Hero story ideas. Mostly questions I’d love to have answered.
Chitzkoi and Volkov: I’d love to know more about this partnership did they know each other back before they were cyborgs? Also wow Chitzkoi is pretty much ancient in terms of dog years. Perhaps for volkov bring in some of his Second World War experiences into play. After all for combat experiences it gives him a lot of service time and he might have some opinions based on these experiences. Also how does he see the Evolution of the communist party, does he support the current regime or does he really crave back Stalin’s time. Also what sort of back contingency plans does the Soviet Union have if he goes rogue? Does Volkov being a cyborg actually allow the government of Russia to take direct control at points?
Morales: What is his rank and how does he take that into account, he is obviously loyal to the party, but as a sniper and assassin what is his moral compass, will he kill anyone? Or does he have limits. Perhaps he should bring up some of those impossible mission mentioned in his backstory? Or what of the girl he misses?
Yunru: As a teen does she get any of her opinions really respected by the military brass or her fellow heroes, I know I’d find it hard to listen to a teen. Even one that is smarter just do to age. Most generals being pretty old might find it extra tough. Or even conscripts not from china, f I was let us say a Russian foot soldier who had survived even one battle would I care what a Chinese teen had to say. Also how loyal is Yunru to China? If they threaten her family as said.
Libra: as a psicorps hero, is she originally form a soviet nation. Did she have friends and family? How close is she to Yuri? “The Cerebral Amplifier/Suppressor” Is it perhaps a way for Yuri to control her and make sure he is the most powerful by weakening her all the time saying it is for her own good?
Malver; works for Rashidi, is her more loyal to him or to yuri? Does the two leader’s ideal conflict sometimes? If so what does Rashidi want and how will Malver expand this goal. Has the scorpion cell ever been supported lightly by Soviet states in defiance of the west. If so does Mslver have a unique knowledge or opinion of soviet tech compared to Allied.
Rahn has a lot of stuff that could be filled in…I’m not sure what exactly I’d want to see more of.
Tanya: Um…not sure on this one. My only thought is Tanya really military or private contractor or perhaps CIA? I’d guess CIA. Perhaps a way to tie the different looks between Red alert one and two together.
Siegfried: Does Siegfried know of Yunru both being scientists, do they have different or similar theories? Why does the scientist and head of a corporation want to fight too? Does he have somebody run the business end? Does he know about the time machine and how this all started and what does he think of that…also not related but did Einstein destroy the time machine….I think he should and get rid of records so the world does not get further off track.
Norio: besides being a rocketeer like guy and going to Uni, what else did he do? Not much to say about him, like Rhan lots of stuff can be covered.