Easterling Emperor is the one making a Rhun Sub mod (on Discord, Age of the Ring channel).
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Member Since 10 Dec 2008Offline Last Active Jun 20 2023 09:56 AM
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In Topic: Rhun Subfaction Suggestions
29 October 2022 - 10:40 AM
In Topic: CAH award system
17 July 2022 - 12:16 PM
if you get no answers here as well you might want to try this
Thank you.
In Topic: Erebor Faction Plan
04 May 2022 - 01:09 PM
Getting rest of the dwarven company trough existing dwarven heroes (some of the dwarven heroes exist in the campaign right?).
Level 1 : Pathfinder (W) - Modifier Type: Leadership. Allies near Balin gain +15% speed. Stacks with buffs and spells. Passive ability.
Activate to temporarily summon Ori who has 500 hp (1000 hp when Balin is level 10) +150% passive vision range and can trow rocks.
Level 5: Balin's Expedition (T) - A temporarily summoned Bombur holds a banner of Durin (Bombur has 500 hp (1000 hp when Balin is level 10). Nearby troops gain +50% experience gain, +25% armour, +33% damage and are partially healed. At level 10 affected units are immune to knockback and are healed by a larger amount. Bofur, Dori and Nori are temporarily summoned as guards (each of them has 1000 hp).
Level 1: Brother-In- Arms - When near Thorin, Dwalin gains +15% damage, +15% armour and +15% attack speed. Stacks with leadership, buffs and spells. At level 10 Gloin, Oin and Bifur are temporarily summoned as bodyguards (each has 1000 hp) for a targeted allied hero.
None of summoned heroes mentioned here have hero icons at the bottom of the screen.
Ori is a summoned single unit that can move and can attack with rocks (hobbit rock trow).
Bombur and the banner of Durin are together as one stationary unit.
Bofur, Dori and Nori are summoned as units that can not be moved but, auto guards the banner of Durin (like single units guarding over production buildings).
Gloin, Oin and Bifur are summoned as body guards to a selected allied hero (like Celeborns level 7 version of Lord of The Galadhrim ability).
In Topic: Lossoth Suggestion
20 April 2022 - 01:31 AM
Could work, having corrupted Lossoth units for evil faction as inn units for Misty Mountains region.
In Topic: Mordor Faction Plan
10 April 2022 - 10:53 PM
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