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Faction Strategies

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#1 Protozoan


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 01:42 AM

Alright so, I'm sort of confused on what some of the strategies of some factions are supposed to be, or at least what works well with them. I mainly just use Russia and that's about it.


I've vs'd some people using Latin Confederation and Scorpion Cell, and by the looks of it they seem to be the worst factions in my honest opinion. Players who used the Latin Confederation just tried to either rush me with bomb buggy spam and well... The other I'm not sure what he was doing but I rolled right over him.


Scorpion Cell's speeders seemed pretty effective, but then their artillery just isn't very effective at all, the speeders really seemed to be the only thing of theirs that was effective. It could just be the players I've fought, not playing them properly or something, but I'm unsure what their strength's are.


HQ players seem to enjoy attacking my miners with Shadow Tanks and then rushing me with Colossi, or trying to get a Driller APC into my base loaded with engineers.


Players using Russia commonly seem to just build a massive army of Rhino Tanks, Tsivils and assorted infantry, or building a massive army of Wolfhounds & Tesla Tanks


But unfortunately, I haven't really had a competitive match with players using PsiCorps, Euro Alliance, United States, Pacific Front or China. Every time I've vs'd a player using these factions they just turtle'd and holed up in their base.


People seem to use China & Russia the most, while HQ & PsiCorps are still used a lot but not as much as China or Russia. While the Latin Confederation, Scorpion Cell and the United States are the least used.


So what strategies do you guys use when you play certain factions?


#2 lovalmidas


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:38 AM

Latin Confed, Scorpion Cell and the US are best for rushing from Tier 1 (apart from Borillo rush which requires Radar). Scorpion Cell's Trikes can outrun and outrange basic tanks. These three factions emphasize mobility over firepower, and can be used to harass multiple locations with great effect. Your speed of commands and micromanagement have to match up with that, and for that a Radar is very effective. 


European Alliance is a good defender, especially if you have cliff advantage (One-hit-KO Charons, Siegfried with height bonus, Mirages).


Pacific Front has a wide variety of tactics for use, from amphibious attacks with Kappas + Seals, to aerial harassment (Norio + Rocketeers). The Pacific Front also has the best mix of artillery (Zephyr: Anti-tank, Hailstorm: Anti-Structure, Anti-Infantry. You even get to use the Zephyr beacon). Note that a fully loaded Battle Fortress is very expensive (can even cost more than a Centurion!).


China is the best turtle out there, especially with the speed boost for Qilins and Nuwas around a Nuke Reactor. Once it gets a critical mass, they can just roll over anything that isn't artillery. China with T3 is devastating. I love China, pity I never won as China since release. China can't really afford to defend more than one location. :(


I love ripping through buildings with HQ Stalkers, and troll the defending army with Shadows and Rahn. I find Irkalla most effective when defending. :p


PsiCorps have great amphibious units (Maruaders, Epsilon Elites, Megatron, Libra + Libra Clones). Libra is the only unit that use her deploy to kill vehicles that are otherwise invulnerable (tried against Siegfried's bubble, have yet to try against Iron Curtain. NOTE: does not work when the targeted unit is frozen under the chrono effect). If the enemy has EMP or Volkov, use Epsilon Elites rather than Masterminds.


But enough talk. Challenge a Mentalmeister staff / tester when you are up for it. (e.g. me) :p



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#3 Protozoan


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:01 AM

But enough talk. Challenge a Mentalmeister staff / tester when you are up for it. (e.g. me) :p


Sounds good to me :p

Edited by Protozoan, 11 December 2013 - 05:05 AM.


#4 WhiteDragon25

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:02 AM

But enough talk. Challenge a Mentalmeister staff / tester when you are up for it. (e.g. me) :p


To hell with that. I've tried taking on you, RP, and Petya, and the end result is always me getting slaughtered. The only Mentalmeisters I'm willing to challenge is Doomhammer and Zenothist.


Now, as for the thread topic itself, I typically play as Russia (no surprise there):


I find a combination of Telsa Troopers and Pyros to be an effective combo: Tesla Troopers to detect stealth and deal with tanks, and Pyros to burn down structures and incinerate infantry. Volkov is also helpful support for this combo.


Akulas I favor heavily in naval engagements, for obvious reasons. A massive fleet of Akulas firing at the same time can usually punch through AA defenses, given sufficient volume of fire. Plus, the advantage of the Akula over the Dreadnought is the fact that it's a submarine, and thus stealthed (highly useful in avoiding counterattacks from angry enemy fleets).


