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Personal hero rankings - from China

heroes ranking from china

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#21 lovalmidas


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 03:13 PM

I think this ranking thing is pretty silly, because every hero is very useful in his/her own. Also, who wants to use Malver in direct combat really? o.O

Malver can sneak up a lot of kills while the opposing army is engaged in something else (and has lost/misplaced its detectors). But I'd call that more of a support than direct combat.

And yeah, an overall ranking is kind of silly. A ranking for a list of combat categories sounds more plausible since that can really highlight what each hero is good in, and prove your point ("every hero is very useful in his/her own") :p

Hmm... judging from the stats graph here, the best heroes in terms of total stats...

Don't take the totals too seriously. I'm just doing it because I'm obsessed with numbers. :p

Edited by lovalmidas, 21 December 2013 - 03:22 PM.



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#22 WhiteDragon25

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Posted 21 December 2013 - 03:31 PM


Hmm... judging from the stats graph here, the best heroes in terms of total stats...

Don't take the totals too seriously. I'm just doing it because I'm obsessed with numbers. :p


Do note that I went into more detail later on in my post; the totals analysis was just preliminary, and was just for an overall estimation. Afterall, Libra's total score was 38, the hightest score out of the heroes, but she only scored 7 or 8 in each individual category.


Besides, I like having solid numbers to work with too. :p


Also, having some solid numbers around helps with pinpoint where the heroes need some buffing or nurffing (such as poor Chitzkoi and Yunru, the lowest-scoring of the bunch).

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#23 NHunter

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Posted 21 December 2013 - 04:17 PM

  • Libra - while not outstanding in any category - is the most well-rounded hero. Her amphibious nature only serves to make her more useful. I'd give her the position of the best hero too.
  • Volkov is someone to soak up damage while your other forces help him with killing the bastards. His purpose is direct combat with decently-big groups of T1 or T2 units. Maybe T3 infantry... And, of course, he is someone to be used against mind controllers.
  • Norio - his usefulness greatly depends on the lack of proper AA, but if there is none... He is probably the most dangerous one among the heroes due to him being airborne. While I'd not take him as the direct combat hero, he's a good man for hit and run attacks on AA-unprotected units or structures. Also, among the heores, only Libra can attack him, AFAIK.
  • Siegfried - he seems to be good against structures and slow units (ground ones). His defensive buff too is something that is helpful.
  • Tanya, as iconic as she is, she needs to be kept well away from airborne units with ground attack and from any anti-unit defense structures that are above T1. Many high-level tanks are also very dangerous for her. I personally think that she fits the assassin role the best, even if she is far from weak in direct combat too.
  • Rahn is truly useful only when the enemy is stupid enough to attack him with infantry... Otherwise, he is only decent. And his low walk speed works against him.
  • Morales... He needs a lot of micro control due to his 'firendly fire' and his low rate of fire. Otherwise he is a good hero.
  • Malver... he is someone for both support (debuff enemines) and to decimate a lone unprotected harvesters.
  • Yunru is a clear support, one that shouldn't even leave the thick walls of a transport-from-which-she-can-fire.

Speaking of Yunru and her drill... I think it should get a little buff: short-duration stun for infantry and undeploy any unit in its area of effect. It would not be enough to give her a direct combat use, but she won't be as helpless outside of Centurion's immidiate vicinity anymore...

#24 Petya


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 07:34 PM

AFAIK Yunru's Earthbreaker can destroy a CY with 3 hits.

#25 Divine


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 08:23 PM

AFAIK Yunru's Earthbreaker can destroy a CY with 3 hits.

Yunru in the enemy base is nothing but a free chewing toy for their dogs.

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#26 X1Destroy


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 11:31 PM

AFAIK Yunru's Earthbreaker can destroy a CY with 3 hits.

As if anyone would let her hit it 3 times, even the stupid easy AI won't.

1 dog = gg Yunru.

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#27 lovalmidas


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:37 AM

Updated the final parts of my explanation. :p

Also, having some solid numbers around helps with pinpoint where the heroes need some buffing or nurffing (such as poor Chitzkoi and Yunru, the lowest-scoring of the bunch).

Yeah, I have no qualms about the rest of your analysis. It's just that I am using ordinal scales for each category, not an actual scoring. Summing the numbers is a poor style and will give nothing useful. :p

Did you know that Yunru can disable three of the strongest heroes with her EMP?

Well, if we really want to give China an anti-infantry artillery, Yunru can take a tranquilizer sniper rifle that will debuff enemy infantry in a small radius. She can't snipe from the Centurion. Let's see if Speeder even likes it. :p

Or we can make Yunru a speaker tower of motivation! +Speed +Attack. Only effective when outside of a transport. :p



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#28 WhiteDragon25

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:57 AM

Updated the final parts of my explanation. :p

Also, having some solid numbers around helps with pinpoint where the heroes need some buffing or nurffing (such as poor Chitzkoi and Yunru, the lowest-scoring of the bunch).

Yeah, I have no qualms about the rest of your analysis. It's just that I am using ordinal scales for each category, not an actual scoring. Summing the numbers is a poor style and will give nothing useful. :p

Did you know that Yunru can disable three of the strongest heroes with her EMP?

