Pendalose, to add more weapon slots...
I hit a problem. Those methods both seperate the weapon's firing arc from the main turret.
EDIT: I've conquered atleast one Duh. I didn't have the addon attatched to a bone. I played around with it so much I may have broken a few featues but I'm sure I can fix them/
I also found one more, Any laser can be added to any bone on a model using the pointdefense module. works very nice and is easy, but like the others makes it fire in any direction.
I've used the mudule guide you gave to death, but it is full of holes. Is there abetter one? or do you know if there is a way to limit the firing angle of the point defense?
EDIT: I also finaly found a more complete module list, even though it took me all night surfing the web to find it. Saddly it shows no options for point defense to limt the firing arc.
Edited by Pendaelose, 16 July 2005 - 07:34 AM.