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MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

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#581 Damfoos


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 09:19 AM

Can AlexB and his Ares magic do some wonders once again? Things like:

  • Scroll bar on mission briefing screen, so it'd be possible to fit more text there without having to match the limited amout of strings.
  • Observers being able to see stealthed units of all players, possibly with ability to see players' power level and what their factories are currently producing, just like in TI, would be exceptionally handy.
  • RoF modifier AttachEffect, would have a lot of uses (though I guess if it hasn't been implemented after all the years of development, it is not as easy to do as it may look).

Edited by Damfoos, 24 January 2017 - 09:22 AM.

#582 Flandre


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 10:18 AM

I do wish that the save and loading will happen soon. It's basically a major handicap to casual players, in fact they should make easy difficulty a breather so at least they won't rage quit.


Anyways, I do wonder why the Pacific Front don't had an unique naval unit since after all "historical" references. Something akin like the Shogun Battleship












#583 Damfoos


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 10:32 AM

Not sure if it'd be a good thing balance-wise. They have an unique naval unit which is Kappa tank, and it is already very annoying, especially after their speed buff.

#584 Handepsilon


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 12:45 PM

I'd like to know if it's possible for us to see stealthed units revealed by friendly units. Back when I was playing Technologic, Player 2 can't see the mines that Tanya sees

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#585 aethiraes

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Posted 24 January 2017 - 01:10 PM

What if all bastion walls worked as Blasticade walls?

And the power cost on Blasticade walls isn't applied until blast furnace is. If that's possible.

Edited by aethiraes, 24 January 2017 - 01:11 PM.

#586 codyfun123


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:51 PM

Foehn seems to have a really hard time shutting down bridge access. I went through several different ideas involving the units available to all of its subfactions, and figured one of the following ideas seemed most reasonable:

  • Kingsframes become super effective against bridges. (via some clever usage of two weapons)
  • Duplicants have a C4 weapon to blow up the bridge, which also stuns the duplicant. (Lore: The duplicant sends spare nanites into the bridge to weaken the construction until it collapses.)

#587 XoGamer


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Posted 24 January 2017 - 05:03 PM

Kappa's Speed Buff came at the cost of it's Power Nerf


I wish PF had a unique naval unit to replace either the Battleship or the Aircraft Carrier.


It'd be much better if there were more unique naval units other than akula.

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#588 Flandre


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Posted 25 January 2017 - 02:21 AM

Kappa's Speed Buff came at the cost of it's Power Nerf


I wish PF had a unique naval unit to replace either the Battleship or the Aircraft Carrier.


It'd be much better if there were more unique naval units other than akula.


I agreed.












#589 Admiral_Pit

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 03:42 PM

Please tell me there's a way for underground units to get damaged (outside of terror infections)...  What really has annoyed me is that someone can spam various drilling units (mostly noted, Tyrants or Wormqueens, the latter if one screws up), keep em around in your base underground to distract you while they plan their next move, and when a vulnerable part of the base is revealed, they can come up, do their damage, drill back down and continue the routine til the drilling units either leave, or die.  And even if you kill a few, a player can just build more and more until you somehow destroy their lab.

And yes, I do build Sensor towers to show me where they go, place mines here and there patrolling Dragonflies and even planes to follow their movements, as well as a few mines here and there.  It just doesn't work well.  And if I do bring some of my units around to watch over em, my main force could be broken by the enemy at my front door while I'm focused on the drill spammage.  It's obviously worse when I'm forced to waste time if they have a SW too.


If there's really no way for underground units to be damaged (I did suggest "seismic" weapons to do this once), then can Tyrants and Queens get a nerf somehow, whether by price or durability?

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#590 TeslaCruiser


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Posted 25 January 2017 - 04:00 PM

It can be hard to deal
Push them hard to force sc worst scenario?
Keep lab down? Idk

#591 Chronoshift111

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 04:49 PM

     As I'm infiltrating my enemy's bases, I read on the factions website that the infiltrators grant information on yuor enemy's power count and building construction. I am seeing the money of an enemy when I infiltrate their ecobooster, but infiltrating the construction yard seems to not have any effect. Am I missing something or are there others that are having the same issue?

#592 Divine


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Posted 25 January 2017 - 04:51 PM

     As I'm infiltrating my enemy's bases, I read on the factions website that the infiltrators grant information on yuor enemy's power count and building construction. I am seeing the money of an enemy when I infiltrate their ecobooster, but infiltrating the construction yard seems to not have any effect. Am I missing something or are there others that are having the same issue?

Works fine for me. My only problem is that when the infiltrated player builds something, the building's cameo overrides the base power's display. On this note, I want stolen MCVs back. Infiltrating the enemy ConYard should give the option to build one Stolen MCV. I did read somewhere that giving a unit BuildLimit=-1 results in the unit being buildable once, then it disappears from the sidebar. Or alternatively, make the buildings necessary to build a faction's MCV forbidden prerequisites for stolen variants. The redundancy of legit and stolen MCVs was the only problem in 3.0. The enemy base's power should be displayed after infiltrating an enemy power plant (if possible, this would be a secondary effect to sabotaging it).

Edited by Divine, 25 January 2017 - 05:01 PM.

