个人主观意见 求轻喷
This is only my personal opinion. Please don’t “criticize” too much.
PS:标准中结合了该国部队 不然战神BFZ云茹要塞这种丧心病狂的东西怎么讲?还有就是云茹和战神PK你说哪个赢?
PS: While ranking, heroes’ faction are also included, or you can’t judge some crazy combos like Centurion+Volkov/ Battle Fortress+ Yunru? And think of the endless duel between Yunru and Volkov...
The bottom
虽然和战神是好基友 但是我还是把他们残忍的分开了
Though he and Volkov are born to be together, I still set them apart. Cruelly: p
Maybe someone will ask:”Isn’t Chitzy strong against armored units?”
你觉得450HP能干什么=。= 虽然是半机器人护甲可以抗伤害但是HP很少啊 海豹扫一下就见底了
Then what do you think 450HP can do=。= Though his armor class can effectively reduce damage but his HP is still too low, and can easily get rid by SEALS.
Kay, now you say that he is too fast to be hit?
契特卡伊速度10是挺快 打掉它半血就被它钻了 但是我只要维修一下它就回兵营转圈去了
A speed of 10 is really fast and you can only blow off half of its HP before it gets into your tank, but an IFV/Drone/Stinger will immediately send it back to barracks.
What? He can turn to biting infantries?
咬步兵也会在地上待一小会 美国M1A2随便烧 太平洋步兵在要塞里 诺如表示有种你上来啊 EU表示哥不带维修都虐你 拉丁步兵全在灾厄里面 要不就是在德拉库夫里面 天朝苏联笑傻了 PC表示磁电专门为你们打造 HQ伊利卡拉已经饥渴难耐了 SC表示你们聊我先走了
Well, even so he has to stay on the ground for a little while between attacks.
US: Abrams, burn it! PA: All my man are in the Battle Fortress and don’t forget Norio;p EU: I don’t even need IFV LC: Viva la Catastrophe and Drakuv: ) China&Russia: lol HQ: Irkalla is hungry... PC: My Magnetrons are just for you❤
SC: ...You guys keep talking, I think I gotta go.
总的来说 契特卡伊作用不大 只能欺负AI或者虐菜了
In general, Chitzkoi isn’t of great use, it’s only for against AI and newbies.
No.2, counting backwards.
Actually, Rahn’s role has been exaggerated too long.
射程8 300HP再加上蛋疼的防弹衣护甲使拉恩大战时很难站得住 偷袭也容易被秒
A range of 8, 300HP and flak armor class makes it hard for Rahn to keep standing during a decisive battle, and is quite weak in sneak attack.
武器很好但是还不够好 贯穿伤害比较难打得出来 伤害不错但是还是没法秒杀步兵 对载具强不强都无所谓了 英雄从来都是辅助用的 1500想挑赢别人一只部队是没可能的(诺如欺负没防空除外)
His weapon is good, but not good enough. It’s not easy to get two or more in a row. It has good damage, but still no enough to transform all infantries with one single shot. It’s not important whether he is good or not against vehicles, as heroes are always playing an assisting role. That’s impossible for a single hero to fight and win against a whole army, right?(Except Norio facing a newbie who forgets AA
PS: Irkalla is even more attracting than Rahn.
No.3, counting backwards.
天秤是少数拥有部署技能的英雄之一 但是她的重力场是最废的
Libra is one of the few heroes with deploying skill, but her gravity field is almost useless,
射程10/11简直变态 不过武器太渣了 飞镖只能打打步兵和打打轻型飞行器 不过拆战斗碉堡挺快
The 10/11 range is somewhat insane, but her weapon’s too weak for heavy-armor units. Her pray can only be infantries and light aircraft, bunkers are also included, strangely.
HP不多才250 护甲还是蛋疼的防弹衣 这些就足够天秤排倒一了 不过在PC部队中天秤是反步兵主力 也是两栖防空主力 速度10 hit and run起来不虚摩托 操作好的玩家甚至可以hit and run雷神 像我们这种渣渣还是去hit and run旋翼吧_| ̄|○
250HP and flak armor can be enough reason for her to be on the bottom, but in PC, Libra(maybe including her clones) builds up the main force of anti-infantry and amphibious AA. Her speed of 10 makes her H&R ability not worse than Speeder(lol), and players with great micro-operate skill can even H&R Thor Gunship. Me? Oh I’d better just play with gyrocopters╮(╯_╰)╭
这些可以帮天秤拉高排名 可她还是悲剧的倒数第三
These takes Libra away from bottom, but she’s still the third weak hero.
Almost into the bottom 3
Morales - “I can take out T1 tanks with on shot!”
I - “You can’t win when facing Robot Tank one-on-one.”
Morales - “I can finish T2 transport just moving my finger once!”
