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MO 3.3 // Overused/Underused/NotUsed Units, Buildings & Support Powers

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#1 Speeder



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Posted 19 January 2017 - 04:16 PM

Let's do a different type of feedback thread and focus on what you think are the overused, underused and completely not used (why-are-they-even-there-nobody-uses-that kind of things) objects and support powers in Mental Omega 3.3.0. The NotUsed ones are the things that interest me the most, since I'll either want to enhance these objects/powers, remove or replace.


When you write about a certain object/support power, write its name in bold font.


I recommend that you take a quick look at faction's tech trees because the objects/support powers that you already forgot about or didn't even know existed are the ones that you should probably mention. ;)


#2 Damfoos


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Posted 19 January 2017 - 04:23 PM

I question the usefullness of HQ Genomine:

$600 Genomines trigger on $100 dogs and &50 conscripts without even mutating them, explode when the target is too far away to be even slightly damaged, trigger on vehicles only to scratch their paint a bit, trigger all at once if packed close and spawn neutral Brutes in those rare cases when they manage to kill something, these Brutes then attack my own stuff and my units don't threat them as enemies. What's the profit of building these things then?

#3 CLAlstar


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Posted 19 January 2017 - 05:43 PM


Foxtrots - currently best jet in game, avaible at tier 1.5 (before t2), in group of 4 unlike any other jets can take out battle labs.

Knightframe - in bigger groups, these guys with their splash create an impassable killzone

Zorbtrotters/floaters - Outranges most of anti-infantry infantry, thanks to their splash and range even in small numbers they can decimate entire infantry batalions

Megalodon - with shield affecting insanely big arena, they can just walk through bases while destroying any kind of infantry resistance, also makes them too tanky

Shadray - currently super effective vs everything

Reprocessor - Case obvious. Grants too many benefits.



Dybbuk-A - Worst jet in game, barely helpful in early, not worth the money in lategame

Sniper - Weakest Allied T3 side specific infantry.

#4 Destroyencio


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Posted 19 January 2017 - 05:58 PM

Battleship - Pretty much underused, too expensive really slow firing and bad accuracy, carriers do the job much better.

#5 X1Destroy


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Posted 19 January 2017 - 06:26 PM

Eureka When was the last time I need to use her playing as Wings of Coronia? Never I guess. Too situational to use. Cause friendly fire to nearby allied tanks and die really fast before actually doing any actual damage. Doesn't kill anything except vehicles, and thus useless when there are a tons of Pteranodons who can do that job much better.

Achelon Doesn't do anything beside killing enemy infantry and healing friendlies. A single Adept and it's your troops who'll get devoured. Shouldn't have been a stolen from Epsilon, because it's so easy for them to counter what's supposed to give you an advantage against them.

Blasticade Is this thing even used in serious matches at all? For a SW it requires way too much attention and preparations to be of good uses. And it can be avoided completely once detected.

Edited by X1Destroy, 19 January 2017 - 06:35 PM.

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#6 Divine


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Posted 19 January 2017 - 06:41 PM



Epsilon's Vision support power. Just what are the chances that it will reveal anything significant? If you cast it over an area, you probably already have the suspicion that something's about to happen there. 


Similarly, the Mind Reader's use is very limited as well, and it's very easy to counter (just don't directly send your units in its range until the last moment). I'm yet to see a game where someone builds it.

Edited by Divine, 19 January 2017 - 06:43 PM.

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#7 XoGamer


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Posted 19 January 2017 - 07:16 PM

Kinetic Barrier is pretty crap imo but I don't use Epsilon that much.


EDIT: I don't know if it is underused etc. but I've never seen anyone use it.

Edited by XoGamer, 19 January 2017 - 07:19 PM.

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#8 codyfun123


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Posted 19 January 2017 - 08:39 PM



Dybbuk-Seizer is rather unpopular due to its unresponsiveness during & after a run, and are seen as not very worthwhile compared to some of the other stolen tech options.

