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#1064294 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by Gameman112358 on 19 August 2017 - 06:13 AM

I believe it's a deconstructed Chronosphere or something.


Correct. It was stated by the devs at some point (I think) that the 'building' are the parts for the Chronosphere.


Also, sorta loosely related to the thread, I can't wait for FinalOmega to come out so I can edit the missions. One of Speeder's older tweets teased that we might be able to make Mental Omega maps of our own. That means that we might be seeing a map editor in an upcoming update. Can't wait; there are a lot of things that I wanna change in the campaign. (Like barrels... barrels are only good when they work in MY favor, darn it!  :p. Also make the Chinese in Juggernaut less useless!)


Also, just an idea; maybe someone can make a fanmade campaign with the map editor. I for one wouldn't mind a series of fanmade campaign missions that lets the Allies win, much like the original RA2, but with the difficulty that M.O. is known for. I kinda think the original RA2 had the Allies win WAY too easily, and I wouldn't mind making the Allies really work hard to earn their victory, if only because it's gonna be much more satisfying when you do win. Especially since MO will have the potential to fight far more intense enemies than the original; vanilla RA2 didn't have China or the Latin Confederation to contend with, for example.


I think it's safe to say the Soviets have had their time in the limelight, at least in my opinion. Not mentioning the Allies in the MO universe currently are pretty much everyone's punching bag, and it does make me a bit sad to see it; I'm a bit of a sucker for the Allies, the U.S. most of all. Then again, the U.S. are my favorite Allied subfaction who REALLY got the short end of the stick in the MO universe, and RL I am an American myself, so... yeah. I'm slightly biased here.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


*Cue Soviet fans coming out to kick my American loving butt* 

#1057808 Patch 3.3.2 Proposed Changelog

Posted by Gameman112358 on 09 May 2017 - 09:48 PM

PvPers are elitist condescending pricks confirmed. Mobilizing response... *Pulls out dual AP chain guns*


On topic, changelog looks okay for the most part. I'm more interesting in seeing the new missions in the next patch, I'll look at the unit changes some other time.

#1056833 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by Gameman112358 on 23 April 2017 - 08:25 AM

I will admit, consistency will be a problem if Siege Cadres were turned into T2 AT and AS (Anti-structure) units, since like you said, Prism Tanks damage infantry, but not armor columns (Back in RA2, they destroyed everything because they could do damage to everything; infantry, tanks, etc.). I'm trying to think of a lore reasoning that doesn't sound like an ass pull (can't think of one at the moment), but at the same time, the Allies don't really need another T2 Anti-infantry unit; they're already got Navy SEALs for that.


Desolators? I think you meant Tesla Troopers there. But to answer both:

Desolators: Russia and the Latin Confederation use them, China uses the Eradicator, an upgraded version of the Desolator.

Tesla Troopers: Currently, all of the Soviet subfactions have access to regular Tesla Troopers. The idea is to give Russia a Tesla Trooper variant that is exclusive to them only, while China and the Latin Confederation still use the regular Tesla Trooper.


I kinda think that Russia's Tesla Trooper variant shouldn't be something too crazy, considering that it's a T2 unit; those aren't really supposed to be the most spectacular of infantry units. A Russia-exclusive infantry unit that shoots a Tesla AoE gun (NorthFireZ's idea) would be great for a T3 infantry unit (another aspect Russia is missing, a unique T3 infantry unit), but not T2 IMO, simply because it would be able to destroy tank columns in no time at all (unless it's really slow, which wouldn't really make much sense for Russia since Russia is supposed to be decently mobile; not as fast as LC, but nowhere nearly as slow as China). Here are my ideas:


Tesla Centurion (or some other name). Russia exclusive variant of the Tesla Trooper:

+More health compared to Tesla Troopers.

+Higher Damage, slightly higher RoF, and Range.

+Shots apply a short EMP effect, like the Tesla Cruiser.

+Only needs one of these units to keep a Tesla Coil powered while on low power; you need 2 regular Tesla Troopers to keep a Tesla Coil online while on low power, but you only need 1 Tesla Centurion to do the same thing.

