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Member Since 04 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2019 07:06 AM

Topics I've Started

How to show a Counter/Timer to specific player

22 February 2014 - 11:51 AM

I made a simple script that simply said works like a clock. however when playing in multiplayer this Timer shows up with the amount of players. So if you do a 3v3 you'll see the timer 6 times. Anyway how to only show 1 timer per player..


Here is my approach


Initializer [ns A D]

*** IF ***
     Is the game in a skirmish or multiplayer mode == TRUE
*** THEN ***
  Set 'g_clock' to 0.00 seconds. 
  Show 'g_clock' with text Localized String: 'SCRIPT:Clock'
  Enable Script 'increment_clock'.

increment_clock [ns a nd]

*** IF ***
*** THEN ***
  Add  1  to counter 'g_clock'

Get the AI build laborers

19 February 2014 - 04:26 PM

Have anyone enable the AI to make more laborers? If so how did you approach this through the liberaries more precisely?

(I am aware of the possibility to let the AI money cheat)

The missing Tutorial mission

24 January 2014 - 08:22 PM

Apparently the game suppose to have an tutorial mission which takes place at mt doom where they just like in the movie fight vs Sauron.

Has anyone looked into recreating this. I thought I'd share this.

Found under Object MordorSauron
;  Sauron doesn't get leadership, makes the tutorial level look bad.
Found in gondorcampaign.ini
;// Last Alliance
Region Last Alliance
  MapName    = "MAP GOOD Last Alliance"
  MissionObjectiveTag = SCRIPT:MGIsengard_missionobjective02
  MissionObjectiveTag = SCRIPT:MGIsengard_missionobjective01
Following found under gamedata.ini (initially for the battle school UI I pressume)
TutorialMap = "maps\MAP GOOD Last Alliance\MAP GOOD Last Alliance.map"
  TutorialLoadMovie = Good_BattleLastAlliance_Intro
  TutorialObjective = SCRIPT:GOODLASTALLIANCETextString_27
These textstrings can be found under lotr.str

DX8 error 0x0x80004005 (E_FAIL)

23 January 2014 - 03:42 PM

The error happens on certain maps like rhun or lebennin. However this error occures only on operating systems: windows vista and later versions more specificly happens on laptops the most.

Whats the CAUSE:
I found a person who said the problem was the compatibility modus that was actually causing it in the first place.
source: http://forum.modding...p?topic=26531.0

What to DO:
Remove all compatibility settings in the shortcut properties.


Have an AttributeModifierAuraUpdate(objectfilter) only affect allies or self

16 January 2014 - 05:48 PM

I'm wondering if I could let an AttributeModifierAuraUpdate only affect its self or its allies.

I've tried +PLAYER  +ALLIES (with or without plus) with all of them the game parse me an error saying I can't do it that way. Anyone have an idea? I found earlier an post in the BFME 2 section where the solution was SAME_PLAYER but bfme 1 doesn't have this (I've checked game.dat)