I - “You can’t win when facing Robot Tank one-on-one.”
Morales - “Can’t you stop talking about Robot Tanks?”
I - “You can’t win when facing War Miner one-on-one”
Morales - “......”
莫拉斯射程15攻城是够了 但大战时不太够 EU表示西格弗里德12射程一发就能秒杀莫拉斯 苏联表示v3射程20 1发莫拉斯红血 太平洋表示冰雹射程20直接秒杀莫拉斯 PC表示直接无视莫拉斯 哥不怕你狙杀 HQ表示潜行巨像海开过去 潜行射程12不怕你 SC表示投石车鼹鼠炸弹各种杀步兵 天朝表示你们聊 我去拆拉丁老家去了 美国表示你们聊我是观察
Morales’s 15 range is enough for sieging, but not for a decisive battle.
EU: Siegfried can take you out with one 12-range attack Russia: Scud’s range is 20 and can blow your HP to red PF: Hailstorm is also 20 and is more powerful PC: Totally ignored HQ: Stalker+Colossus, and Stalker can shoot as far as you SC: I’ve got Splatter! I’ve got mole bomb! China: Keep talking guys, I’m gonna burn LC base to ground US: Why looking at me I’m just watching
莫拉斯速度7 HP220 防弹衣护甲 从属性上能看比他还脆的也就云茹酱(云茹有BFZ 2333333)谭雅(她一般待在IFV里 不然就在你家了23333333)马尔翁(他永久隐形 部署各种bug233333333)
Speed 7, HP 220, flak armor. There’s only three heroes more fragile: Yunru(she’s got centurion lol), Tanya(she usuallt stays in an IFV or she’ll be planting C4 in your base lol) and Malver(he’s got permanent stealth and his deploying skill is AWESOME lol).
有人就说了 拉丁有灾厄和德拉库夫能给莫拉斯提供保护 也能提高莫拉斯机动性
Someone says that Morales can also get into Catastrophe and Drakuv like Yunru and Tanya?
But he cannot fire from a transport!
而且你觉得花那么大时间上车下车就为了打对面的维修车或者螳臂当车的步兵 有意思吗?
So you think it funny to spend such time getting on and off just to knock out enemy repair IFV and infantries?
That’s why Morales ranks 7th.
And I have to say Morales lacks presence in T3 battle.
Rank No. 6
ra系列的经典之一 mo3里配上激光枪 威力极大!但是大战开场时就被秒
She is one of the symbols of RA series. In MO3, she gets a laser rifle and has severe firepower! But she is also the first to be knocked out in big battles...
“Hey why ladies first? There’s a ton of Abrams beside me!”
有关部门表示女娲打扫美军基地时 有一大妈手拿激光笔 朝女娲驾驶员射击 该驾驶员瞬间就被闪瞎狗眼 现在警方已经将该大妈拘留 具体原因有关部门正在调查当中
This is CMM reporting. Today, relevant department indicates that when a Nuwa Cannon was sweeping off a US base earlier, an aunty suddenly showed up and shoot the driver with a laser pointer. The driver’s eyes was blinded immediately and the aunty has been arrested bo the police now. The motivation still unclear, and relevant departments are investigating.
正面是完全不适合谭雅的 偷鸡摸狗才是谭雅的专长 大战时让谭雅IFV或者千里马谭雅到别人基地里 瞬间世界都清净了
The front line is not where Tanya should stay, her job is always sneak attack. If you can send Tanya with an IFV or a Stallion to enemy base when your main force and enemy’s are fighting hard, soon there world will return to peace.
谭雅IFV修改过后成为hit and run最佳单位 但是打重甲太坑爹 不过比莫拉斯火焰闪一下的威力大多了233
After the modification in MO3 beta, Tanya(Mercury) IFV has become the beat unit for H&R. It still lacks anti-armor firepower, but anyway its a lot better than Morales’ incendiary ammo lol.
She just rank a little higher than Morales.
Rank No. 5
速度最快的英雄 也是唯一反一切的英雄
The fastest and the only anti-everything hero.
修改过后原地转圈这个蛋疼bug莫名其妙就被修复了 于是诺如瞬间崛起了 导弹速度增加也带来了一定幅度的增强
After the “twirling around” bug was fixed (unexpectedly), Norio gains a BUFF, ans its a good thing for him to have his missile speed fastened.
飞弹攻击力碉堡 拆高科拆核电偷袭载具各种爽 冷冻光线减速而且攻击力也不错
His missiles are powerful, fells great when blowing Tech Center and Nuclear Plants ans carriers; the cyro rifle can slow down enemies and it does not have a lack of firepower.
