Ok man. That sounds odd. Unfortunately, because of the method you're using to make your mod (editing the .ini files while within the .big file) I can't be of much help as I have never used that method. Sorry man. I really would suggest using the -mod method, I personally think it is a far easier method for new modders.
I just looked on a tutorial on the3rdage.net (an excellent source of tutorials BTW, most defiantly worth checking out man) but think for a new modder, it has more information that you don't need than you do and would possibly end up confusing the issue. So, instead, I will try explain the -mod method as simply as I can.
First: Create a folder and give it the name of your mod. For the purpose of this instruction, we'll call the folder "ValdrecMod".
Second: Make a copy of the game shortcut. Edit the target (in properties). It shoud look something like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Battle for Middle-earth II\lotrbfme2.exe" -mod "D:\ValdrecMod"
All you're basically doing is adding the location of your mod folder to the shortcut's target. You Mod folder will likely be in a different location so your target will be different from the one above. It's all common sense really. (Note how there is a space on either side of the word -mod in the target, these are essential)
Third: Extract any .ini files you want to edit into you mod folder folder. Boromir's file, for example, after extracting the destination should look like this: ValdrecMod/data/ini/object/goodfaction/units/men/boromir.ini
Lastly: You can now use the edited shortcut to launch your mod.
NOTE: I would recommend making a mod with just one edited file to begin with. Once you know you have it working, start adding in other files. I reckon that a quick and easy test method would be by starting with one of the dwarven hero files (like dane). Scroll down to the end of his animation code and find this block:
;Draw module just for the HeroSelection
Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw Icon
ModelConditionState = NONE
Model = Icon02
Comment it all out like this (with semicolons like the one in front of the first Draw word in the code above):
;Draw module just for the HeroSelection
;Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw Icon
; ModelConditionState = NONE
; Model = Icon02
; End
If your mod is working, when you load up the game and make dain, he will not have that stupid glowing ring thing around him like the other Dwarven heroes do. Once you have that working, you can delete him and start extreacing in the files you really want to edit and get back to making your mod.
I really hope all that makes sense. Good Luck.
Edited by Kwen, 18 September 2015 - 01:35 AM.
Hope you don't mind, I added an example of the commented module. -K