#9 Admiral_Pit

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 09:22 PM

Well here's my big and painful list.  Sorry I didn't place em in an Underused/Overused list in order.


















Naval Transports

When naval combat is available, I do not see these things at all.  Underused.


I suppose that's from what I remember so far.  Hope i don't miss any.

Edited by Admiral_Pit, 19 January 2017 - 09:41 PM.

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#10 aethiraes

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 12:55 AM

Here are some units that I personally underuse. I try to be as versatile as possible and use every aspect of the arsenal, but there are still some powers/units that I neglect. 


Siege Cadre - Underused. Cadre don't seem very versatile, they're only useful against buildings. I'd rather build a lot of light tanks, which deal decent damage against structures and can withstand an enemy attack. I wished that they could deal good damage against light vehicles because Allies seem to lack a strong T1+ anti-armour infantry. 


Sonar Pulse - Naval is just plain boring. Never used. 


Bomb Buggy / Demo Truck - Suicide units just seem unreliable to me, I underuse them. I prefer Borillos and Armadillos because they can actually contribute during fights. I once read that people prefer high-risk, high-reward even if there's a more safer option. This might be why I love spamming MADMAN rather than bomb buggies / demo trucks. 


Vultures - Catastrophes are already extremely versatile, so anti-air isn't a problem when I play LC. I only build 2-3 vultures to use smoke-cannons. I don't know if this counts as underused. 


Aerodome - Since Aerodome is entirely optional for the Epsilon tech tree, I tend to skip building this. The jets aren't that great either. 


Grinder - I forgot this existed. I'd rather send mind-controlled units to weaken an enemy attack anyways.


Signal Jammer - I don't know how to use this power effectively. You need to predict when enemies use their support powers, but it's quite hard, so I usually forget this exists. It might be more useful to cast it on your army as a protective shield. Against smart players who actually kill Raccoons, signal jammer may be useful because it can't be shut down by killing a unit.


SODAR Array - With Last Bastion relying so much on SODAR, I feel like Mentalmeisters go mental whenever people don't use SODAR. I typically build one, plant it near my Sweeper/Giantsbane/Shrike Nest defenses, and forget that it even exists. SODAR is a bit of boring mechanic. You deploy it, attack harder. 


Duplicants - Godsbane/Zorbfloaters are too powerful to waste Nanofiber Sync on a clairvoyant. Huntresses are the same tier as Clairvoyants, can throw nanites in range, can hijacks, and don't need to be sync'd. Huntresses make duplicants pointless. Duplicants should be repurposed into something else entirely. 


Diverbee - Similar to the Duplicant. Megalodons are already extremely powerful, so there's no role left for Diverbees to fill. Maybe Diverbees need to be cheaper. 


Blast Furnace - Giantsbane with SODAR is more versatile. Alanqa Skystation seems more potent. Haihead just spam Teratorn + SODAR. The only reason why I would ever use this is against Salamanders, because they're too strong to handle with any Foehn unit. 


Shadray Sonic Tank - Syncronin + Megalodon seems to be reasonably effective against structures, infantry, and units. I neglect using Shadray even for anti-air. I prefer Teratorn spam. 



EDIT: Nvm, duplicants are quite strong. They turn infantry spam into an infantry farm. This is definitely going to shift to overused. 

Edited by aethiraes, 28 January 2017 - 02:57 PM.

#11 Handepsilon


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 01:16 AM

Vulture using Smoke Cannons? What is this, 3.0?

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#12 aethiraes

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 01:27 AM

Vulture using Smoke Cannons? What is this, 3.0?


They don't anymore? Jesus, that must be why they never deployed during skirmish for me. 

#13 Black/Brunez


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 01:59 AM

No comments about Fury Drones?


Don't get me wrong, I like them. But I nearly never saw people using them, to the point i was expecting to see people talking about them on this thread.

#14 Handepsilon


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 02:01 AM

They do deploy, except they drop napalm under them. Pretty good to harass stuff.