+Of course, can't be bitten by Dogs or Spooks, and retains immunity to being crushed by vehicles.

-Costs more (Tesla Troopers cost $400, Tesla Centurions cost $600).

-Vulnerable to Magnetic Weaponry, of course.

That's it. They're not slower, nor do they lose anything. Kinda figured that if Russia are the pioneers of Tesla technology in the MO universe, they were probably able to perfect on the Tesla Trooper's weapons and suit, making them stronger, more durable, and more powerful without sacrificing mobility. Increased RoF + EMP effect might be a little much, but at the same time, Tesla Troopers fire their weapons relatively slowly, so I'm not sure how bad it would be.

I was considering Tesla Centurions actually be able to move faster than Tesla Troopers, since Russia does have a bit of a mobility focus, but I'm not really sure how to explain that, at least not off the top of my head.


Using NorthFireZ's idea, how about something like this for a T3 Russia exclusive infantry unit:

Tesla Legionnaire (if someone has a better name, tell me. I'm not good with coming up with unit names. XD).

Uses a Tesla Thrower against enemy targets.

Plate Armor Type.

350 HP (30 more HP than a US Riot Trooper).

Speed: 6 (Same as Tesla Trooper and Volkov)

Attack Range: 5

Anti-Ground unit.

Costs $1250 to make.

+AoE attack; great for blobs.

+Attack does good damage against infantry and vehicles alike.

+Fires relatively fast (I would say this unit would fire somewhat slower than Volkov's Tesla Cannon).

+Large health pool for an infantry unit.

+Can't be crushed by vehicles.

+Can't be devoured by Terror Drones.

+Immune to Dogs and Spooks.

-Attacks do not cause an EMP effect, unlike Volkov and Tesla Centurions.

-Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.

-Can't target aircraft, and Wormqueens will have no trouble facing this unit.

-Expensive ($1250)

-Not terribly effective against structures and base defenses.

Basically, Tesla Legionnaires are Russia's AoE attacker. If the Russian subfaction had to deal with a giant blob of ground units, bring out the Tesla Legionnaires. These guys are hard to kill, they've got a strong AoE attack, their range isn't too bad (Equal to the Tesla Trooper, less than the Tesla Centurion), and they can't be crushed by vehicles, or eaten by Dogs/Spooks/Terror Drones. Their heavy metal suits do however make them vulnerable to magnetic weapons (PsiCorps gonna have a field day), and their portable Tesla Throwers, while being able to zap infantry and tanks very effectively, are not effective against base defenses and structures. These are army killers, not base killers. Leave that for Scuds, Volkov, and Kirovs.


I didn't give Legionnaires an EMP effect, since in terms of lore, I kinda think that the Legionnaires' Tesla Throwers had to sacrifice weapon power for area capability (also so these guys don't invalidate Volkov as a hero unit). That being said, their AoE weapon can still quickly destroy tanks, and can just as easily kill infantry in 1-2 shots, so even though these guys can't EMP your army, you still don't want to get in these guys' way. Or be on the opposite side of these guys, for that matter. 

"Here's your electric bill!" -One of the possible quotes for this possible new unit.


Feedback and thoughts on these ideas is appreciated. I'm not sure how OP these units are, but Russia has been needing a little jolt in power (no pun intended).

#1056671 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by Gameman112358 on 20 April 2017 - 10:19 PM

I never really use mines in general whenever I play, honestly. Not a PvP player, I will admit, but at the same time, I often times find that if I try to use the mines as intended (hidden defenses set up ahead of time), they either 1) Get detected and destroyed immediately (I would be surprised if people didn't bring stealth detectors with them; most people in MP usually have stealth detectors in their army groups from what I saw), or 2) Gets wasted on a single frigging Conscript/GI/etc. and isn't going off on the T3 Tank that I want it to go off on.


I'm not sure if there's a way for mines to only go off if there's a certain number and type of units around it. Say for EMP mines it doesn't go off unless there's 2-3 or more vehicle units in a certain radius around it. Or Genomines not going off unless there's 7-8 or more infantry units around it. Mines having a delay before priming is fine, but I don't think people are going to use them as they were intended for if they're just going to lose their mines to one infantry unit or something like that and have it do no damage (in the case of the EMP Mine). 