Most of the time I just hole up in my base building a strong defensive line and a strong enconomy, before expanding out to more orefields or strategic positions. Given time, I can build a pretty mean fortress (which usually never happens outside of skirmish, due to the nature of online play - i.e. people being assholes). I particularly seem to favor exploiting chokepoints like bridges, cliff slopes, and urban ramps.


I usually don't do very much intensive tactical microing, instead just going straight for massive numbers and firepower, and point it towards the general direction of the enemy. I also just like building pretty bases (which usually bites me in the ass, since my OCD in building placement hinders me in one way or another).

Edited by WhiteDragon25, 11 December 2013 - 05:05 AM.

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#5 X1Destroy


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:27 AM

I hate it the most when a bunch of Nuwa cannons turtle up a base supported by Sentinels. There just isn't a damn thing that can get past them, infantry got melted by radiation, vehicles got blasted before they can return fire and aircrafts have very little use.

It's pain me the most when playing as Russia, cause the SCUD missles can be intercepted.


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#6 Protozoan


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:30 AM

I hate it the most when a bunch of Nuwa cannons turtle up a base supported by Sentinels. There just isn't a damn thing that can get past them, infantry got melted by radiation, vehicles got blasted before they can return fire and aircrafts have very little use.

It's pain me the most when playing as Russia, cause the SCUD missles can be intercepted.



Terror Drone rush maybe? Coming from multiple directions, and then maybe send in a small force of tanks, possibly Tesla Tanks. They don't have a very fast fire rate.


#7 WhiteDragon25

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:31 AM

I hate it the most when a bunch of Nuwa cannons turtle up a base supported by Sentinels. There just isn't a damn thing that can get past them, infantry got melted by radiation, vehicles got blasted before they can return fire and aircrafts have very little use.

It's pain me the most when playing as Russia, cause the SCUD missles can be intercepted.


I've had the misfortune of encountering that very combo in a recent match of mine. Damn things are near impossible to kill, especially late-game (I was slowly ground down to nothing thanks to my own inaction; I was facing a base full of War Factories and defenses, and a Nuke Silo firing at me every 10 minutes. The Nuwa Cannons & Sentinels simply pummelled whatever attempts I made to recover from then on... oh yeah, did I mention the fact that he was spamming a massive army of the things as well? Slow as hell, but wrecks everything that gets in their way. Poor Rhinos).

Edited by WhiteDragon25, 11 December 2013 - 05:33 AM.

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#8 Protozoan


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:40 AM


I hate it the most when a bunch of Nuwa cannons turtle up a base supported by Sentinels. There just isn't a damn thing that can get past them, infantry got melted by radiation, vehicles got blasted before they can return fire and aircrafts have very little use.

It's pain me the most when playing as Russia, cause the SCUD missles can be intercepted.


I've had the misfortune of encountering that very combo in a recent match of mine. Damn things are near impossible to kill, especially late-game (I was slowly ground down to nothing thanks to my own inaction; I was facing a base full of War Factories and defenses, and a Nuke Silo firing at me every 10 minutes. The Nuwa Cannons & Sentinels simply pummelled whatever attempts I made to recover from then on... oh yeah, did I mention the fact that he was spamming a massive army of the things as well? Slow as hell, but wrecks everything that gets in their way. Poor Rhinos).



I dunno, I don't think you're meant to take them head on lol, they're slow, which means it's easy to attack other things they have or harass them, I think a faction like Scorpion Cell could do well against them.

Edited by Protozoan, 11 December 2013 - 05:40 AM.


#9 WhiteDragon25

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:49 AM



I hate it the most when a bunch of Nuwa cannons turtle up a base supported by Sentinels. There just isn't a damn thing that can get past them, infantry got melted by radiation, vehicles got blasted before they can return fire and aircrafts have very little use.

It's pain me the most when playing as Russia, cause the SCUD missles can be intercepted.


I've had the misfortune of encountering that very combo in a recent match of mine. Damn things are near impossible to kill, especially late-game (I was slowly ground down to nothing thanks to my own inaction; I was facing a base full of War Factories and defenses, and a Nuke Silo firing at me every 10 minutes. The Nuwa Cannons & Sentinels simply pummelled whatever attempts I made to recover from then on... oh yeah, did I mention the fact that he was spamming a massive army of the things as well? Slow as hell, but wrecks everything that gets in their way. Poor Rhinos).



I dunno, I don't think you're meant to take them head on lol, they're slow, which means it's easy to attack other things they have or harass them, I think a faction like Scorpion Cell could do well against them.


