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#101 00 Nobody

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Posted 11 May 2006 - 12:43 AM

I'm not saying it was you VG, because i works normally for all of us in the official maps. I'm just wondering exactly what he's done to modify whichever map it is and see if I can find out what it is that's making it act up.
00 Nobody Maps and Missions
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#102 caltor

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Posted 11 May 2006 - 02:38 AM

Well, I finaly found out the problem. I extracted the files right, copied the map (twilight flame) into my C:/My Documents/Command and Conquer Zero Hour Data/Maps so I could add a few structures. Even before I added anything, I checked to see if it would show up in the "unofficial maps" section. I didn't. So I just happened to click on the "Map Cache" settings, and I noticed that Twilight Flame wasn't listed in the settings. When I extracted the files earlier, a "Map Cache" settings file came with that, and I found the setting for Twilight Flame. I copied it into the Map Cache file un the C:/My Documents/Command and Conquer Zero Hour Data/Maps "Map Cache" , and it worked. I don't know why this problem occurs, and I think you can say I'm lucky for stumbling across this. Thanks to the people who helped me out,


#103 caltor

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Posted 11 May 2006 - 03:50 AM

Ok, nevermind. The game crashes now. Before when I tried it, the map was not modified. Now that I put my structures into the map, the game crashes once the game for skirmish has loaded 100%. It is at least under the "unofficial maps" section, but it won't play. I made deep part of the map (the line the runs across the map and goes around the centre of the map) into water. I added a few bridges because the water is there now. I added about 12 new tech structures. I also added a few towers for infantry to occupy. That's all I have done, and the game decides to crash now. Am I missing anything? Do I need to modify the scripts? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


#104 Bob


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Posted 11 May 2006 - 07:33 AM

Several things could be wrong.

1.) Make sure that the Tech structures you put on your map comes from the Civilian folder. If you put on the superweapon general's reinforcement pad from the SW gens folder [structure name: SupW_AmericaReinforcementPad], for example, on the map, you will then you will get the crash you described. So be sure to get all of your tech structures from the CIVILIAN folder and no where else.

2.) Make sure all of your buildings and tech structures are within the orange map boundary. To view the map boundary in worldbuilder (if the boundary isn't already visible), click on View, and then click on Show Map Boundaries a check mark should now appear.

3.) Invisible objects (object that you select from the list, but you can't see when you place them on the map, can cause errors. So don't use them. That is an EA bug not a PR bug.

4.) I've noticed that a couple civilian vehicles specifically can cause a crash. I don't remember which ones. Sorry.

You'll have to learn from trial and error, like the rest of us did, as to what works and what doesn't by putting on and removing items one at a time in order to figure out which structures/vehicles cause problems and which don't.

If you are doing scripting (and at this point I know you don't), the Crash info text file can sometimes pinpoint a problem. Although, in my experience it's been a crap shoot.

Anyway, in order to look at the crash info file you'll have to use your windows explorer, and navigate to the following file located here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\ReleaseCrashInfo.txt

Sometimes, if your lucky, it will tell us (ok, more like Vanguard, lol) where the problem is. Sometimes it just looks like gobbledygook to all of us, and doesn't help worth a darn. As I said, it's a crap shoot.

Anyway, hope this helps.
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#105 caltor

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Posted 12 May 2006 - 03:01 PM

Several things could be wrong.

1.) Make sure that the Tech structures you put on your map comes from the Civilian folder. If you put on the superweapon general's reinforcement pad from the SW gens folder [structure name: SupW_AmericaReinforcementPad], for example, on the map, you will then you will get the crash you described. So be sure to get all of your tech structures from the CIVILIAN folder and no where else.

2.) Make sure all of your buildings and tech structures are within the orange map boundary. To view the map boundary in worldbuilder (if the boundary isn't already visible), click on View, and then click on Show Map Boundaries a check mark should now appear.

3.) Invisible objects (object that you select from the list, but you can't see when you place them on the map, can cause errors. So don't use them. That is an EA bug not a PR bug.

4.) I've noticed that a couple civilian vehicles specifically can cause a crash. I don't remember which ones. Sorry.

You'll have to learn from trial and error, like the rest of us did, as to what works and what doesn't by putting on and removing items one at a time in order to figure out which structures/vehicles cause problems and which don't.

If you are doing scripting (and at this point I know you don't), the Crash info text file can sometimes pinpoint a problem. Although, in my experience it's been a crap shoot.

Anyway, in order to look at the crash info file you'll have to use your windows explorer, and navigate to the following file located here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\ReleaseCrashInfo.txt

Sometimes, if your lucky, it will tell us (ok, more like Vanguard, lol) where the problem is. Sometimes it just looks like gobbledygook to all of us, and doesn't help worth a darn. As I said, it's a crap shoot.

Anyway, hope this helps.

Still no luck. None of the things you decribed are wrong in the map I changed.

1) I only used tech structures from the civilian files.

2) I happened to stumble across that when I was changing it, so they are in the map boundaries.

3) I didn't place an invisible object. I don't even know what they are.

I did make water run throught the middle of the map. So I had to make bridges to make access. I went to build a bridge and it said error and an error screen popped up. I ignored it, and built another one and this one worked. I can send you the map. Next time I reply I will attach it but I'm busy right now, so I will attach it once you reply. Thanks though, and maybe you can help me figure this mess out.