X1Destroy probably never got his chronoshift denied by single mine placement or never lost a big chunk of his attack force to a single mine drop.


SP/Skirmish people should be denied of ability to write here.

You're denying a LOT of people then, I think. Me included. I'm not really sure how many people actually go for MP; from what I remember, people in the vanilla RA2 didn't care much for MP, but I'm not sure if that carried over to MO or not.


I don't play MP because 1) Too stressful 2) IMO kinda boring, since (based on Doomy's streams) people simply use the same old tactic over and over. Won't argue with reliable tactics, but seeing it happen a bunch of times over and over does get stale after a while. 3) SP/Skirmish is more fun. Not a fan of stressing myself out in MP; I enjoy playing Skirmish as a quick stress reliever, and I do enjoy holding the enemy horde back in SP, despite how sadistic it is at times. I've seen MP videos, and just looking at them makes my head and heart hurt. It looks so stressful...


Also, by that logic, that would mean some of the balance stuff I suggest (buff Eureka for example) would be automatically invalid strictly because I don't play PvP. To use the "buff Eureka" rhetoric as an example, if there was any evidence of Coronia players using Eureka in PvP effectively, I would've let your comment slide, but as it stands, I don't really have much reason to stop writing here. No one uses her, hell, I watched Speeder try to use her on the MO YouTube Channel, and even he was struggling to use her! And that's just one example of a unit that I want to see changed. (Speeder, you are free to interject if I'm wrong. I was going by what I saw on the WoC First Skirmish video; it looked like you were struggling to use Eureka, and then you sorta just gave up after a couple of tries. Correct me if I'm wrong.)



It's a suggestions thread, and I'm supposed to give, well, suggestions and ideas. I've warned people repeatedly that I don't play PvP. I tell people I make suggestions based on Doomy's streams, MP videos, and my own experiences. I just simply leave my thoughts and ideas here and let the devs decide. I am not trying to force the devs to go my way; would it be nice if they did? Yes. But at the same time, I know the score, and the devs probably have their own ideas as well (something that I've also said repeatedly), so I don't bother trying to be like "SPEEDER DO DIS CHANGE PLS NAO!!!1!!" or some other sh*t like that.


I try to make my suggestions as reasonable as possible, explain my reasoning to the best of my ability, then leave it up to the devs to decide. I don't want to be locked out of suggesting ideas simply because I don't play PvP; is me saying "Eureka needs a buff because she's been proven to be underperforming as a hero, and it shows in MP because every video I've seen where someone plays Coronia, no one ever bothers to train her because of her weak attack and friendly fire problems." invalid simply because I don't play PvP? Even though there's plenty of video evidence of MP players never using her? How is that fair? 

#1055839 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by Gameman112358 on 03 April 2017 - 06:50 AM

Actually, you guys brought up something I've always been curious about regarding Epsilon's troops; what do they do on their downtime (if they have any)? Leaving out some of the weirder things Epsilon has (Spooks, Brutes, Bloaticks), do their troops ever take breaks from their line of work? Or do they never stop doing the work of Yuri?


I'm legitimately curious because unless it's something that has deep genetic modifications (Stalkers, Brutes, and Rahn for example), they must still have human needs to fulfill. It's been proven that troops do need some time to rest and relax every now and then in order to be the most efficient, and surely the more 'normal' troops of the Epsilon must have something like this. But at the same time, given genetic modification and the fact that a lot of their troops are possibly cloned (among other things), it wouldn't surprise me if they were able to forgo needing to take breaks every now and then.


It then leads to another question; how human are the Epsilon's infantry (and vehicle pilots, for that matter)? Troops like Initiates, Archers, Duneriders, and the like, despite being loyal to Yuri, still seem pretty human for the most part, albeit with some modifications (nothing crazy like Brutes, Stalkers, or Rahn though). Not mentioning that they still seem unsettled at times by some of the things Epsilon do, at least according to this description of the Cloning Vats:


"The difference between a clone and a real soldier are not noticeable to a commander. However, the appearance of clones on the battlefield is known to unsettle Epsilon infantry as their doppelgängers possess an inherent 'wrongness' about them, like soulless versions of the original."