Trying to take them head on, trying to strike them from the rear, doesn't matter: there was too many of them to make a dent, and the Nuwa Cannons are too heavily armored for Rhinos to destroy. By the time a squad of Rhinos bring a single Nuwa Cannon or Sentinel to 3/4 or 1/2 health (respectively), the other Nuwa Cannons had time to turn around and pummel them into radioactive scrap metal. I was already screwed by mid-match, I just refused to quit since I'm a stubborn bastard.

I have a Moddb page, if anyone cares to check it out: linky.


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#10 Protozoan


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:58 AM




I hate it the most when a bunch of Nuwa cannons turtle up a base supported by Sentinels. There just isn't a damn thing that can get past them, infantry got melted by radiation, vehicles got blasted before they can return fire and aircrafts have very little use.

It's pain me the most when playing as Russia, cause the SCUD missles can be intercepted.


I've had the misfortune of encountering that very combo in a recent match of mine. Damn things are near impossible to kill, especially late-game (I was slowly ground down to nothing thanks to my own inaction; I was facing a base full of War Factories and defenses, and a Nuke Silo firing at me every 10 minutes. The Nuwa Cannons & Sentinels simply pummelled whatever attempts I made to recover from then on... oh yeah, did I mention the fact that he was spamming a massive army of the things as well? Slow as hell, but wrecks everything that gets in their way. Poor Rhinos).



I dunno, I don't think you're meant to take them head on lol, they're slow, which means it's easy to attack other things they have or harass them, I think a faction like Scorpion Cell could do well against them.


Trying to take them head on, trying to strike them from the rear, doesn't matter: there was too many of them to make a dent, and the Nuwa Cannons are too heavily armored for Rhinos to destroy. By the time a squad of Rhinos bring a single Nuwa Cannon or Sentinel to 3/4 or 1/2 health (respectively), the other Nuwa Cannons had time to turn around and pummel them into radioactive scrap metal. I was already screwed by mid-match, I just refused to quit since I'm a stubborn bastard.






#11 X1Destroy


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 06:51 AM


I hate it the most when a bunch of Nuwa cannons turtle up a base supported by Sentinels. There just isn't a damn thing that can get past them, infantry got melted by radiation, vehicles got blasted before they can return fire and aircrafts have very little use.

It's pain me the most when playing as Russia, cause the SCUD missles can be intercepted.



Terror Drone rush maybe? Coming from multiple directions, and then maybe send in a small force of tanks, possibly Tesla Tanks. They don't have a very fast fire rate.


Terror Drone rush seems like a possibility.

I did rush with conscripts and rhino tanks at early game, but it failed due to lots of sentry guns and battle bunkers.

Then I got to late game and have my Tesla Cruisers got blasted before they can return fire, as those damn Nuwa Cannons have much longer range.

Then Wolfhounds and Kirovs crashed into the ground, done by Sentinels and Gyrocopters.

So no, I don't think so. But Volkov and Chitzkov sure as hell are useful.

Edited by X1Destroy, 11 December 2013 - 06:54 AM.

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#12 lovalmidas


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 07:24 AM

A conscript rush never really works at all. Conscripts are now best only when garrisoned. 


Terror drone rush must come from multiple angles. A group of Nuwas can easily one-shot drones. Alternatively, a transport like the Borillo or the Drakuv can be handy. It is pretty easy to counter though (repair drone).


A good way to counter China's Nuwa-Sentinel mix is to use artillery. If there are only Nuwas, use aircraft. China has only one artillery unit in the whole game. Here are the best artilleries you can use:


(From best to worst, in my opinion)

Pacific Front: Zephyr

Russia: SCUD Launchers (best if spread out, to minimize splash damage from Sentinels)

Pacific Front: Hailstorms

HQ: Stalkers

European Alliance: Siegfried

Confederation: Mortar Quads

China: Centurion (very effective when used with Yunru)

Scorpion Cell: Speeder Trike (barely outranging the Nuwa)

US: Basswaves (don't bother if there is a repair drone nearby)

European Alliance: Prism Tanks (don't bother if there is a repair drone nearby)

Scorpion Cell: Plague Splatter (don't bother if there is a repair drone nearby)

Confederation: Morales (use him on Sentinels and Repair Drones, not Nuwas)

Confederation: Buratino (erm... don't bother)



PsiCorps (and other Epsilon factions) use a different tactic: Adepts, Elites and Masterminds (don't bother with Masterminds when Yunru or Dragonflies are around). Megatron can be used to stop the Nuwas on their tracks (don't bother when the Centurion or Yunru is around). Don't bother using Libra's deploy on Nuwas; they'll simply 'turn around' while tilted and then her into lava-like stuff.  :D


Epsilon can use Brutes and Dreamweavers too if they can get them close enough.


