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MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

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#1 Zenothist


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 12:48 PM

Greetings Proselytes!
Got a cool idea for a new unit
What about a new support power
Or even a totally new sub-faction or game mode?
But what about the A.I.? Are the difficulty levels reflective of the challenge?
This thread is for your ideas and suggestions for new stuff to add to the mod and feedback on the difficulty!
Keep in mind that it's more likely your new unit or support power will be accepted if it fits in the theme of the sub-faction. You can find these themes in the information section of  the factions page

Edited by Zenothist, 23 January 2014 - 10:33 AM.

#2 alexthecat

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 07:59 PM

Add in the tech battle game mode :smile2ap:  (the one that lets you use every unit from every subfaction)

#3 Graion Dilach

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 08:34 PM

That would be actually interesting... I'm really interested how broken the balance would be in that mode.


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#4 Zenothist


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 08:49 PM

We specifically didn't add it because doing so would render the point of having subfactions completely useless. 


Maybe the game mode will return, but it's something we're still discussing.

#5 codyfun123


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 11:29 PM

The beauty of that name is that we are always willing to change in order to make the mod even better. That's why we want to hear all of your opinions and more importantly, act upon them.


Okay, then!


I liked disguising spies as dogs or other random animals in the map in vanilla YR (for fun), which is no longer possible. If there aren't any technical limitations or severe bugs associated with it, I ask to make it so that spies can disguise as animals again, just so players can mess around.

In WWII, some allied spies actually disguised themselves as cows to observe enemy movement, so this is my counter to those who say it's illogicall.


Also, it was possible to mind control some animals, which has also been adjusted. Yes, this one didn't make any sense and was inconsistent with attack dogs, but I liked having this too. 

Perhaps Epsilon mind controllers practice mind control on wild animals because it's funny to make them do stupid things, but attack dogs became mind control-resistant in training.

In-game, animals aren't viable in combat, and you can just make them have zero scrap value. Again, if there are other issues that you can't afford to introduce by adding this, you can just ignore this idea.

#6 Comrade Crimson

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 11:42 PM

I also have a new COOP mission in mind: I spoke about it on the chat in the lobby.


Here's the storyline of it:

A joint expedition force between the Allied nations and the Soviet Union went to Antarctica, temporarily allied, to unite and scout out the Epsilon threat in Antarctica. However, the scouting force of it, sent ahead was doing aerial reconnasciance of the ambigious continent, Epsilon technology and constructions making sattelite imagery too obscure to use. The plane with the scouting party was shot down however, crashing into the frozen wastes of the Antarctic. The majority of the men and women onboard survived the crash, only to be assaulted with both the grudging, painful conditions of the Antarctic and the threat of Epsilon Headqaurters maniacal genetic experiments:


They had crashed near a genetic manipulation and experimentation research center used by the Episilon to develop new freakish organic monstrosities, such as Brutes, Stalkers, Dream Weavers and Archers, among other things.




Essentially the two commanders are pitted on a hill in the center of the map. Epsilon units will spawn in large numbers/ there will be a fair bit of strongly defended Epsilon bases surrounding them. The commanders cannot make any sort of aerial units, and they are limited to lower technology:

They cannot build a battle lab, due to their situation of being crashed and not having sufficient access to higher technology from home.


The Epsilon however, due to this area being merely a research station and nothing more, cannot train any any combatant vehicles; they can only attack with Archers, Brutes, Dogs, Dream weavers, and Stalkers. However, since it IS a research station for genetic experiments, Cloning vats are numerous as is funding.

Meaning, there will be waves and waves of hordes.


The overall goal of the two comrades in arm's Commanders? To survive for (15 minutes on easy, 30 minutes for medium, 45 for mental.) to be extracted by their respective factions.


Players would start with 2 oil derricks, and there is ore outside the hill: But you have to make a decision of going out into the dangerous wastes to mine or sit tight with a stiff upper lip. The Epsilon would cheat or have enough oil derricks to the point money would not matter.