That tells us that a lot of Epsilon's troops aren't insane, at least not like some of the weirder aspects of the Epsilon (Libra's straight crazy, period. Rahn is Ax-Crazy and bloodthirsty put together). Also, It's implied that some within the Epsilon ranks defected to the Foehn Revolt (if the Zorbtrotter's description is anything to go by), also telling us that Epsilon at some point in the future are so far gone that a even a portion of their own forces couldn't stomach fighting for them anymore. That tells us that their ranks aren't completely filled with crazy people, at least. What do you guys think?

#1055471 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by Gameman112358 on 28 March 2017 - 07:56 AM

No, have it be a mission about a conscript against endless Apocs. Because reasons. XD XD XD



Against Salamanders, because why not



How about against Archelon?


Why not all three put together? For maximum masochism and rage on Alstar's part. *evil laughter*


(Also because he doesn't seem to like any of the above units, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong; I know for sure he doesn't like Apocs (dunno why), but I don't know how he feels about Salamanders and Archelons)


I think at that point it just becomes a difference in opinions. The developers will make the game they want to make, and if they want to make it challenging then that's their prerogative. They've taken significant strides to listen to the community when it came to re-balancing the campaign, and have made it significantly more manageable. They don't necessarily want the missions to be bustingly hard or undoable, but they can't control the fact that Save/Load doesn't work. It's also unfair to ask them to completely tone down their vision for the game because of something that is outside of their control. Suggestions are always acceptable, but at the end of the day, the developers will do what the developers will do.

Well, from my PoV, I'm not asking them to make the game easier per se, but I do want it to be hard in a sense that I can get through it if I know what the heck I'm supposed to do, not because the devs felt like adding in sneaky terror drones or paradrops loaded with T3 tanks. I like Act II more because you face ridiculous odds and powerful enemies, but you've either got backup and an arsenal ready to support you, or you've been given some powerful tools and you're getting feedback on what the hell you're supposed to be doing; most missions in Act 2 do one of these things: 


1) Give you a set up base to work with at some point, along with some if not all of the full subfaction arsenal. (The Raven, Divergence, Puppet Master, Noise Severe, Memory Dealer, Lizard Brain in a way, since you have a base to help you keep the Euro Alliance away long enough to get the prototypes to safety, but not to survive, Dance of Blood)


2) Give you an MCV and enough units to defend your position so you can set up your base, which again, you have the full arsenal at your disposal. (Exist to Exit, Firewalking, Hysteria, Stormbringer (Your PF AI ally actually give you a backup MCV in later parts if you lose it, I think), Juggernaut, The Conqueror, Ghost Hunt)


3) A base will be nearby that you can clear out, and you have engineers that you can use to capture said base, again, with most if not full arsenal ready for use. (Stone Cold Crazy)


4) If it's one of those sneak around missions, you'll generally get a large enough force or powerful hero units to use, which can make blowing through large groups relatively easy. Either that, or something later on helps you to push through (The Mermaid, Awake and Alive, Huehuecoyotl, Heartwork, Godsend, Bottleneck)


I just listed every mission in Act II at the moment in each category, I think. This is why I like Act II; I may be given some ugly surprises, but I'm given tools and feedback to prep ahead of time. Paradrop of T3 Tanks? Time to get my T3 Tanks and AT infantry ready! Sneak attack? No big deal, I've got my forces rushing there now! Ran into a patrol by sheer accident on a sneaking mission? Fine, my heroes are powerful enough to tear you apart no problem! 


Here's what I consider bad forms of increasing difficulty:

1. Making players babysit really really bad AI. This is a pet peeve of mine, and it's something I have brought up numerous times, and will continue to bring up until the map editor (and in turn the AI editor) comes out and I can change it. I'm not babysitting an AI that can't do it's job properly. Sure, it will make the mission harder, but this frustrates the player because it's a variable that he/she can't control at all. The worst part is that some of these AIs are expected to either build your infrastructure for you to control or they're expected to be useful in protecting the main objective. Examples include: Death from Above, Stormbringer, Juggernaut, basically any map with an AI ally for the most part except a few exceptions like the AI friend in The Conqueror. That one does its job pretty competently IMO.


