Hello everyone.
I am trying to add upgrades to my buildings which are supposed to change the model.
For example I want to add a upgrade to my fortress which will add a new object like a
I really dont know how to explain this so I will use the gondor fortress as example.
The gondor fortress has a upgrade that will add gondor flags to the fortress.
Must I first add the model of my flags to the fortress model in 3ds max or is that
done via code? How should this code look ? I could not figure it out from the gondor
fortress ini as there are several sections about the flags.
And since this is an upgrade I assume that I have to edit the upgrade ini aswell right?
This same problem is with buildup animations. I found a tutorial on the 3rd age about doing
the buildup animations in 3ds max but it does not tell how its added to the code.
Are buildup animations upgrades aswell?
I hope you guys understand my question. I really dont know how to explain this properly.