Right guys, I thought I'd better give you a heads up on this video, which one of my friends and I made, though it's something I'm not exactly proud of, but hey 😛
So, this friend had the "bright" idea of doing a soundtrack review series on youtube a few days ago, and I kind of agreed to it. Regrettably. I didn't know he'd ask me to film it on that day, with no time to prepare lines or audio clips or anything...
Just so you know, I had no real part in it besides turning up on the day and spouting random stuff at the camera
As you can probably guess, I'm the one with (relative) taste in soundtracks, but as some of you know, I'm a fairly shy and defensive person, so I was a little more revering of my picks than I'd normally be, especially Rogue One, which I'd probably call "Mainly good" if I were asked now, but got a bit caught up in the heat of the moment.
And yes, some of the things I said were mistakes, as you may pick up on (from memory, I accidentally called Jedi Steps & Finale the best cue of the 2000s, instead of the 2010s) but as it was all done on the fly, it's likely to be extremely crap. Having never really done any pieces to camera before, I know I'm rubbish, and haven't watched anything from it since it was filmed...
I hope you enjoy it but suspect you won't Please leave any feedback and/or insults on my character below
Here's a linky:
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