2. Giving curveballs with no way to respond to them. Like I said, nasty paradrops for example are fine, but do not do it in a way that the player cannot respond. If you drop T3 tanks in a base building mission, in my base, that's fine, because I can respond and rebuild to that. But do not pull that sh*t on a sneaking mission; I consider that an instant game over and rage quit, and I imagine a lot of other players would feel the same. It's one of the reasons why people complain about Singularity so much, I think.

I could think of so much more for this list (unnecessary inclusion of barrels, enemy AI storming the player with tons of units before they even start building a power plant (and yes, that's happened before), etc.) but a lot of it I feel will be subjective, so I'll leave that much for now.


I know MO devs want a hard campaign, and I can respect that. But do not make it hard in the sense that the player has no control over the situation whatsoever and gets screwed over for it. That's not good difficulty, that's just giving the player the middle finger for things he/she has no control over, which I doubt you guys want unless your plan for MO is to have your player base ragequit from the campaign. XD

#1055403 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by Gameman112358 on 27 March 2017 - 12:50 AM

I may not like his rude tone, but he does have a good point regarding the difficulty of MO sometimes. True, Tiberian Dawn and RA1 missions had the potential to be pretty hard, but at the same time, TD and RA1, from what I remember, had the ability to save and load from the get-go, meaning that you could S&L your way to victory. It made it much easier to do the campaign because of that.


In addition, TD and RA1 missions aren't nearly as difficult as the missions in MO; you either had enough firepower and resources to push through, or there was a trick (or "exploit", if you want to call it that) you could use, etc. MO doesn't give you either, and it does sometimes have a nasty tendency to throw out of left field curveballs at you that make you near automatically lose the mission (hidden Terror Drones, Riot Trooper + SEAL Paradrops, something like that).


The real problem is that you have to start over from the beginning; most of the campaign missions are long and hard (Singularity, Juggernaut, etc.); people are not going to start over from scratch for a nightmarish mission that takes freaking forever to do. If save and load was a thing, players would simply save constantly, then load from a point where they screwed up. They learn their lesson, but they don't have to start over at the beginning (which I find detrimental; usually people that get angry/stressed out make more mistakes, and given that they have to start over and the long length of the missions, those mistakes are bound to happen, which simply becomes a vicious cycle culminating in a big rage quit and possibly uninstalling the mod; I've heard stories of that happening). 


S&L may never be a thing for MO, but I can see the devs did hear the call their fans were making. Quite a few of the Act II missions, while still very hard, are much more player friendly to account for the lack of S&L ability. A few examples: E13: The Conqueror isn't a super hard mission, compared to the sh*t Epsilon goes through in Act I (Singularity will always be the hardest mission in MO, period, unless the devs can somehow pull something more sadistic on us. Which I doubt, given that even sadists/masochists have their limits on how far they can go.). E14: Huehuecoyotl is a hard mission at first, but you've got a lot of tools to help you through the first part, and later parts are a breeze compared to most of MO's campaign. Most of the Allied and Soviet missions either give you a base, or have a base be ready to be captured, and you have access to the full subfaction arsenal, meaning you could easily bunker down and wait until you're ready to attack.


As for Foehn being OP... they're not that bad for the most part. Powerful, but balanced, and can be countered if you're quick enough and know what you're doing. I would actually say there are parts of them that are slightly underpowered, if you can believe it.


Wings of Coronia:

Out of all of the subfactions, Coronia is the one that seems pretty strong out of the bunch IMO (a shocker for me, given that they're supposedly the subversive faction of the Foehn Revolt), but their reliance on air units means that T3 AA will give them a lot of trouble (well, provided Coronia's flying machines of war don't destroy the T3 AA in a matter of seconds. XD). Bring in tons of AA like Sentinels, Aeroblazes, Oxidizers, etc., and Coronia's air armada will have to be much more careful dealing with you (Watch out for Pteranodons though; they've been nerfed, but they're still tanky and fast enough to kite your T3 AA and kill it with relative ease). Also, Eureka needs a ton of buffs for her to be a viable hero in battle (I actually had to completely change her weapons to make her a viable hero. No, I'm not releasing the modified ini files, nor am I telling you how to get them, because I know most people will spoil the entire mod if I do. What I will tell you though is that I gave her a weaker but faster firing version of the Zorbtrotter's attack, modified to attack aircraft, as well a weaker but faster firing version of the Harbinger's collider cannons, and the Zorbfloater's rapid healing ability. That's what I had to do in order to make her viable. That screams that she needs buffs, really really badly.