但是只有240HP 盖特随便扫 天火各种虐 蚊子都能打 炼狱烧饼笑哈哈 防空最悲剧的拉丁刚好有武直可以追诺如=。=
But his HP is only 240, and think of Gatling, Aeroblaze, Rocketeers, Sentinels... Even LC has got vulture to chase him.
所以用诺如要懂得如何直插敌人心脏 找敌人最脆弱的地(ju)方(hua)高科有重兵把守就去搞重工 还是不行去搞矿车 矿车是所有英雄发泄的最好工具不解释→_→
So, to use Norio efficiently, you must break though right into enemy’s heart, and able to find the weakpoint(ass) to kick. Tech Centre heavily guarded? Go for the War Factory! Also guarded? Then head straight to miners. Miners are best items to let heroes release there stress:)
PS: Norio is also capable of countering surprise attacks.
第五算是不错了 前面的个个是变态
Ranking the 5th is not bad, as the next four are tremendous.
Rank No. 4
萌妹子科学家 干爹是谁未知→_→
A cute young scientist, and we still don’t know who’s her lover ;p
(Lovalmidas: Hey I know that! It must be Libra!)
Oh, please calm down midas:)
云茹身为最脆英雄 但是她是mo3最安全的单位之一 BFZ里还有一个根除→_→ 由于云茹吃胖了 3P变成一对了
Yunru has the lowest HP among heroes, but she may be the safest hero in game, and usually there will be an extra Eradicator in the Centurion. Pity is, it seems that Yunru ate too much so there’s no more room for a thr**s*me→_→
云茹是不会杀人的 所以她的武器是“和平”的12射程范围EMP 然后载具就定在那里被女娲猛揍
Yunru is a pacifist, so her weapon is a “peaceful” 12-range AOE-EMP, and then the vehicles effected will be standing still and get their arse kicked by Nuwa Cannons.
大战时无压力废掉对面6+T3 手动操作变换目标还可以在短暂时间内和谐10+T3
There’s no difficulty for her to waste 6+ T3 vehicles, if change targets manually she can even immobilize 10+ T3 for aa short period of time.
但是云茹EMP对所有载具有效 很容易把自己的单位也顺便和谐了 EMP时间很长 想恢复可是要一段时间的233
But there’s a flaw: her EMP(or DDOS attack) allows friendly fire and it takes a long time to recover from it, so if you carelessly involved your own vehicles... lol.
云茹完全没伤害能力 只有EMP 排第四不错了 这排行是综合排行!
Yunru has no ability to deal damage, so it’s good enough for her to get the 4th rank just with her EMP. Please remember, this is an overall ranking.
What? The Earth Breaker? Leave that to your own base =w=
Rank No. 3
身为战神作战能力碉堡 也是英雄中最像高级步兵的→_→ 任务中各种IMBA 一个人干掉巴黎盟军 实际上完全就是巴黎指挥官SB 巴黎这种城市雷神都不部署一架 没雷神就算了 连蚊子都没一个
As the god of war, he is mighty, and also the hero whose role is the closest to a T3 infantry. His performance in campaign is IMBA, taking out the whole Paris on his(and Chitzkoi’s) own.
Well actually that dues to the allied commander of Paris, he is truly an idiot who forget to deploy a Thor, or even a Rocketeer in such important place.
磁化巴黎铁塔的磁能枪连GI都秒不掉……不过打建筑居然那么快 同样是磁暴科技 磁能都快哭了
The Tesla rifle that can energize the Eiffel Tower can't kill a GI with one shot, but it is effective against structures, comparing to the same technology used by Tesla Troopers.
沃尔科夫HP700在英雄中最高 护甲半机器人特别蛋疼 EMP磁电都对他有效 所以苏联内战完全可以无视战神 天朝更加无视战神
Volkov has the highest HP of 700, but deus to his a cyborg, EMP and Magnetron both affect him. Therefore, Russia can ignore him, China can ignore him more:)
反陆地一切的设定无法直视 但是射程8还是不够用 对战时对面远程肯定是各种针对 所以得保护好战神
His anti-everything-on-ground purpose makes no one dares staring at him, but the range of 8 is still no enough. He will surely be targeted by opposite long-range shooters, so remember to protect him.
Let him Overcharge, and you will know why.
Rank No. 2
时空哥的装备作为EU的最高科技成果之一 属性简直变态 450HP配上金属护甲 相当于两个半磁暴步兵的防护能力 还有时空冻结这个碉堡的部署技能 R1里面居然还无情的增加范围了 这游戏能玩?
As Mr. Chrono’s equipment is a marvel of the highest science achievement of EA, his attribute is really insane. 450HP+plate armor=protection equal to 2.5x Tesla Trooper, and he’s got the sturdy Chrono Freeze, and this skill’s area of affect has even increased since R1? Can this game still be played?