Well, if we really want to give China an anti-infantry artillery, Yunru can take a tranquilizer sniper rifle that will debuff enemy infantry in a small radius. She can't snipe from the Centurion. Let's see if Speeder even likes it. :p

Or we can make Yunru a speaker tower of motivation! +Speed +Attack. Only effective when outside of a transport. :p


Well, Yunru really needs something to increase her survivability and general utility; her DDOS attack working against Volkov, Chitzkoi, and Siegfried doesn't help much when it's the cannon fodder behind them that'll kill her.


Taking that tranquilizer sniper rifle idea of yours, why not give her a Stalker-like Immobilizer beam? That way she can "EMP" infantry just as she can disable tanks. Hell, you can even justify it by saying that Yunru reverse-engineered a salvaged Stalker powersuit. That way she can disable enemy infantry temporarily until she can either escape or wait for backup to arrive.


Also, rate-of-fire for her Earth Breaker needs to be sped up just a bit; the gap in between each discharge makes her a sitting duck, so she needs it to get her demolition work done faster - and the faster she gets it done, the faster she can get the hell out of Dodge.


As for a "speaker tower of motivation"... I don't think a deadpan snarker of a forcefully-conscripted little girl genius would be much of a morale booster (more likely she'll cause morale to plunge, thanks to her sarcasm and apathetic discontent).

I have a Moddb page, if anyone cares to check it out: linky.


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#29 Solais


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 01:10 AM

What about making her being loved by animals (she seems to have the personality to be connected to animals, imo), making her immune to dogs? :p


(The idea comes from when me and Nhunter were talking about a short comic idea based on another post mentioning Yunru being licked by a dog when she tries to sneak into the enemy base. :p)

Edited by Solais, 23 December 2013 - 01:13 AM.

#30 lovalmidas


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 04:02 AM

...based on another post mentioning Yunru being licked by a dog when she tries to sneak into the enemy base.

Uh oh. My dark arts have infected more people than I thought.
I do want to see the comic though, if you guys manage to make it. :p



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#31 Graion Dilach

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:43 PM

You really should post that picture up, Midas. :p Show these fools how exactly they hit the nail on the head! :p

Edited by Graion Dilach, 23 December 2013 - 06:44 PM.


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#32 lovalmidas


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 10:57 AM

I'll trade the comic for the pic. D: The horrors! You will never be able to unsee it! D: D:



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#33 UprisingJC

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 07:10 PM

It may not be suitable to bring the old thread back, but I have some question about the content mentioning Siegfried.


"时空冻结这个技能也是很bug 大战时西格弗里德带一队GI上去开盾对面绝对骂娘

Chrono Freeze is also bug. It’ll be difficult for your opponent not to talk crap if Siegfried leads a GI squad and activate Chrono Freeze.


Why? Units affected by this are protected temporarily, but they can't do damage to anything as well.

Edited by UprisingJC, 19 January 2014 - 07:11 PM.

#34 GhostNemesis

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 03:04 AM

It may not be suitable to bring the old thread back, but I have some question about the content mentioning Siegfried.



"时空冻结这个技能也是很bug 大战时西格弗里德带一队GI上去开盾对面绝对骂娘

Chrono Freeze is also bug. It’ll be difficult for your opponent not to talk crap if Siegfried leads a GI squad and activate Chrono Freeze.


Why? Units affected by this are protected temporarily, but they can't do damage to anything as well.

maybe someone weak on control think that it would attract most of their attack?

#35 Admiral_Pit

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 05:44 AM

Libra's stronger than they imply, and her deploy is not useless.  Considering how she's the fastest, and good players can micro with her against approaching targets, she can prove to be amazing.  Back to the deploy ability, if you see some lonely non-Soviet Miners, sneak up on em and skillfully use the deploy ability and hopefully be able to destroy em (You can get away with fighting 1 War miner).  See a lot of anti-armor units that don't hurt infantry well like Zephyrs that are poorly defended?  Rush in and deploy.  Someone trying to escape with an undeployed MCV?  Let Libra flip it over to its death with her ability again.  And if you have a partner who's China, EMP + Libra deploy combo on armored units (not escorted by anti-infantry of course) is amazing.  You can even use Shadow Ring so that the opponent must rely on detectors or sound to find her rather than the radar.

Unfortunately, watch out for Siegfried and especially Magnetrons, not to mention Morales can 2-hit KO her.


Oh, Yunru, cute little Yunru.  She's good for support, yes, but she doesn't always have to be inside the Centurion to be great.  Sometimes you can sub her for 2 more Eradicators for the Cent (watch out for robots/Radiation immune units) or something.  Remember Yunru can move faster than the Centurion.  And her Earth Breaker?  I got 2 words for that:  "Yunru Combo."  Those who seen me on the stream using China will get an idea on how it works.  Use Dragonflies and put em near enemy radar to temporarily disable their minimap sight.

It takes a while to kill the Conyard, but try to go for the factory, barracks, or refinery, generally fragile buildings.  Just try not to do it against well-defended bases.  Even a T1 defense or Terror Drone will ruin this.  Don't underestimate the true power of Yunie-chan.  Some have suffered seismic activity in their bases, often leading to their defeats.  After all, "Knowledge is power."

"Knowledge is Power."  -Yunru

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