They're great attackers, being able to do a lot of damage really quickly, as well as having some annoying tricks (Irritator's confusion ray, Syncronin/Syncronaut's structure weakener) but you do need to be careful with them, since some of their units have quirks that only work if you micro them a little bit (Cyclops Walkers don't get a damage boost unless you get close to the enemy in question, for example. Diverbees as well; you want to make sure they're targeting that tank platoon, not the lone GI/Conscript/whatever, and you need to make sure they don't die along the way).  Also, their general AA isn't that great (Teratorns have a lock on time, Knightframes require numbers to take aircraft down), and their T3 AA IMO sucks balls; doing constant DoT instead of heavy damage immediately hurts its performance against heavy aircraft from my experiences, and you'd have to be lucky to bring down fast aircraft like Stormchildren, Foxtrots, etc with it (Unlike something like Aeroblazes or Sentinels, which hit instantly, and do a ton of damage instantly). You can easily cause havoc in Haihead's ranks simply by bringing in a bunch of aircraft and constantly harassing them with air units. 


Last Bastion:

Great turtlers, I will say. They take China's formula, and turn it up a whole new level, as well as adding in a few other tricks (nanomachine repairs in the heat of battle and Nanocharge for example). Their units are extraordinarily tanky and powerful, being able to take damage and dish it back (Bison, Mastodons, Giantsbanes and their Synced cousins Godsbanes), and they've got plenty of defensive tricks up their sleeves (Sweeper, Plasmerizer, the aforementioned units also work). They're essentially defensive masters, and are great if you like turtling and/or steamrolling your opponent.


They have a weakness, however. Like China, their units are really freaking slow. Mastodons move as slowly as Nuwa Cannons, and Bisons are only slightly faster than they are. Their units also have a pretty hefty price tag on them, meaning you're going to have to spend wisely (Mastodons for example cost $2500; for reference, Nuwas cost $1800). Finally, they've got no way to deal with base defenses; the other two subfactions have something to help them destroy base defenses (Coronia has Tarchia Cannons to deal with stationary defenses, Harbingers work as well, kind of. Haihead has the blackout missile, which disables defenses altogether, as well as Syncronauts to weaken defenses so Haihead's forces can quickly destroy them), Last Bastion don't really have anything that can do that; I don't consider the Boidmachine to be an artillery, since you can only fire it once every 6 and 1/2 minutes, and their accuracy can be utterly terrible sometimes if you're not on high ground. Not mentioning that it can't even kill pillboxes, from my experiences (I consider the Boidmachine one of the underpowered things in Foehn that should get a BUFF, if you can believe it. XD). Last Bastion has to rely on slowly creeping towards the enemy and crushing them; faster subfactions can exploit this by simply waiting for the Last Bastion's main army to be away, then quickly blitz their base and destroy it, giving the army little time to return and respond, for example. 


If you go in just expecting an easy win because you're playing Foehn, you're going to get your ass handed back to you faster than you can say "Live by the gun". 

While playing as Foehn shouldn't be an easy win, it's not going to be easy for the enemy to defeat you either. Foehn's IMO a very powerful faction, and their subfactions are pretty strong, with their own quirks to each of them. They need a little work from the player, but at the same time, they've got a lot of powerful options to use, and quite frankly, facing off against a Foehn subfaction is never going to be easy, unless the skill level difference is somewhat large (20,000 APM player that knows everything vs complete newbie that just started. Hyperbole, I know, but you get the point. XD)

#1054475 No Map Editor and Locked INIs: Why?

