gladly implement features to my mod that I think work well and fit. Sûlherokhh did an awesome job with his own tweaks for PR for example, and I will definitely borrow some parts of his tweaks to my submod. I don't however have the time to try everything that is suggested to me alone, so the more you want some of your own ideas implemented, the more work you'll have to do yourself ;)

again, its somewhat complicated and would probably have to be handled on a case by case basis.
lol, i was actually going to use the make-up of a Squad in the Marines as an example, as they have 3 Fire-teams as opposed to 2 in the Army, although if the SAW gunners were using M27 Automatic Rifles, it wouldnt make much of a difference. not that the IAR is a bad weapon, but it seems to me that going from a belt-fed Light Machine Gun to a Magazine-fed rifle to perform the same role seems a little odd to me. unless the Corps is trying to fully switch over to the HK416 as their new standard issue rifle, and they want to get it into low-rate issuance now so when it comes time to issue it to everyone, you wont have to do as much R&D and all, so you save time and money.
and you can give various sized units various vehicles.
so a rifle platoon would get Humvee or Stryker equivalents, while a heavy weapons platoon would get something with a bit more kick.
now the only thing here would be mechanized units and air units. do you have mixed Recon and Tank units like the Bradley/Abrams pairings, or Little Bird/Apache in the case of aircraft, or just keep it how it is at the moment


again, its somewhat complicated and would probably have to be handled on a case by case basis.

Have vehicles deploy fully loaded with a squad of ground troops, or if that isn't doable, edit the vehicles code so that you deploy the vehicle WITH a full loads worth of ground troops beside them.

Have it set so that as you upgrade the vehicle, the troops get upgraded as well.

For example, Imperial LAATs could come start with four squads of clone troopers, and those clone trooper squads would include a mix of squad types using a sensable military loadout.
Basically, move further away from the rock-paper-scisors approach the game started with, and move more towards a more realistic approach.

Actually, the same could be applied to space. You could have the option to also build FLEETS of various compositions, which when entering a space map pulls in a fleet.
Each fleet would take up less space population than the combined separate ships would, as well as costing a little less.

The key is to have the size and composition of the groups range evenly, and have the ships involved fill a purpose that makes sense from a sci-fi perspective at least.

While I think it would be awesome to build regiments of many different units instead of platoons, it will look weird in practice. Same goes for fleets.

Just think how it will look when the Imperials land a regiment of an AT-AT, 4 AT-ST's, lots of Storm Troopers, maybe a LAAT or two and everything just pops out of an action IV transport that shouldn't be able to fit a single AT-AT in the first place. With how EAW is there is no way to make this look cool. And the reinforcement points are also rather small for all of this. It's an idea that would be great in theory, but wont work or will look stupid in practice.

Mixed vehicle units will make the research part a bit weird. Maybe to a small extent this could work, but nothing too grand. It would be similar to how the MPTL arrives with some unbuildable sensor droids that are just part of the package.

That said, landing transports for some units is something I want to change. One thing I want to reintroduce at some point is the Theta class AT-AT barge. Since the AT-AT has gotten a considerable increase in power in my sub mod, I think it would be okay for there to only be one AT-AT per platoon instead of 2.

Edited by Chih, 22 June 2013 - 06:48 PM.

#87 evilbobthebob



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Posted 22 June 2013 - 06:52 PM

Not gonna comment on anything else, but the length of a week is controlled by the "financial cycle" tag or something similar in gameconstants. I think it's 60 seconds in PR. This is 60s of game time though, which in PR is usually slower than realtime due to processing lag. The gamespeed sliders in the options menu will also change that.

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#88 Chih

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 06:56 PM

If there was minimal lag, that would mean that 52 minutes (3120 seconds) time spent in galactic map is one year. Which I guess would make the tech change long but doable.

Still, I'm thinking I'll stick with going for prerequisites for canonical tech progression for now :)

#89 a.fake.name


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 12:02 AM

Chih, by tech levels, I meant instead just create research items on which things are dependent on within the scripting.

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#90 johnchm.10



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Posted 23 June 2013 - 04:45 AM

EAW is the first generation

FoC, being an expansion is second gen

PR, a mod of FoC, is Generation Three
Chih's sub-mod is Gen 4.

any other modifications are generation 5.


again, thanks for the help there.

my idea there is that on a space station in orbit of a planet, you wouldnt have to worry as much about the longevity of weapon components, since in theory, they could be shipped up from the planet, and that the guns might have to be at least a little more powerful, since they are to be used in a planetary defense scenario.


ive been known for my occasional good idea, lol.

if you end up adding snipers, i recommend having a larger sight radius and weapon range unless theyve already got that. in real life, even if the sniper is using the same ammo as the rest of the group, his weapon will have been tuned up to be more accurate out to a longer range compared to his buddies.

the Army Squad Designated Marksman Rifle uses much of the same parts and components as the M16A4, but has been "accurized" to be provide effective fire 50-100 meters further than the standard M16 and M4 rifles. it fires the same caliber ammo, yet the differences are that the SDM-R's have better triggers, more accurate barrels, and fore-ends that are designed to not interfere with the barrel, and are always issued with ACOG's (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsights), bipods, and if possible, better ammo.


for an upgrade path:

have the platoon start off with a squad of straight up riflemen, a low level officer, and a medic.

then replace riflemen with Automatic Riflemen, Grenadiers, and Snipers, for major upgrades. and when you get new units, the units you have get upgrades to their kit

abilities. since we're altering structure/make up of units, might as well modify the units.