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#593 DarkEmblem


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Posted 25 January 2017 - 06:02 PM

About 5 zorbfloaters and around 3 knightframes killed my entire infantry and tank army. I had quite some gatling tanks but that didnt seem to handle it. In fact, none of the zorbfloaters died. He started spamming them, getting like 12 zorbfloaters. I thought viruses would be able to handle those but 8 viruses vs 12 zorbloaters didn't seem to do anything. In fact, none of them died. So both tanks and infantry doesn't work. The only thing that worked was malver since he instakilled them without having to worry about their regen. I also tried yuris, but since units keep attacking the unit they were already attacking when they are mindcontrolled, all my yuris died anyway.


Anything I can those?
For now it just seems like they need a regen nerf and vulnerablity against viruses.


But I probably did something wrong.


I hope.

Edited by DarkEmblem, 25 January 2017 - 06:03 PM.

#594 Graion Dilach

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 10:38 PM

  • RoF modifier AttachEffect, would have a lot of uses (though I guess if it hasn't been implemented after all the years of development, it is not as easy to do as it may look).

I tell you, this one is complex. Issues are that while there is a ROF multiplier (coming from the difficulty settings), it's not cached (or atleast I never seen it cached) and it's needed to be overridden in where it's applied which might be only one place but also might be more (aircraft attacking always lived separately).

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#595 aethiraes

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 02:14 AM

About 5 zorbfloaters and around 3 knightframes killed my entire infantry and tank army. I had quite some gatling tanks but that didnt seem to handle it. In fact, none of the zorbfloaters died. He started spamming them, getting like 12 zorbfloaters. I thought viruses would be able to handle those but 8 viruses vs 12 zorbloaters didn't seem to do anything. In fact, none of them died. So both tanks and infantry doesn't work. The only thing that worked was malver since he instakilled them without having to worry about their regen. I also tried yuris, but since units keep attacking the unit they were already attacking when they are mindcontrolled, all my yuris died anyway.


Anything I can those?
For now it just seems like they need a regen nerf and vulnerablity against viruses.


But I probably did something wrong.


I hope.


Yeah, don't bother spamming infantry in the late game. Spam viruses if you need to pick off heroes or something, but otherwise you need to use underhanded tactics. Driller engi, early game stinger rush, spy rushing cloud piercer for Salamanders, abuse the heck out of underground units.


I found that going Adepts is a waste. Two of three Foehn monster tanks can't be mind-controlled. Two of three Foehn T2 units can't be mind-controlled. Foehn infantry don't kill other Foehn infantry easily, unless its Zorbfloaters or Huntresses I suppose, but good luck microing your adepts to specifically mind-control those. 

#596 umbracatervae


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 04:11 AM

I just realized that Signal Inhibitor doesn't affected by power offline, despite its high power consumption


#597 Handepsilon


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 04:23 AM

I just realized that Signal Inhibitor doesn't affected by power offline, despite its high power consumption




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#598 Nicholas Chau

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 05:32 AM

Please tell me there's a way for underground units to get damaged (outside of terror infections)...  What really has annoyed me is that someone can spam various drilling units (mostly noted, Tyrants or Wormqueens, the latter if one screws up), keep em around in your base underground to distract you while they plan their next move, and when a vulnerable part of the base is revealed, they can come up, do their damage, drill back down and continue the routine til the drilling units either leave, or die.  And even if you kill a few, a player can just build more and more until you somehow destroy their lab.

And yes, I do build Sensor towers to show me where they go, place mines here and there patrolling Dragonflies and even planes to follow their movements, as well as a few mines here and there.  It just doesn't work well.  And if I do bring some of my units around to watch over em, my main force could be broken by the enemy at my front door while I'm focused on the drill spammage.  It's obviously worse when I'm forced to waste time if they have a SW too.


If there's really no way for underground units to be damaged (I did suggest "seismic" weapons to do this once), then can Tyrants and Queens get a nerf somehow, whether by price or durability?

just anticipate where they come in and have a lot of tank killers. If you are dealing with wormqueen i suggest placing your units close to where you think they may pop out; wormqueens have a nasty minimum range so they will be forced to back off and waste time(which gets them killed).

I don't think they need nerfing; scorpion cell is already weak in terms of brute force so just keep the tyrant as it is and if your opponent builds wormqueens..... you asked for it really.

About 5 zorbfloaters and around 3 knightframes killed my entire infantry and tank army. I had quite some gatling tanks but that didnt seem to handle it. In fact, none of the zorbfloaters died. He started spamming them, getting like 12 zorbfloaters. I thought viruses would be able to handle those but 8 viruses vs 12 zorbloaters didn't seem to do anything. In fact, none of them died. So both tanks and infantry doesn't work. The only thing that worked was malver since he instakilled them without having to worry about their regen. I also tried yuris, but since units keep attacking the unit they were already attacking when they are mindcontrolled, all my yuris died anyway.


Anything I can those?
For now it just seems like they need a regen nerf and vulnerablity against viruses.


But I probably did something wrong.


I hope.

when the foehn nerfs coming :(

#599 Speeder



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Posted 26 January 2017 - 05:37 AM

I just realized that Signal Inhibitor doesn't affected by power offline, despite its high power consumption

It is affected by low power, when the base is depowered you can fire the superweapons near it.


#600 umbracatervae


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 08:34 AM

Well i think i wrong, maybe i don't crosscheck it. Because it happened quite long time ago.


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