Notes: I was thinking of maybe having a custom character or two (It'd just be a buffed up Conscript/Flak Trooper or something, nothing too fancy) and he would give you hints on how to survive. If you want, I would be more then willing to voice such a character for this mission.

My Skype is Comrade.Crimson, and my Steam is also ComradeCrimson. Let me know your thoughts.

Edited by Comrade Crimson, 01 December 2013 - 11:55 PM.

#7 Malachai13

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 11:46 PM

I would like to see a "hold fire" function implemented, would open up some fun design decisions, like letting Full Elite rank morales have weak stealth, where he is stealthed only when still and not firing.

#8 alexthecat

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:00 AM

Make it possible to skip the short briefings in the beginning of missions (if that is at all possible) I was trying to beat the 1st epsilon mission on Mental difficulty and saw that beginning sequence a good 30 times lol

#9 LusiGoosi

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 04:52 AM

I'm not sure if it is possible to make happen, but can one adjust speed in campaign. If not you should make it possible. :)

#10 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 05:03 AM

Campaign Speed is hardcoded to play on Fast Speed.

Edited by Atomic_Noodles, 02 December 2013 - 05:03 AM.

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#11 Existor

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 08:16 AM

Add gamemode with Timetraveling, like first missions of Yuri's Revenge.


You defend Time Machine with your team mates (up to 2 or 4 players?) from Allies, then you jump - from Soviets, 3rd jump - from Yuri, 4th - from dinosaurs, and 5th - BOSS-jump - from Unknown Corporation that wants to control Time Machine and it uses all 3 factions units and super weapons (Remember BOSS-General from Zero Hour Challenges?). All five timetravel-jumps should and can be done in one map.


So that would be something like a small challenge. Let's call it "Time Challenge". You will fight with your team mates against 5 different enemies: against classic Allies, classic Soviets, classic Yuri (under classic I mean factions from original RA2 and YR games), then against big waves of Dinosaurs, and then against unknown powerfull corporation, that trying to control entire world through time-technologies.


P.S. For more interesting story part, that unknown powerfull corporation is FutureTech, which we already met a bit in RA3:Uprising. Lets imagine that FutureTech experimenting with time-travelling technologies, and in unknown timeline (5th timetravel jump) they already captured entire world, so we with Epsilon/Soviets/Allies teleported here and trying to stop them. I think that can be an epic challenge and mission.

#12 RP.



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Posted 02 December 2013 - 09:02 AM

I'm sorry, but that is technically impossible, "time travelling" is done through the owner of the trigger, which does not support Player @ X.

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#13 Vhaldez


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 09:34 AM

I'd love to see Lost Colony come back, now that we have those Cyborg units from Stolen Tech along with the 2.0 stuff.


EDIT: I'm talking about the Hoplite, Reaper etc. as well as the Tsurugi suits, for example.

Edited by Jochmen, 02 December 2013 - 09:35 AM.


#14 Allied Commander ???

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Posted 03 December 2013 - 01:42 AM

AIs sometimes don't know how to use small and narrow building space wisely.
They are certainly doomed as they only build a little buildings. I could send them to their end easily.

Edited by Allied Commander ???, 03 December 2013 - 01:43 AM.

#15 Nervous

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Posted 03 December 2013 - 03:30 AM

My first suggestion can be constructed Apocalypse and Future Tankwithout infiltration..

#16 Dagoth Ur

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Posted 03 December 2013 - 03:40 AM

1) You've just taken away many hours of my life, Mentalmeisters. Thanks for the good work!


2) To even begin thinking about playing the campaign, one has to spend many hours learning in skirmish mode. You see, everything is new and is essentially like a totally different game. A great, but very unforgiving game- with updated AI and brand new units, one has to relearn playing almost from scratch since old tricks don't work anymore and the wide array of new tricks and strategies needs to be learned. I've got my ass completely whooped in the first mission of MO after I've steamrolled the vanilla Soviet campaign in 3 hours or so to remind myself what's what. Sure, in a week or so I'll be punching through both campaign and skirmish like a knife through butter, but bear in mind that less experienced players might not have the patience to do so since the difficulty curve is so high. Sure, you did a great job explaining what all the factions are about in the videos, but it's different to hear and different to actually play with them.


