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Member Since 08 May 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2009 03:03 PM

Topics I've Started

some quick sketches

29 May 2009 - 02:10 PM

Hi, I thought the first map could perhaps be small and inside a building. There is a small (french) square outside and garden+walls around it. The building itself is open to the front, like a temple and is two storeys high. I have been thinking it should be the center of two wings, so we have tow bases for either team, on each side of the round center piece.

Here are some thumbs, I will improve the quality in time, I just need to layout the buildings a bit better.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Leave a note, if you have thoughts and suggestions. I'm clearly following the classical line we agreed upon,but think this might become a lot of work, depending on the amount of detail we want for the buildings. I would start with only a low poly, plain/non-ornamented version of the building.

Problem's and Suggestions

27 May 2009 - 12:18 PM

Please feel free to ask questions concerning your role in the development of Blue, here.

Subversion - Version Control

23 May 2009 - 12:50 PM

Hi everybody!

I have just used Subversion for the first time and think it's a very effective and simple-to-use program. If you are unfamiliar with version control, imagine you could improve the same asset without waiting for revision from another team-member, who is also working on the same asset, but on another part. So it makes it easy to cooperatively workon something and keep it tracked and updated correctly. This should help us keep confusion about the state of a model low.

Just a few things are important. SVN/Subversion Tortoise is the version control we use and you can download it for free (google it). Here you can find the full manuals:

But I took my information from Wikipedia mostly. SVN is integrated into your Explorer, so if you right click on a folder you can add it to SVN Tortoise with just a click. This means the folder structures will be uploaded to SVN and be mmonitored for any change; well, at least that's what I think is happening.

When you want to upload a folder or file to SVN, the program will prompt you for our project url and that's really the only important link I can give you:


Copy and paste this into the browser, when prompted, and you are done. SVN is a very nice system, I hope you all get along with it as well as I do. Please state your own problems and post help to people, who might make the same mistakes or have the same problems like you had, here. Thank you!

Work in Progress (WIP)

08 May 2009 - 11:05 AM

Put your links from photobucket or imageshack in this folder and update them. Please make sure you use a decent document size so the whole concept/render is visible on the thumbnail. Example:

Posted Image

Teamlist '09, BLUE

08 May 2009 - 10:55 AM

SinKing: eljefemartin@web.de

Ambershee:(MSN) luke_parkesh@hotmail.com, ambershee@gmail.com (mail)

erika: fluffalo@gmail.com

Citizen_J: amuarabarot@hotmail.com

Neurological: (MSN) neurological83@hotmail.it, neurological@neuro-lab.net (mail)

Berserk: unksoldier@web.de

Punkman: bmasterson@email.itt-tech.edu (mail)

Please add what you're missing to the list! Team meetings are on VYEW each Sunday at 8:30 PM, GMT+1:


(mailer: luke_parkesh@hotmail.com, eljefemartin@web.de, fluffalo@gmail.com, amuarabarot@hotmail.com, neurological83@hotmail.it, unksoldier@web.de)