Contra Remix2 Bug Thread
Posted 15 June 2005 - 06:08 PM
i looked at usaf gen for this then took a look at nuke and tank
they do it the most
stealth gen's still costs to much
i think the usaf's f22s are to pricy
or just remove the stealth fighters and x-jet and be able to start of with the f-22 and jsf thne later be able to use the microwave plane, etc
the upgrades for planes at the 8plane airfield take extrodinary long. and i think the airfield should have a lower price or a faster build speed, it just takes forever for a standard airfield
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
Posted 15 June 2005 - 07:00 PM
the comp. is able to build more stuff than the money they have, like it goes in debt but never has to repay it,
i looked at usaf gen for this then took a look at nuke and tank
Its because I gave the Computer Money injections to make them tougher. Without them there is just no darn way for a computer AI to compeat with a good human player.
you said stealth still costs to much, stealth what? a certain tank? troop? what?
also, an airfield that holds 8 planes is not standard. its twice the airfield.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 16 June 2005 - 02:10 PM
and a standard airfield(4 plane spots) in vanilla generals zh cost 1000 so 8 should cost 2ble, 2000
i tried facing a hard army, while starting with 10000 and 100,000, i got anhillated both times(i was airforce and was against airforce)
also what about this:
usaf's f22's are too pricy or just remove the stealth fighter and x-jet and be able to start with the f-22 and jsf then later on in the game be able to use the microwave plane, etc..
and the upgrades on planes take way to long(lasermissles, countermeasures, rocket pods, stealth commache) at the 8 plane airfield, and since it costs 3000 dollars i cant just build another airfield for upgrading then use it later
there is a big difference between a medium army intelligence and a hard armies intelligence
why not make the medium army as hard as the hard army in orginal zero hour
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
Posted 16 June 2005 - 03:04 PM
the AirF airfield is not just double the capacity, its double the life too... its one the only buildings in the whole game that can survive a direct nuke. I had to drop the life some because it survived Nuke china's Mirv every time...
as for upgrade times, I've not changed those from .03. I'm happy wth them. I play AirF all the time and never had a concern about it.
I'll not remove the stealth and xjet. the stealth is AirF's best anti-infantry plane and is a main part of a good airforce. The X-jet is a cost effective alternative to the King Raptor. it does half the damage and has a less chance of surviving a haevy battle because it is not stealth. they are great for base defense because you can make alot of them for little and have them covering you front door with round clock air support.
the F22 is an expensive plane for a reason. it kicks ass... in teams they kill super units with ease. they are fexable doing Air and ground attacks. and they survive better than most other planes with more life and stealth to boot. with impulse upgrae they are fast as hell.
I might look into making medium a little harder, but not right now. The truth is I don't give a rat's behind about medium... its the same as easy, not woth playing agasint. The hard Kicked your but... i'm so glad. I've tried my very hardest to make sure that it really takes all I've got to play against a hard... I want to loose atleast half the time.. If I go on a winning streak I start upping the toughness of the AI again. I don't want to go back to the days of stacking 4 or 5 hards on one team just so I can have a challenge. This AI was made so that a 1 on 1 is a good fight, and so that its possible to have a coop compstomp with more than 2 players.
If you find the hard TOO hard, give yourself an ally. practice up and then try taking on a hard Solo... keep in mind, some generals are strong against others. If you play infantry china, expect flame or chem to put a hurting on you. If you play Tank china expect air or laser to put a hurting on you, etc... ...
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 16 June 2005 - 08:21 PM
i didn't know that airfield can with stand an mirv, (i never let superweapons lauch on me or am nuke general often)
i guess i should use the x-jet more often, i never use it because it jst seams weak and when i attack with it usually the missles miss or do barely any damage
the usaf missle defender squads cannot fire at airborne units while single missle defenders do
Edited by stack111, 16 June 2005 - 08:44 PM.
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
Posted 17 June 2005 - 09:44 PM
Also, its the "sell building" option going to be put back? Its like a key feature (i think) and its still missing!
*~si aeraesar bastosi shai por eil vyri eindral syl sosti eil thasti ail si basti os aeraesar jhyli*~
~*Sufletul ei nu poate să fie salvat. Ea este blestemată.*~
~*ai jhyli o shor eir si volaer os tia shyjael caes, volaer mai mar, si tyr thor syl si ae os ei baedi*~
Posted 17 June 2005 - 10:23 PM
Nice work. Only one thing I have to comment on which seem to happen a lot in every new mod, and that is that it says all the tooltips are missing whenever you hover over something new.