Russia can use Chitzkoi if there are no repair drones. Using Volkov requires a bit of kiting since Volkov and Nuwas have similar range, unless you are attacking from the rear (Nuwas have slow turning rate).


European Alliance can use Mirages if they can sneak close enough and the China player isn't watching. Don't count on it by itself though. European Alliance can use Charons if the Nuwas have their attention elsewhere, but retreat the Charon quickly.


The Pacific Front's Battle Fortress with 4 GGIs is the only thing that can challenge Nuwas in a direct fight. Battle Fortress with 3 GGIs and 1 Chrono legionare can challenge two. But it is less cost effective than the Nuwa.


A lesser way is to kite the Nuwas with speedy low-tier tanks, making the Nuwas turn around forever until they are destroyed. Does not work well if there are more units (especially Yunru / Dragonflies), or when there are too many of them.


The best way to stop China is prevention: deny its access to T3. Especially if you are US or Scorpion Cell (these two suck against Nuwas).



And yes, I have to agree somewhat with Graion that lower-tier units have been rather overnerfed (not just regarding China). xD

Edited by lovalmidas, 11 December 2013 - 07:35 AM.



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#13 X1Destroy


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 07:42 AM

Well, I have never seen people building Quilin tanks when they got to tier 3...............While Rhinos, Rhinos!!!.......are everywhere....

I guess the best faction to counter China is Pacific Front then, might switch to it.

Edited by X1Destroy, 11 December 2013 - 07:46 AM.

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#14 LusiGoosi

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 08:10 AM

But enough talk. Challenge a Mentalmeister staff / tester when you are up for it. (e.g. me) :p

Wait I can challenge the staff? I want to do that. :)

#15 Protozoan


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 08:14 AM

The Nuwa's don't seem like they should be that accurate with their fixed turret when firing upon moving targets. They're an artillery unit that can easily battle infantry and vehicles. ARTILLERY! Give me heat-seeking SCUD Launchers if it's gonna be like that xD


#16 lovalmidas


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 10:21 AM


But enough talk. Challenge a Mentalmeister staff / tester when you are up for it. (e.g. me) :p

Wait I can challenge the staff? I want to do that. :)



Well you can ask any staff (or anyone) to play with them when you see them in the lobby. It's up to the other party if they want (or have the time) to play with you.


Since we are also available in chat, you might get a better response if you visit the IRC to ask. :p



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#17 mevitar



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 01:03 PM

Megatron can be used to stop the Nuwas on their tracks (don't bother when the Centurion or Yunru is around).

Megatron can be used



But back on topic, when China is in your base with Centurion and Nuwas, you simply attack China's base from the back. No way they will be able to get back to the base intime. :p

Edited by mevitar, 11 December 2013 - 01:07 PM.

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#18 Petya


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:02 PM

HQ: Stalkers

You may need hundreds of Stalkers to accomplish that. :p There are several tactics to eliminate them. Shadow Tanks can take out Nuwas if you attack them in a good position. Nuwas turn slowly and they lack fire on the move ability, so if you are good enough you can use Shadow Tanks to take them out without damage. It is also good if you use Dreamweavers but with the Driller APC + Epsilon Adept tactic you can ambush  the Nuwas in a good position and eventually stop the attack. Brutes can outnumber the forces and since the Brutes have melee range the Nuwas will damage each other as well. You can use Kinetic Barrier to make this one more efficient. Irkalla can be used to, although you need to cover her to prevent Sentinels from destroying her.

Edited by Petya, 11 December 2013 - 04:04 PM.

#19 Black/Brunez


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:52 PM




To hell with that. I've tried taking on you, RP, and Petya, and the end result is always me getting slaughtered. The only Mentalmeisters I'm willing to challenge is Doomhammer and Zenothist.



You forgot me :p


Back to the topic... Yeah, one of the ideas when needing to fight China is to deal with them before they get strong enough and steamroll you. It´s hard to win when they reached this point, but not impossible.


Yet, I find Euro and PF better at turtling if compared with China,

#20 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 08:09 AM

Well, I have never seen people building Quilin tanks when they got to tier 3...............While Rhinos, Rhinos!!!.......are everywhere....

I guess the best faction to counter China is Pacific Front then, might switch to it.


Well Rhinos can be amassed quickly thanks to the Tank Drop.


China Players opt for Nuwa's since they're basically the same thing only slower and they have that extra hp & radiation anyway.


Confederation benefit alot on Naval Maps or early Ivan rushes.

Edited by Atomic_Noodles, 12 December 2013 - 08:11 AM.

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