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Member Since 10 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2023 09:56 AM

Topics I've Started

Ugluk's Reinforcements from Saruman bug

18 October 2022 - 02:51 PM

The units summoned from Reinforcements from Saruman are not affected by Lurtz leadership (but they are affected by Saruman leadership).


The same summoned units may also have wrong name (the power says it summons Uruk Raiders but the units themselfs are called Uruk Hai Scouts)?



Denethor Gondor citadel guard bug

18 October 2022 - 01:26 PM

The Gondor citadel guards that Denethor starts out with are not affected by his leadership unlike the Gondor citadel guard that are summoned by In service of the steward power, is it supposed to be like this?


Edit: fortress banner and statue leadership affect the citadel guards that come with Denethor, but Boromir leadership does not affect these units that come with Denethor, but Boromir's leadership affect the summoned Citadel guards summoned by In service of the steward power...a bit weird.

Tauriel's Taudrim bug

18 October 2022 - 12:14 PM

Woodland Realms Tauriel eyes and ears power that summons Taudrim units, are not affected by Tauriel's leadership.

Custom Avatar Hero power and attribute bugs

15 October 2022 - 05:10 PM

-Leader of the West Great and Superior Call Reinforcements powers are bugged (pike and cavalry battalions last longer then swordmen and archer battalions)
-Servant of Sauron/Misty Mountains Call Reinforcements powers are bugged (orcs won't go away when timer is over, and they use command points)
-Corrupted man Steal Resources power don't work on many economy structures (but it kind of works if auto casted, but it should not be like this).
-Misty Mountains Untamed Allegiance works, but not like it does in 7.0 (could be ok, but it recharges way too fast).
-Corrupted Man Improved Weapon Toggle power does nothing in description (and it seems the power does nothing itself).
-Servant of Sauron Firebomb power does not have 2d art
-Misty Mountains Untamed Allegiance and Dominate Troll powers don't have 2d art
-Servant of Sauron/Misty Mountains Improved Inspire Fear power has Nazgul sound effect...weird.
-Some Custom heroes have way too little/too much attribute points compared to the custom heroes who have the right amount, it should be 50 attribute points for each custom hero (except wizards custom class and maybe misty mountain custom class)
Attribute points:
Leaders of the West
Captain of Gondor: 24 + 30
Shield Maiden of Rohan: 22 + 30
Male Elven Archer: 20 + 30
Female Elven Archer: 20 + 30
Wanderer: 15 + 25
Avatar: 15 + 25
Hermit: 15 + 25
Ironbraker: 27 + 30
Slayer: 24 + 30
Servants of Sauron
Orc Raider: 20 + 30
Uruk: 20 + 30
Corrupted Man
Easterling: 20 + 30
Haradrim: 20 + 30
Misty Mountains
Olog-hai: 27 + 20
Hill Troll: 30 + 20
Snow Troll: 26 + 20
Gundabad: 20 + 20

Wolf Cairn Rubble

15 October 2022 - 04:31 PM

Misty mountain building Wolf Cairn does not spawn a rubble after enemy opponent has destroyed Wolf Cairn.