西格弗里德对步兵伤害极大 大部分步兵都是一发过去死一片 对建筑伤害不是太bug 不过也很大 射程只有12感觉不够用 远程对射优势不明显 攻城时又离建筑太近 遇上斜坡对方加射程会更蛋疼
Siegfried deals great damage to infantries and usually takes most of them out a lot one time. Damage to structure is not as bug as that, but still very high. His range of 12 makes me feel so-so. It only means a little advantage in fight against long range units, makee him too close when sieging, and sucks a bit when enemy’s on higher ground or a slope.
HP多的单位还是很容易死 战神就是个典型的例子 但是西格弗里德随时跟着军医和开着雷神的坚守阵地buff就几乎无解了 实在受不了就直接时空冻结 我这人不太会说话 如果有什么话得罪了你 你TM来打我啊!他大概就是这样
Unit with high HP can still be venerable, as Volkov for example, but there are few ways to face Siegfried followed by Thor and Medic. When he gains too much tension he can just turn Chrono Freeze on!
“I really don’t know how to communicate with people, so if I insulted you, just come and f*cking beat me if you can hahahahaha” - maybe said by Siegfried;p
时空冻结这个技能也是很bug 大战时西格弗里德带一队GI上去开盾对面绝对骂娘
Chrono Freeze is also bug. It’ll be difficult for your opponent not to talk crap if Siegfried leads a GI squad and activate Chrono Freeze.
EU其他单位都是稳扎稳打 玩家很难操(sao)作起来 你看speeder多体贴玩家 给了EU这么能骚的英雄
EU’s style is quite steady, uneasy for player to show off their operating skills, so Siegfried’s appearance again shows Speeder’s care to us (showing-off) players =w=
The fake first
曾经的酱油 如今的王者 征服过沙漠的男人终于有了该有的样子
The passerby in the past becomes the king. The conquerer of dunes finally shows his strength.
只可惜速度6连个GI都追不上 射程5反隐形单位碰都不敢碰(机器人坦克无压力hit&run死马尔翁 毒刺就算了)DPS在英雄里算中上水平 170的HP加上较渣的防弹衣护甲让马尔翁的生存难以保证(隐形可不是无敌)有时候离开战场寻找矿车也是个不错的选择
But he can’t even race with GI, nor can he deals detecting unit with his poor range(and Robot Tank can H&R him. Stinger? Forget him). DPS is above average in heroes, but 170HP and flak armor makes it hard to ensure his survival(stealth doesn’t mean he is immune to everything), so sometimes it’s good choice for him to find miners on his own.
前面这些几乎都是废话 马尔翁最bug的地方就是部署技能 40%的火力&防御削弱看起来各种bug 虽然不能让螳螂虐麒麟 但是打打捷豹还是很轻松的
Well, you can just ignore what I said abot him before. The buggiest thing about Malver is his deploying skill, though he can’t make Mantis bully Qilin, but it’ll be a piece of cake facing Jaguars with his assist.
半径特别大可以让马尔翁在远离敌方T3主力的地方部署 不过SC一直都是hit&run 待在一个地方打比较难见到 其实就算是马尔翁部署在那其他阵营的T3还是能和暴君刚正面 不过混着兽人和专家就有点压力了
The big affect radius allows Malver stays away from enemy T3, although SC is used to H&R and can rarely be seen in large encounters. Well actually even if Malver is deployed in the middle of battlefield, other faction’s T3 and still put an equal fight to Tyrants, but not if Brutes ans Adapts are mixed.
总结一下就是心灵压制是很变态 但是对于SC来说只是弥补差距用的 SC还是倒数 所以想削弱马尔翁或者变相削弱马尔翁(比如ZZ反隐形lol)的人还是仔细考虑考虑SC那悲剧的暴君吧
Summary: Malver’s Mental Suppression is great, but for SC, it is just to make up their weakness, and SC is still one of the weakest. So, to those who want to nerf him directly or indirectly(like giving sensors to Terror Drones lol), please first take Buffing Tyrant into your consideration.
马尔翁的第一为什么是虚假的呢?因为这货太bug 很容易被针对 远程A下地面你就暴露了 而且马尔翁不免疫毒气 会被暴君溅射死……在战场上瞬间被秒杀节奏 发挥不出作用 再厉害有什么用?(可以参考裸奔的云茹是有多悲剧)
Why do I say that Malver’s first place is fake? Because this guy is too bug and is always aimed at, and will be compromised by hitting the ground. What’s worse, Malver is NOT immune to poison gas, so he can be brought down by Tyrant’s splash attack...╮ (╯_╰) ╭
If you can’t just keep standing on the battlefield, then how can you your abilities into play? Just think of Yunru without Centurion.
Edited by crystala, 21 December 2013 - 11:10 AM.