Posted by Gameman112358 on 18 March 2017 - 06:48 AM

Let me start this thread by saying that I like to mess with the ini and core files. I really do. Mods like TI and ROTR, I mod them like nuts to suit my personal tastes. I don't really care about too much about balance issues coming up from my changes, since I don't play MP and I have no intention of releasing the modified files for public use, ever. It's so much fun to do such a thing. It's even more fun when a map editor gets involved; I often times modify skirmish maps and, in TI's case, campaign maps for my own personal use. Sometimes I want to see a unit that has not been shown yet. Sometimes I have trouble with "suspension of disbelief" in the campaign, so I modify it to have it make more sense. Sometimes I just enjoy modifying maps to my favor. There are lots of reasons for what I do.


With that being said, I'm baffled why Mental Omega's major game files are locked; other mods like TI and ROTR have accessible inis, core files, and a map editor that people can use to alter the game to their own personal tastes. The only mod on my list that doesn't have what I mentioned is M.O., and I'm curious why this mod is locking their files down so tightly, as well as the fact that it doesn't have a map editor out yet.


Regarding INIs and other core files: I really want to bring back some old units and make them trainable/part of a paradrop (Cyborg Prototypes) and buff certain ones (Eureka, Snipers, Warhawks), but the ini files for the units, weapons, buildings, support and attack powers, and other core files are locked. I don't know why; did people steal your assets and code? Is it because there are spoilers in the inis? Are you guys worried about people not being able to play multiplayer and then complaining about it? Can't speak for the rest of the community, but I don't really care for MP that much (too stressful and time-consuming), so I wouldn't mind not being able to play MP in return for having the INI files accessible. And if it's spoilers, I promise I won't reveal any. I tweak INIs for personal use only; I never release my altered files to the public in general. So I'm not going to reveal anything important, if that's the worry.


Regarding the Map Editor: I've seen various posts about this topic, and it must be tiresome for you guys (the devs) to see this, but at the same time, I'm really wondering why there is no map editor released to the public. Is it because it's really hard to make for public use? Is it loaded with spoilers? (Map editors with access to campaign maps can be pretty spoiler loaded, I will admit) Again, I'm not going to reveal anything important that is related to the plot of the campaign; I just want to mod some of the maps that I find a little ridiculous (no offense to the guys who make these awesome, detailed campaign maps, but I don't really enjoy seeing a bunch of random barrels strewn everyone in my base, and I certainly don't enjoy dealing with poor AI that is making my job unnecessarily more difficult. The Map Editor can change what AI you want at which position, I think, which is why I really want the Map Editor so bad, so I can make the AI ally useful to the player). 


I know I sound like a broken record at this point, given that I've talked about the lack of a map editor and accessible inis in other threads before, but at the same time, I'm legitimately curious why the game's files are locked and there's no MO map editor out there, and I really want to know the answers behind why.

#1054167 Poll: Favorite hero

Posted by Gameman112358 on 14 March 2017 - 01:23 AM

The combination of being prone to friendly fire within allies' vicinity, her slow firing and her incapability to actually destroy stuff is just enough reason for me to never train her at all


This doesn't help her case. Some of the other heroes can friendly fire by accident (Morales, Uragan), but the friendly fire is relatively infrequent, and the heroes in question are powerful enough to justify it. She needs a lot of changes; her plasma wave weapon is not effective whatsoever (and surprising to see, actually. It's something that I expected from Last Bastion), and she dies waaaaaay too easily. Perhaps something like:


- Amphibious

- Can heal quickly when damaged (Like Zorbfloaters)

- Gains speed boost from Spinblades (unchanged)

- New weapons are a stronger and faster firing version of the Zorbtrotter's/Floater's attack for infantry (and possibly aircraft), and personal particle collider cannons for use against vehicles (Essentially the Harbinger's weapon, but slightly weaker)


Note that I'm just spitballing ideas; I'm not really expecting the devs to actually implement these ideas. It would be nice if they did, since she needs something to incentivize players to train her and use her in the battlefield, and these changes would do just that, but I'm not one of the developers, and the game's important files are locked, meaning that I can't go into the inis and do the changes myself and see what happens.