Also, its the "sell building" option going to be put back? Its like a key feature (i think) and its still missing!
Other than the MSP-4A (Flame china's launcher) what shows up as missing a tool tip?
I haddn't thaught of bringing back the Sell option. i've been busy working on 1000 other things, but that would be a good button to have back... alot of grueling tedius work... but simple too. I might
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 17 June 2005 - 11:01 PM
As creator said why someone build a structure and then sell it ? just think it two times before building it ! BUT this theory has a problem if you are having two bases, one primary and one secondary (ot too big) and the secondary is beign attacked and has no chance.... then sell what remains to get 50% of your money and not loose it all... My opinion is that it must be turned back !Nice work. Only one thing I have to comment on which seem to happen a lot in every new mod, and that is that it says all the tooltips are missing whenever you hover over something new.
Also, its the "sell building" option going to be put back? Its like a key feature (i think) and its still missing!
Other than the MSP-4A (Flame china's launcher) what shows up as missing a tool tip?
I haddn't thaught of bringing back the Sell option. i've been busy working on 1000 other things, but that would be a good button to have back... alot of grueling tedius work... but simple too. I might
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 17 June 2005 - 11:04 PM
As creator said why someone build a structure and then sell it ? just think it two times before building it ! BUT this theory has a problem if you are having two bases, one primary and one secondary (ot too big) and the secondary is beign attacked and has no chance.... then sell what remains to get 50% of your money and not loose it all... My opinion is that it must be turned back !
It does roll both ways... more often than not, my big reason to want to sell is ALL MY DOZERS AND HARVESTERS ARE DEAD and I have 999 cash left... 1 short. Instead of selling a frick'n powerplant (I've usualy got 3-10 extra, just incase) I'm dead... nothing I can do but wait out a slow and painful death.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 17 June 2005 - 11:23 PM
Thats right so creator can you put it back in 004 ?As creator said why someone build a structure and then sell it ? just think it two times before building it ! BUT this theory has a problem if you are having two bases, one primary and one secondary (ot too big) and the secondary is beign attacked and has no chance.... then sell what remains to get 50% of your money and not loose it all... My opinion is that it must be turned back !
It does roll both ways... more often than not, my big reason to want to sell is ALL MY DOZERS AND HARVESTERS ARE DEAD and I have 999 cash left... 1 short. Instead of selling a frick'n powerplant (I've usualy got 3-10 extra, just incase) I'm dead... nothing I can do but wait out a slow and painful death.
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 19 June 2005 - 07:32 PM
1) If AI = USA Robots, game crashes after about five mins
2) If AI = GLA Assault, instant win in like 2secs.
Missing tooltips:
I can't remember all, but I'll update when i find them...
> In general, all the squads ones are missing
> China Inf - Upgrade tank destroyer @ war factory
> USA Robots - Littlebird @ airfield
> USA Robots - Apache @ airfield
*~si aeraesar bastosi shai por eil vyri eindral syl sosti eil thasti ail si basti os aeraesar jhyli*~
~*Sufletul ei nu poate să fie salvat. Ea este blestemată.*~
~*ai jhyli o shor eir si volaer os tia shyjael caes, volaer mai mar, si tyr thor syl si ae os ei baedi*~
Posted 20 June 2005 - 02:05 AM
Two AI glitchs I've found, not sure if they've been mentioned before...
1) If AI = USA Robots, game crashes after about five mins
2) If AI = GLA Assault, instant win in like 2secs.
Missing tooltips:
I can't remember all, but I'll update when i find them...
> In general, all the squads ones are missing
> China Inf - Upgrade tank destroyer @ war factory
> USA Robots - Littlebird @ airfield
> USA Robots - Apache @ airfield
I know at least a big part of yours... you installed wrong. Its not picking up the correct Skermishscripts and its not picking up the generals.csf i'd recomend downloading it again and dropiing the files where the readme recomends... there are several ways to set up a mod in zerohour, but i've only tested with the one I spell out.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 20 June 2005 - 03:33 AM
When I spawn rebels, they want to run back to base and don't listen to commands.