Riflemen: enter/exit cover; aimed fire (slow rate of fire, improve accuracy and or power)


Automatic Riflemen: suppressive fire (extended burst of automatic fire with reasonable accuracy.) exit/enter cover


Grenadiers: cover; switch to grenade launcher (if possible with different types of grenades (High Explosive/Fragmentation and High Explosive Anti Tank for different targets) im debating having a rifle mounted grenade launcher or a dedicated grenade launcher.


Sniper (passive ability (partial stealth. figure that they have camo.)(passive. extended line of sight) active: aimed fire (again, slower rate of fire for greater accuracy and or power), as for the second ability, extend visible radius temporarily by 2x rifleman's range (doesnt stack with passive ability)


Medic: passive: healing over time of units in a certain radius. active: perfect heal; Overcharge: infantry units in area become either Invulnerable or get a 120-200% boost in health.

#91 Chih

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 03:57 PM

for an upgrade path:
have the platoon start off with a squad of straight up riflemen, a low level officer, and a medic.
then replace riflemen with Automatic Riflemen, Grenadiers, and Snipers, for major upgrades. and when you get new units, the units you have get upgrades to their kit
abilities. since we're altering structure/make up of units, might as well modify the units.
Riflemen: enter/exit cover; aimed fire (slow rate of fire, improve accuracy and or power)
Automatic Riflemen: suppressive fire (extended burst of automatic fire with reasonable accuracy.) exit/enter cover
Grenadiers: cover; switch to grenade launcher (if possible with different types of grenades (High Explosive/Fragmentation and High Explosive Anti Tank for different targets) im debating having a rifle mounted grenade launcher or a dedicated grenade launcher.
Sniper (passive ability (partial stealth. figure that they have camo.)(passive. extended line of sight) active: aimed fire (again, slower rate of fire for greater accuracy and or power), as for the second ability, extend visible radius temporarily by 2x rifleman's range (doesnt stack with passive ability)
Medic: passive: healing over time of units in a certain radius. active: perfect heal; Overcharge: infantry units in area become either Invulnerable or get a 120-200% boost in health.

Upgrade path I can do.

I will have to see with the abilities. I'm unsure you can have many different abilities on all the units. If I got rid of groups completely, and made the infantry controllable as in one soldier per unit, I think it will work though. With this I'd want cover for everyone, and then a second ability which has to do with their weapon.

#92 a.fake.name


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 10:07 PM

While we are on ground combat, the Rebels lack a bombardment option. All they get is Ion cannon, which disables stuff for a short time and is otherwise rather pointless.
Prehaps give their bombardment at least SOME actual damage value, since even Ion cannon do physical damage.


Also while discussing ion canons, Rebels and Imps should both be able to build the Ion Cannon.
The planetary Ion cannon is based off of the one in Empire Strikes Back, and THAT is a KDY model, which means there is ZERO way for the empire to lack access to it.

Ditto for the planetary turbolasers, Rebels should be able to use them too.

And also, if possible, the surface batteries should prevent bombardment, as the ships would be forced to stay clear of the line of fire.
This would also give a sensable tactical aspect of battles, if you take out the big gun your ships can give fire support.

Also, is it possible to have the cooldown period for a bombardment or a bombing run dependent on craft in orbit ?
If, for example, you had 2 Y-Wing squadrons in orbit, you would be able to order bombing runs twice as fast as if you only had one.

And a request, for my personal install of the game, anyone wana tell me what to edit to make snubcraft able to deploy to the ground ?

Personally I don't care if it is "overpowered", I'd rather have access to (and have to fight against) ground fighters, because it seems silly to have all those fighters/bombers and just leave them out of the battle.

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#93 johnchm.10



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Posted 23 June 2013 - 10:46 PM

unfortunately fake, the Alliance and New Republic never used Orbital Bombardment until after the Vong took Coruscant.

Planetary Ion's were used by the Empire. Valdet, Borlieas, undoubtedly Coruscant, etc. so that i can back. i dont know if Planetary Turbolasers were used by the Alliance/New Republic off the top of my head. same for Hyper-velocity cannons.

i think Ion Bombardments should in fact cause damage. infantry would be pretty much electrocuted, and using a ship-mounted Ion or Turboion would probably completely fry any ground vehicle because of the sheer power of the cannon.

