Mathijs wants to bring Christianity into everything. =p Adam and Eve are considered the first married couple, but I don't know what you are on about there. However, one of Jesus' ancestors was a prostitute, I don't know why the writer of the book she is in put in that detail, but I suppose they wanted it to be accurate.
I don't like the idea of humans being consumables (soldiers, slaves, prostitutes), and I don't like men whose only thought about women is that they want to sleep with them (in fact that's what makes me mad, because I know some people in RL that are like that). That is why I avoid GoT, I don't particularly want to see that sort of stuff (and that gif of that boy made me puke, yuk!). Fine if it's historically accurate to the point of everybody and his dog wanting to watch the show, that's fine - just count me out of any further GoT discussion and please don't let underage people watch it, the little ones are being screwed around by the media enough already.
I brought up Adam and Eve because when those two ate from the Tree of Knowledge (which is apparently a bad thing because the bible says ignorance = virtue) they realized they were naked and felt ashamed and covered themselves up. It's one of the root causes of Christians being all prudish. I happen to know Gen goes to church a lot, so the connection was easily made.
It's not like GoT glorifies prostitution, war, or slavery. It just doesn't shy away from showing these things where appropriate. One of the main characters is currently on a pretty grand and succesful campaign to end slavery, by the way.
And yeah, it seems a show that's fairly uncompromising in its portrayal of sex is something people want to see. Who would've thought. It's not like they're genetically rigged to enjoy sex.
Pretty much yeah. If you take a look you'll see that GoT has the golden formula. That's why it is so sucesfull:
It has gore/violence and blood everywhere.
It has nudity, sex, porn.
That naked women/men and put it in a blood batch, violent killing, yet a somewhat good nonsence neverending story and you'll get America (and apparently the rest of the world too, hooked for life).
The only thing missing would be the rock 'n roll, but the soundtrack I heard is equally awesome.
It's not just gore/violence/blood, it's decently-written political intrigue with a real sense of danger, as the show is not afraid of following through on bad decisions characters make, and does not shy away from the often bloody consequences of these mistakes.
It has nudity and sex, but it isn't porn. Pornography is people performing sex acts for the sole purpose of arousing the viewer. That's not what the intent is here. If all you got from watching GoT is 'oh boy dem titties', that's you being sex-obsessed.