Never get them to deploy under a building yet though, and they're hard to control because :


1. They got long cooldown that applies to BOTH weapons, which significantly delays your machine gun attacks as well

2. If you don't attack something else after dropping napalm, they'll constantly drop them, which can ruin you big time if you decide to move your vultures into your base and forgot to force fire something else (and as result, setting your own base ablaze)


Saw Fury Drone once, used as artillery :v

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#15 hxazgalor


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 04:33 AM

I can only offer my personal overused/underused units. I mostly play MO casually. I'm also trying to not use some units as often as I do (*koff* Wolfhounds *koff*), so I'm trying to juggle strategies, but I digress.









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#16 GuardianGI

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 05:47 AM

My personal list?
Seriously Underused: Seige Cadres
From what I know, only I use them, and even then, it doesn't help too much.
Seriously Overused: Foxtrots and Tyrants
Foxtrots because well... every soviet player uses them (including myself), since they are too good at their job.
Tyrants are here for too many reasons, including: nearly unstoppable unless you dump a heck lot of AT defenses everywhere in your base, forcing you to spend much more than tyrant spammers just to stand a chance...
Also, they are totally invulnerable underground... At least make it so that walls can stop underground units, or something like that.

Edited by GuardianGI, 20 January 2017 - 05:50 AM.

Don't mind me, I'm just pretty broke nowadays...


#17 Damfoos


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 06:52 AM

Fury drones are better in offence than in defence (as mines), because of how much damage they deal to structures. They are cheap and can be transported in Borillos/Halftracks, ram them into enemy base, dig in and jump on his WF (you'll only need 3 drones to kill it) or any other building in a suicide attack. They are good, but not in their intended role.

#18 Handepsilon


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 07:04 AM

Personal list from my duels with Nablis :

Siege Cadre : Overused in Campaign, underused everywhere else. I dunno, never managed to make good use of it other than sieging the already assembled bases in missions

Hummingbird : Never had incentive to use it and never saw these flying above me.

Foxtrot : Special case. Overused by Nablis, underused by me. Then again I always go Airfield last as Soviet for some reason.

Conscript : Compared to other equivalent, goes into my personal why-the-hell-should-I-mass-this unit unless it's early game or I feel like garrisoning. At least GIs is good on mowing organic stuff down.


Drakuv : Heard that this thing is rarely used while I massed them any chance I get (though requires some money). This thing is powerful enough when combined by Field Bureau technology steals (defeated HQ with Dune Riders and Brutes, as Russian)

Driller APC : Personal overuse, Nablis always fell for it and he said that the driller is quieter than 3.0

Plague Splatter : Underused, because I don't like the concept of artilleries that does shit damage on buildings and totally avoidable by units.

Tyrant : Overused if available, because bursting herd of monster tanks in the middle of your base is always scary. Allied has advantage to avoid it altogether to an extent if they build Gap Generator

Wolfhound : Overused because versatile helicopters that shoots everything down and can take Norio down in few seconds if massed is awesome.

Knightframe : Too powerful, too overused

Buzzard : Nablis likes to use this to attack everything, including MBTs and buildings for some reason.

Eureka : Obviously she's just too chaotic, slow (not her boots) AND weak to use. On top of that, her voice is not as lovable as the others

Edited by Handepsilon, 20 January 2017 - 09:55 AM.

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#19 lovalmidas


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 07:39 AM


I just don't see em used often.  Whether the player doesn't have enough Zephyrs or that it's often avoided, I ain't sure.  Underused.


Hoping for a damage buff for Zephyr's bombardment so 24 of them can take down a Nuke Silo in one shot as it used to be in Death from Above. :p



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#20 CLAlstar


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 09:11 AM



Epsilon's Vision support power. Just what are the chances that it will reveal anything significant? If you cast it over an area, you probably already have the suspicion that something's about to happen there. 


Similarly, the Mind Reader's use is very limited as well, and it's very easy to counter (just don't directly send your units in its range until the last moment). I'm yet to see a game where someone builds it.


1. If you are suspicious that something is coming, you can cast it to reveal where they are actually going?

2. Thats why you put more than one mind reader in base.

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