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Member Since 14 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2024 01:38 AM

#1122422 Formations

Posted by Miraak5 on 26 January 2023 - 03:15 AM

You need to create a fake toggle formation button that is disabled and won't do anything
then add a code to change the commandset of your horde when you get your upgrade

and put the real toggle formation button in that new commandset

#1121266 Adding 2 hobbits to Treebeard "production"

Posted by Miraak5 on 19 October 2022 - 08:19 PM

Just use the mumakil code from vanilla bfme2 and rotwk (InitialPayload line)
he spawn from the start with haradrim archers on top of him


add that line to your treebeard TransportContain with merry and pippin instead of the haradrim archers

#1117177 Construction Cost

Posted by Miraak5 on 23 November 2021 - 02:19 PM

You need to add this behavior for all structures built on foundations


Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB

#1112525 Cut Content?

Posted by Miraak5 on 12 December 2020 - 01:59 PM

Agandaur already explained the basics
but ye there are tons of cut content in the game and ye the original builds/beta of bfme1 had much more content wich was sadly cut, bfme1 rly feel downgraded when you compare early builds video and final

#1111939 SkirmishAI ArmyMemberDefinition Percentage

Posted by Miraak5 on 06 November 2020 - 01:03 PM


#1111927 SkirmishAI ArmyMemberDefinition Percentage

Posted by Miraak5 on 05 November 2020 - 11:11 AM

This is more like a priority to build each units than a real limit in their army,
their only limit are the CP, adding a new unit won't cause problems

#1111051 Special Ability Ignore triggered by

Posted by Miraak5 on 19 August 2020 - 12:10 PM

The last stand ability seems to have been designed without the regular troll rampage mechanic, personally i use a ReallyDamagedAttributeModifier to give boromir the rampage animations and also make him move slower (can also make him be immobile)


btw u can fix boromir not granting XP

	Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_LifeTime			; Used after 'death' to continue for a certain time before really dying.
		WaitForWakeUp = Yes
                ScoreKill = Yes

u need to add that "ScoreKill = Yes" line in the lifetimeupdate, dunno if it also work for gimli dwarven grudge

#1110835 ChildObject does not inherit Animations from ParentObject

Posted by Miraak5 on 09 August 2020 - 04:34 PM

It's simply because the animations are part of the "Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw"
and since u replaced it in your child object for using a diffrent model, u also need to add the animations back

#1109576 Own guys give experience when dying

Posted by Miraak5 on 16 June 2020 - 11:53 AM

Well i tried to remove that before and beside putting ExperienceAwardOwnGuysDie = 0 for every evil units
could not find anything that would cause that behavior to happen


so ye i fear it's actually hardcodded for isengard and mordor

#1109451 Delay Model Change

Posted by Miraak5 on 10 June 2020 - 02:39 PM

Make it so it's an AttributeModifier that is giving the upgrade you need to change the model

so this is what you need in your attribute modifier


Upgrade = Upgrade_YourUpgrade Delay:1000


so this AttributeModifier will allow you to set a Delay for the upgrade that will trigger the model swap

#1109148 Isengard Beserkers Speed Problem with a Torch

Posted by Miraak5 on 27 May 2020 - 11:51 AM

Ye it's not working, the "ToggleOnAttributeModifier = BerserkerTorchLightingPenalty" seems to only trigger the modifier while he is toggling to the torch and not for when he is using the torch

so the armor nerf and speed buff are only present when he is doing his animation (wich is kinda useless for speed^^)

#1108765 Spawned Porter Model vs Buildable in the Fortress

Posted by Miraak5 on 13 May 2020 - 04:54 PM

the models from bfme2 and rotwk are the same,

it look like the spawned builders will just always have the high res skin even if you are playing on low graphics (and so the ones u build after will have the correct low graphic skin)

so it's probably an ingame bug with the system that is supposed to switch the skin depending of your graphical quality, nothing rly important


just make a XXX_skn for your new porter skin u want to create, so it will always be the same independently of the graphics

#1108728 New Fortress Subobjecs Problem

Posted by Miraak5 on 12 May 2020 - 01:19 AM

can you check in experiencelevel if your RohanFortressCitadel correctly get the upgrade ?

#1108038 New Weapon for CAH

Posted by Miraak5 on 23 April 2020 - 12:03 PM

are probably hardcoded in the game engine (wich mean you can't just add a new one) so you are forced to use an existant one

#1106222 Leadership / ModifierList

Posted by Miraak5 on 16 February 2020 - 01:29 PM

"RefreshDelay = 2000" don't touch this, it's how often the modifier is re applied, 2000 is perfect for that
"AntiCategory = BUFF" mean your leadership will cancel modifiers that are BUFF category (for exemple if on your debuff code you put "AntiCategory = BUFF" it will cancel BUFF category modifiers)

"ReplaceInCategoryIfLongest = Yes" this is to prevent multiple modifiers from the same category to stack (if u set it to No or remove the line u will be able to stack it with other modifiers from the same category)

"IgnoreIfAnticategoryActive = Yes" mean it will correctly disable the modifier if you have an AntiCategory (if u set it to No it will ignore the cancel of AntiCategory allowing you to make exceptions)


btw you should never set Duration = 0 on your modifier when it's a passive power
set Duration = 3000 instead