Therefore my advice to you is to make some sort of a short tutorial campaign for each faction. It does not need to be long, nor to have a consistent plot, but a new player needs to somehow be introduced to new gameplay style and units without the need to play at the best of his abilities in the campaign. And since the campaign assumes that the player already knows and is skilled with operating MO units, there is no room for mistakes or learning how to play. With nine different subfactions it's nigh impossible to know it all in the beginning. So either advise new players to play skirmish first, or make an introductory campaign or even mission of some sort. After all it would be unfair to non-pros to toss them into deep water all of a sudden- I think they deserve to have fun with the game as well. It doesn't have to be CoD style hand holding, but I think that something needs to be done in this matter. 



Edit: Oh, a great feature I know of is from the Blitzkrieg game- when you press a button with a unit selected, you can see its range. It's extremely useful  for example when using artillery or planning defenses. Sure, the engine might not make it possible, but if it does, please consider implementing it. 

Edited by Dagoth Ur, 03 December 2013 - 03:49 AM.

#17 mevitar



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Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:23 AM

Tutorial was planned for a standalone release. Since we couldn't release as standalone, it was scrapped. Hopefully it will be added at one point, since we had some funny ideas for tutorial "missions".
Also, there is no difficulty curve at all. The difficulty scaling is totally random (which surely will confuse a lot of people). :p

Visible range on a unit is impossible. Only structures can have that, and only on placing.
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#18 Zenothist


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:29 AM

Tutorial was planned for a standalone release. Since we couldn't release as standalone, it was scrapped. Hopefully it will be added at one point, since we had some funny ideas for tutorial "missions".
Also, there is no difficulty curve at all. The difficulty scaling is totally random (which surely will confuse a lot of people). :p

Visible range on a unit is impossible. Only structures can have that, and only on placing.

Damnit Mev, we will have a consistant difficulty curve one day! One day!

Edited by Zenothist, 03 December 2013 - 10:29 AM.

#19 Speeder



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Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:30 AM

Nah, we won't. :p


#20 Dagoth Ur

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Posted 03 December 2013 - 12:53 PM

Oh, there are a few other things I want to prattle about. First is a game mode (or better, a tick in the skirmish menu) where the power of the superweapons like the nuke or the psychic dominator is reduced (halved?). You see, back in the days of Tiberian Dawn we've only had the good ol' Ion Cannon- it could destroy a critical obelisk, barracks, some massed infantry or amassing troops and nothing more- and we've liked it! Nowadays the I'll-blow-half-of-your-base-with-the-psychic-dominator thing is a bit over the top. Can something be implemented to-if one so chooses- change the role of superweapons from strategic destruction back to tactical harassment? I usually play without them, but it would be fun to have that little extra edge rather than a game changer. Messing with aoe and perhaps the delay/timer of the weapons shouldn't be hard and the result would be a game option/mode that is actually useful and fun to play. Either do that (which would be better) or implement an extra fee of 1000 per each usage of the weapon, or something like that to make them less accessible. 


Oh, and a second suggestion is a support power/superweapon for the European Alliance. What is the best way of delivering a large payload inside an enemy base? Getting a big bomb, tossing it into the Chronosphere and spawning it right next to the ConYard! It could be in any form- from replacing the overused weather control device with a chrono bomb spawner to adding a support power where some explosive uavs are spawned anywhere on the map or even adding a very slow demo truck thing made especially for the purpose. The payload could be conventional for harassment, emp for tactical shutdown or nuclear (that is much less in line with EA fluff though) for wholesale destruction. I mean if the Europeans are so adept in chrono technology, why don't they use it as an infallible payload delivery method? It would be way more logical than for example a bomber fleet. And the weather control device while advanced, is not very exotic anymore, since all Allies use it. 


Also Speeder, masz u mnie browara za porządnego moda.

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