#94 a.fake.name


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Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:44 AM

Yeah, all I'm asking is for it to cause actual damage. Plus Ions are supposed to do some physical damage too.



unfortunately fake, the Alliance and New Republic never used Orbital Bombardment until after the Vong took Coruscant.


The death of Prince Xizors family was caused by an orbital bombardmet.

I seem to recall in the Zahn novels Pellion/Thrawn having the Chimera fire a brief salvo as an example.


Gara Petohel (AKA Lara Nostil) from the Wraith Squadron novels had a backup identity replacing a farmgirl that got vaporized along with an entire village when the wouldn't  supply Apwar Trigit's ISD.

Warlord Zsinj bombarded a rebel base and wiped out a lot of Rogue Squadrons support personnel.


Pretty sure there are more.

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#95 Chih

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 08:12 AM

I think it is wrong to represent the alliance using orbital bombardment with turbolasers as well. However, I'll think about looking into improving turboion bombardment for the Alliance. It does make sense for it to electrocute infantry, and to do light damage to vehicles along with the disable.

#96 Admiral_Lennox

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 04:35 PM


The death of Prince Xizors family was caused by an orbital bombardmet.

I seem to recall in the Zahn novels Pellion/Thrawn having the Chimera fire a brief salvo as an example.


Gara Petohel (AKA Lara Nostil) from the Wraith Squadron novels had a backup identity replacing a farmgirl that got vaporized along with an entire village when the wouldn't  supply Apwar Trigit's ISD.

Warlord Zsinj bombarded a rebel base and wiped out a lot of Rogue Squadrons support personnel.


Pretty sure there are more.


Those were all Imperial bombardments, not Rebel Alliance or New Republic bombardments. 

#97 a.fake.name


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 04:21 AM

Either way, it's unbalanced enough to warrant comment.

Also, possible bug.

Was deploying a Sentinal class landing craft in SP skirmish, game crashed.

Late enough I'm not going to try to repeat right away.

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#98 johnchm.10



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Posted 26 June 2013 - 04:24 AM

another issue i found, when going through the XML's.

you only have the line R_RZ-1_A_wing_Interceptor, x, with x being the number of squadrons or groups, in a number of the XMLs of Rebel Capital Ships.

i forget which ones off the top of my head, but just a heads up there


and now my heroes arent being built

i just tried building all the heroes at the beginning of your GFFA, and after i build them, they go back into the land-build bar.

the only things i changed were the upgrade prices, fighter compliments, and for the heroes who start off with YT1300s, i gave them I models

Edited by johnchm.10, 26 June 2013 - 05:45 AM.

#99 johnchm.10



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Posted 26 June 2013 - 06:47 AM

oddly enough, that seems to be the only error so far


ill upload the XML's i modded that seem to be affected as of yet



Attached Files

Edited by johnchm.10, 26 June 2013 - 06:56 AM.

#100 Chih

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Posted 26 June 2013 - 10:51 AM

Either way, it's unbalanced enough to warrant comment.

Also, possible bug.

Was deploying a Sentinal class landing craft in SP skirmish, game crashed.

Late enough I'm not going to try to repeat right away.

Skirmish is probably buggy as hell with my sub mod. As I have said, it is meant for GFFA only for the time being and probably for a long time in the future.

another issue i found, when going through the XML's.
you only have the line R_RZ-1_A_wing_Interceptor, x, with x being the number of squadrons or groups, in a number of the XMLs of Rebel Capital Ships.
i forget which ones off the top of my head, but just a heads up there
and now my heroes arent being built
i just tried building all the heroes at the beginning of your GFFA, and after i build them, they go back into the land-build bar.
the only things i changed were the upgrade prices, fighter compliments, and for the heroes who start off with YT1300s, i gave them I models

Thanks for reporting the A-wing line. Don't know how something like this has slipped. Seems like all A-wing upgrades are in tact and it is just the R_RZ_1_A_wing_Interceptor line that is wrong :)

Fixed for the next version on all rebel ships.

Heroes going back to the build bar might be if you have changed the GFFA file to start off with heroes in some of their later upgrades. Basically, if you add the Dreadnaught upgrade for Mon Mothma in the start in the GFFA file, you'll be able to build her again without the upgrade. Have you changed your GFFA file as well?

oddly enough, that seems to be the only error so far
ill upload the XML's i modded that seem to be affected as of yet

You got the wrong transport unit <Company_Transport_Unit>Raymus_Antilles_YT_1300_Light_Freighter</Company_Transport_Unit>

I suspect there is the same error on the others as well.


Ahh yeah, and for the future if anyone changes the files in my sub mod and there's a bug, try to make sure that the bug is in my sub mod, not in the changes you've done. It would be helpful and I'd appreciate it! I want to get all errors I have made fixed, but if I start going after bugs that are caused by other line changes than what I've done, it starts to get very confusing.

Edited by Chih, 26 June 2013 - 10:58 AM.

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