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Member Since 29 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2014 05:27 PM

#947533 New players

Posted by I_Que_147 on 02 February 2014 - 08:28 AM

Thanks for the replies, and the offerings of advice. I didn't really make this topic for myself, I play with my friend and that's pretty much it and these are just the things I've observed. I feel talking of banning is abit harsh. It was to highlight a problem that I feel the server has, I wouldn't say anyone I've encountered has been overly abusive, but rude yes and unhelpful at best.


I am someone who likes to mix shit up so I can't talk all that much, but I wouldn't purposefully ignore and be rude to another player. With such a small community it is important that everyone is somewhat friendly if not helpful.


I think you guys are doing a good job, and everything is quite well integrated, forums, facebook and what not which definitely helps new players but trying to engage the veteran players and have them actively help the community would be huge (the mentor program is a great idea).


Quick edit - I do know the problem isn't as damning as my initial post made it seem, I have actually played with ICT and many others who are incredibly helpful.