I'm playing on Easy. That means it should be that. Not too easy, but easy enough for the player to not lose the will to play this mod. Which I just did after getting stuck in all the campaigns. I'll try them again and again later, but so far,these campaigns have been anything but fun (with the exception of a few missions).
The mod itself looks awesome. The lore is amazing and really interesting and I want to get through the storyline. But the current difficulty "curve" (read: infinitely rising line starting at about ten feet above the line between "impossible and a turn-off from the mod" (top) and "challenging but fun" (bottom)) of the missions makes that impossible.
There may as well not even BE difficulty levels with the way these missions are currently designed, it might as well be just "Mental".
The mission designers themselves, i.e. Speeder, Lovalmidas, RP, Cesare, should provide a walkthrough, showing how THEY would do it, if their missions are as oh so "easy" as some would claim.
Also, a separate "noob edition" download would be nice; like, the mission difficulty is actually "easy", more like the original RA2 and YR.