#1053633 MO 3.3 // Screenshots Thread

Posted by Gameman112358 on 09 March 2017 - 07:54 AM

Don't feel bad to be the "Umm, actually" guy. You might've pointed out things that I might've missed. :)


The Haihead loading map is really hard to see. I couldn't really get a bead on who is included in that jumbled mass, certainly not enough time before the game loaded up. So maybe the U.S. did manage to integrate into Foehn after all. I would hope so; I don't really hear any U.S. voices among the units of the entire Foehn arsenal, but then again, maybe I'm just being a little nitpicky. After all, conscripts for example all use the same voice lines, regardless whether it's the LC, Russia, or China. And the Euro Alliance Cavaliers all seem to have a British pilot, despite Cavaliers being used by all Euro Alliance members (probably not worth the effort to make separate units and voice lines for different nationalities; too much hassle, so makes sense).

#1053590 MO 3.3 // Screenshots Thread

Posted by Gameman112358 on 08 March 2017 - 11:45 PM

I'm actually quite curious how you were able to make the map editor be able to read and place down MO objects. I imagine you can probably place down items, scenery, buildings, units, etc. with it. I want to know, mainly because I've been wanting a map editor for ages. I don't play multiplayer at all (more focused on single player), so I'm not too worried about not being able to play with other players(I can always just reinstall in the worst case scenario).


A map editor would be really nice, mainly so I can make some missions in the single player easier (If the map editor can read the campaign maps, that is). For example: Juggernaut. Seriously. That mission makes me cry. On easy, I can win, but it's not a fun ride until the end. Any harder and my head starts to spin from the sheer numbers of enemies and the fact they're pretty much pulling suicidal zerg spam on you. I have no idea what this modified map editor is capable of (changing the AI players, for example), but if it was possible, I would:


- Make the Chinese in this mission produce units and fight alongside you. Seriously, I find it silly that they've got a bunch of bases all over the place, but they never produce anything from them. They've got War Factories, Industrial Plants, Barracks, Ore Refineries, etc. Use them! Failing that, just make it so that if a production building exists, units are spawned from that building over time. For example: Barracks spawns 5 Conscripts, 3 flak troopers, and 2 tesla troopers, War Factories spawn 3 Qilin Tanks and 2 HalfTracks, and Industrial Plants spawn 2 Nuwa Cannons and a Sentinel. I want to feel like the Chinese are really trying to help you. After all, it's not just the Russian leaders in the Congress; the Chinese leaders are in there too, and I would think the Chinese would fight to the last man to stop the Epsilon from getting to them. Also helps show Epsilon's power more; I want to feel that I'm having trouble in that mission because the Epsilon are really THAT powerful, not because of a bunch of random barrels and bad AI.


- Place more fortifications and units down. The Chinese didn't really deploy a whole heck of a lot in Juggernaut, surprisingly. I would think that defending their leaders would be taken very seriously by Chinese military command, and that they'd send everything they can muster to defend the Singapore Congress. Gyrocopters would be nice for the infantry spam for example (also because they can't be mind controlled). Dragonflies would be really useful, since they can simply straight up sink Amphibious Transports (Probably why none are shown in this mission). And I imagine they'd fortify Singapore much more tightly than they did in the mission. Also very surprised the Chinese navy wasn't present in this battle; were they really that stretched thin that they couldn't deploy ships and shipyards around Singapore's harbors? Would've helped a little bit, at least.


- Give control of the EMP control station, Airfield, and Tesla reactors near the airfield. Chinese aren't using the airfield, and they aren't using EMP at all, so I figured it might be better to have the player use it.


- REMOVE ALL OF THE GODDAMN BARRELS AROUND THE CHINESE BASES. Seriously, I hate that so much. A bunch of barrels = That base is already dead. Epsilon's already throwing enough forces to easily overwhelm the bases with sheer numbers, no point putting additional barrels for them to blow up.


Btw, hi everyone, new user here! M.O. is a mod that I like, alongside a few other C&C mods (ROTR and TI come to mind). I'm a little sad that M.O. doesn't have a map editor, though, unlike the other two mods I mentioned. I don't mind not playing multiplayer; single player is more fun to mess with. :)