#106 Bob


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Posted 12 May 2006 - 04:14 PM

Yeah, go ahead. I'll take a look at it. If you can't attach it to the board, e-mail it to me at projectraptorbob@yahoo.com.
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- Bob

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#107 00 Nobody

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Posted 12 May 2006 - 10:14 PM

I'd like a look-see myself. Bob and I know what we're doing when it comes to maps, and we should be able to figure it out.
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#108 caltor

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Posted 13 May 2006 - 05:35 PM

I wouldn't let me upload it. So I emailed it Bob. 00Nobody, get Bob to forward it to you.

Thanks Caltor

#109 00 Nobody

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Posted 13 May 2006 - 07:26 PM

I don't have his E-mail. Did you try putting it in a .zip? that's how you're supposed to upload files like that.
00 Nobody Maps and Missions
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Construct additional pylons. No, seriously. The power's out. Those power lines are overloaded. WE NEED MOAR PYLONS!

#110 caltor

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Posted 14 May 2006 - 04:46 AM

Yeah, go ahead. I'll take a look at it. If you can't attach it to the board, e-mail it to me at projectraptorbob@yahoo.com.

His email is said here.


#111 Vanguard


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Posted 14 May 2006 - 06:02 PM

Indeed, I will be making special e-mail accounts for all PR staff on gmail in the next week, so you will all also get Google Talk, which means we can chat to see what we need done, and what has been done, since I don't like PM people usually.
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- Vanguard

#112 caltor

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Posted 19 May 2006 - 11:17 PM

"I have a suggestion for the MOAB bomb. The Massive Ordinance Air Burst (MOAB) is 25 metres long and GPS-guided. Instead of being dropped from a bomber through the bomb bay doors, the MOAB is pushed out of the back of a cargo plane such as a C-130 Hercules. The bomb rides on a pallet. A parachute pulls the pallet and bomb out of the plane and then the pallet separates so that the bomb can fall." - http://science.howst...s.com/moab2.htm

I think that the B2 Stealth bomber should be replaced by the C-130 cargo plane, because I find it more realistic and different. Not sure what people think, but I like it. (I think I attached the pictures correctly, if not, please let me know.)


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#113 Fire Ze Missiles!

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Posted 21 May 2006 - 12:27 PM

That's a good idea but the C-130 isn't tough enough. I generally find that one of my paradrop planes generally dies before reaching the target, so I only get 10 out of 20 rangers. it was the same with the old cluster bomb - i always had to target it close to their defences so the plane would survive. The B2 is tougher and faster so i prefer it.
Of course I don't look busy; I did it right the first time.
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Oh for fuck's sake!

#114 aura

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Posted 23 May 2006 - 04:21 AM


and an f-14 if the navys ever added

i wuv those planes ;)

and maby u guys could take into acount some of this video

Edited by aura, 23 May 2006 - 04:23 AM.

#115 sath


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Posted 23 May 2006 - 05:30 PM

(not that this is relevant but i feel it is my duty to inform the masses) I have JUST been informed by my brother in york that in 2007 a new command and conquer will be released called: Command and conquer 3: Tiberium wars
gee i should really actually put this in the off topic chat area where it belongs!
When someone opens up a can of kick butt, then the best thing to do is to open up a can of baked beans

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Apparently Donkeys kill more people every year than air-plane crashes

#116 Bob


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Posted 24 May 2006 - 06:57 AM

Wow. You just found out? That news has been going around the net for some time now. The EA press release was April 20, 2006.

Press release:

C&C 3 Official Website:

The E3 2006 high-def cinematic trailer from the strategy game sequel Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.

Edited by Bob, 24 May 2006 - 07:32 AM.

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#117 AlphaVergo

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Posted 24 May 2006 - 03:56 PM

We really need to get back on subject weahave been of it for quite a while. And on that note, what about a spec. ops. squad for the US with guys w/ different weapons:

-2 Rifleman = equipped with the special ops troop weapon
-1 anti-tank = rocket launcher and demo charges
-1 Sniper = a pathfinder in a squad
-1 SAW gunner = equipped w/ the origional marine gun

this of course would be expensive

I also thought what about commanders: they can either be on foot or in a vehicle and depending on their mode of transpotation (foot or vehicle) they give surrounding units of that transportation the frenzy bonus, they are expensive and have no weapon by themselves and are weak in health.

and then lastly what about replacing the spec. ops. guy for the US with a solider fron the future warfighter project similar to the new Gost Recon game becaure by then the project will be complete. They will have to be very expensive but very strong in health an have both a sniper rifle and assault rifle plus grenades.

#118 Soul


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Posted 24 May 2006 - 08:25 PM

That makes sence.

And here's an idea from me.

CIA = 9mm pistol and C4 charges

Cost = $1000

and something simlier for China.

Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 24 May 2006 - 08:26 PM.

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Soul 2.4

Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.

#119 AlphaVergo

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Posted 25 May 2006 - 03:50 PM

would those agents be cloaked ? You could call the chinese agent a Red Assassian: they are used to "Remove" political opponents :shiftee:

a little aside, how do you get the line under you avatar?

Edited by AlphaVergo, 25 May 2006 - 04:16 PM.

#120 Soul


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Posted 25 May 2006 - 04:46 PM

Go to profile information and then custom mamber title and type watever u want.
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Soul 2.4

Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.

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