D-day is getting closer to releases every day but with so much to do it’s going to take a while. Atm I would say v3.4 is around 60% finished with several months of work still needed to just to finish the units. I may cut a few things out for the beta to shorten the time required tho, I’ll see how things go.
The web site:
The D-day site is about ready for an overhaul I think so I’m going to working on a new site in the coming days. This new site will be a lot more complex then the current one with full info on all the units in D-day & screen shot galleries.
The forum:
When the new site is finished the analysis & screenshot forums will be removed, the new site will take over their jobs. For now they will be locked as everything in them is out of date any way.
I’m glad to tell you that Japan has been started on, I have some of their ground & air forces done already but I’m going to wait until the new site is done to post any pics.
Unit updates:
As many of you know I’m slowly updating most of the older voxels, I have most of the ground units done now but a lot of them have lots of little bits that need work. The older planes need the most work, in fact some of them go back to v3.0 & I’m not bothering to update them but just make completely new ones instead.
TR’s pride a joy the DTX is getting better every day & sometimes it even surprises me. I’ve been working on finishing off the cliffs (WW left them half-complete) & I’m also expanding the pavement/roads etc to include several variants of each which should add to the urban environments greatly (I can finally show you some screenshots of city battles then).
Saving the best till last, here is a new giant screenshot! I hope you lot like it as it took me half an hour just to upload. If I had the damaged Gfx done for the bridge you would have got a full on fight but I haven’t got round to finishing them yet.
Warning: this image is 4mb big so it will take a while to load
Edited by Mig Eater, 27 August 2005 - 12:04 AM.