CnC: Crimson Dawn
#41 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 24 July 2004 - 12:54 PM
the story doesnt conect to tt ,cnc3 or the scrins , maybe it even good that it so.
the tiberium will be inthe game- read the story in the site thougth it is not finished yet.
there will be battles on earth but it can be a good game even if not conected to tt or whole original ideas of cnc series made by westwood.
4 more info ask genral gideon plz.
#42 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 24 July 2004 - 12:57 PM
cd also have competitions and plz became members at forum 4 sujestions and stuff, meybe then he wil listen.
i can ask him to answer those q but he is very busy so ask him yourself.
Posted 24 July 2004 - 01:01 PM
- SoulReaver
#44 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 24 July 2004 - 06:01 PM
also this ages u mentioned indicates u have something against him or u dont apreaciate his great work as they are too small 4 him.
#45 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 24 July 2004 - 06:01 PM
Posted 24 July 2004 - 06:31 PM
- SoulReaver
#47 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 24 July 2004 - 07:56 PM
also i dont heared of the generalsx mod being planned to be payable but give me more info on it , it probably not the first mod that was planned to be saled.
also i think your impresion from the generalsx mod was wrong, maybe he doesnt made it too good in purpose or he can now make mods or even cd better thanm u think. the claud layer and other things shows he is doing realy good job so i think u wrong on cd showing the same intelect.
what is this this intelect u talk about? maybe it is your bad impresion so it has no reletion to any intelect.
#48 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 24 July 2004 - 07:57 PM
Posted 24 July 2004 - 09:00 PM
Tiberian/Red Alert universe fussion comments:
The way I've always seen the games was in alternate realities. In the Red Alert Universe the Alt reality begins back around the time of WWII as Hitler dies and Stallin steps in. But the alt reality in the Tiberian Universe is when Tiberian Crystals form on earth from a metior crash near the tiber river. (italy) But RA2 Takes place (timewise, although in an alternate reality) after TD but before TS. Joe Kucan played Kane in TD and TS, and had a small part in RA1, but was not "Kane" in RA1. Its too bad this disscussion happened in this topic, it would have made a great Topic of the Month!
Posted 25 July 2004 - 12:12 AM
Old Quotes:
@Mspencer : RoadReaction is calling everyone in your country a fascist invader who wants to invade Russia.
@Jeeves: Pie.
Posted 25 July 2004 - 12:46 AM
Posted 25 July 2004 - 07:10 AM
Tiberian/Red Alert universe fussion comments:
The way I've always seen the games was in alternate realities. In the Red Alert Universe the Alt reality begins back around the time of WWII as Hitler dies and Stallin steps in. But the alt reality in the Tiberian Universe is when Tiberian Crystals form on earth from a metior crash near the tiber river. (italy) But RA2 Takes place (timewise, although in an alternate reality) after TD but before TS. Joe Kucan played Kane in TD and TS, and had a small part in RA1, but was not "Kane" in RA1. Its too bad this disscussion happened in this topic, it would have made a great Topic of the Month!
That sounds weird.. Ra1 was in the '60, RA2 was aprox around 1976 TD was in 1996 and TS was 30 years later. Also TD and RA1 always linked to eachother, so i think they are in the same reality
Posted 25 July 2004 - 09:38 AM
I don't konw about GeneralsX, the visuals look good, but I haven't researched the mod much.
Tiberian/Red Alert universe fussion comments:
The way I've always seen the games was in alternate realities. In the Red Alert Universe the Alt reality begins back around the time of WWII as Hitler dies and Stallin steps in. But the alt reality in the Tiberian Universe is when Tiberian Crystals form on earth from a metior crash near the tiber river. (italy) But RA2 Takes place (timewise, although in an alternate reality) after TD but before TS. Joe Kucan played Kane in TD and TS, and had a small part in RA1, but was not "Kane" in RA1. Its too bad this disscussion happened in this topic, it would have made a great Topic of the Month!
The RA2 newspaper thingy says the war was over in (I forgot) '72 or '76, it's in the timeline where the Allies win (the the timeline from Retaliation, the Playstation version, where the Americans show up). TD is the result of Soviet victory in RA.
- SoulReaver
#54 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 25 July 2004 - 04:29 PM
Posted 25 July 2004 - 04:41 PM
- SoulReaver
#57 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 25 July 2004 - 06:43 PM
first hapen the ra1 afterwads td and ts.
the ra2 story is abit asid from the cnc story it hapens after ra1 and has no contineuetion in ts.
read yourself if you dont belive me also cd is going to like the ra2 in the cnc story compared to tt ,cnc3.
4 some of us ra2 was better than ts , 4 others otherwise , 4 me they both were good so lets give cd a chance, what do you say?
#58 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 25 July 2004 - 07:46 PM
but ra2 is still a litle away from other cnc titles as being the on wich most eforts were done. truly amazing game 4 its time.
Posted 25 July 2004 - 09:39 PM
Posted 26 July 2004 - 12:13 AM
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