I can't get this bug to occur... that makes it tough to fix.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
#35 Guest_WvA_*
Posted 20 June 2005 - 06:37 PM
Posted 20 June 2005 - 06:47 PM
why cant you sell buildings... VERY anoying
its because Creator took it out of Contra .03 I haven't added it back yet. I agree, its anoying... I dunno about VERY, but it is atleast a little anoying. I've had bigger projects going on, but I would like to put selling back into the game.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 23 June 2005 - 12:59 AM
Map = Hostile Dawn
General = Demo
Starting Position = Bottom Left Corner
As soon as you spawn the rebels they run back to your command center truck and you cannot stop them.
I have another bug that was in regular Contra also but maybe you can fix it. Here's how you can see it.
1. Put rocket guys on technical.
2. Put technical in tunnel network.
3. Take technical out of tunnel network. You will notice that you no longer are able to see the rocket guys in the back of the technical as you could before it entered the tunnel network, however they are still present on the technical and are able to fire.
4. Have the rocket guys exit the technical. You will not be able to see them, however they are still there. If you are careful you still can select them and have them attack. The rockets appear to be coming from nowhere. Also the health bars do not appear over the rocket guys and they do not have a line of sight/shroud clearing range. The computer will not attack them unless you attack first.
5. To make the rocket guys visable again put them in a tunnel network (not in a technical) and then have them exit.
This works with any GLA and Infantry unit.
I also have an idea for GLA. When you build a fake scud storm it should have a public timer to make it seem like it is a real scud storm. It should be easy to code and it would be great fun at lan parties to build like 10 Scud Storms and your opponent not knowing which are real or fake.
Tank General's Tank Hunter costs $500 and takes a longer time to build. (Not the squad, just the single.)
The squads are a great idea, but because of the bugs and problems with them, I usually just build single units instead. Personally, I think that you should change it so that all of the units are not linked together, rather individual units, similar to the creation of red gaurd in regular generals.
Edited by MasterYoda*, 23 June 2005 - 01:00 AM.
Posted 23 June 2005 - 02:07 AM
I have experienced the rebel ambush bug. This is when I got it.
Map = Hostile Dawn
General = Demo
Starting Position = Bottom Left Corner
As soon as you spawn the rebels they run back to your command center truck and you cannot stop them.
I have another bug that was in regular Contra also but maybe you can fix it. Here's how you can see it.
1. Put rocket guys on technical.
2. Put technical in tunnel network.
3. Take technical out of tunnel network. You will notice that you no longer are able to see the rocket guys in the back of the technical as you could before it entered the tunnel network, however they are still present on the technical and are able to fire.
4. Have the rocket guys exit the technical. You will not be able to see them, however they are still there. If you are careful you still can select them and have them attack. The rockets appear to be coming from nowhere. Also the health bars do not appear over the rocket guys and they do not have a line of sight/shroud clearing range. The computer will not attack them unless you attack first.
5. To make the rocket guys visable again put them in a tunnel network (not in a technical) and then have them exit.
This works with any GLA and Infantry unit.
I also have an idea for GLA. When you build a fake scud storm it should have a public timer to make it seem like it is a real scud storm. It should be easy to code and it would be great fun at lan parties to build like 10 Scud Storms and your opponent not knowing which are real or fake.
Tank General's Tank Hunter costs $500 and takes a longer time to build. (Not the squad, just the single.)
The squads are a great idea, but because of the bugs and problems with them, I usually just build single units instead. Personally, I think that you should change it so that all of the units are not linked together, rather individual units, similar to the creation of red gaurd in regular generals.
Awsome post... hell yeah. this is the stuff I need to know..
In response...
with details I'll fix the ambush thing... I think I know what is causing it.
The technical guys problem... I dunno man, thats a little over my head. it sounds like an engine problem more than anything, did it do this in original ZH?
I frick'n love the fake scud storm having a cound down... thats the best. I love it. it WILL be in the next release.
I already took care of the Tank hunter bug. I found it the day after I posted the release... I was wondering how long it would tanke someone to find it.. its a pretty obvious one.
I'm slowly getting more and more bugs out of the squads... very soon the last one I know of will be gone.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 23 June 2005 - 03:34 PM
Edited by MasterYoda*, 23 June 2005 - 03:35 PM.
Posted 23 June 2005 - 06:16 PM
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