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MO 2.0 // Strategy

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#201 Darkstorm


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Posted 29 July 2009 - 10:36 PM

My point with the stong but weak artillary is strong firepower weak armor. Mainly pointing to the original V3. Obvilously you haven't been around for RA1, Soviets are all about strength, not nessesarily slow from what you pointed out but firepower and armor are their statements, mobility is a factor for Allies not Soviets. On a last note FYI Seige Choppers are a vinilla YR unit. Battleships for the most part were from my info suppose to be a rule the water but still can attack land heavy destroyer (not that the destroyer rules the water). Anyhow it's Speeder's mod so we should get off this topic and let him mod what he wants.

Edited by Darkstorm, 29 July 2009 - 10:38 PM.

#202 Zenothist


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 09:42 AM

Well the bug with the Apoc was caused when it drove over ore.

- The AI should be more dependant on money. Just by looking that it can build so many units with just 1-3 harvesters is a bit bizzare The difficulty should be the same, I like how the AI tries to sneak attack from the places you'd least expect.

- The AI should use the country's special units more frequently. I have never seen AI using Aeroblazes for one, or Tesla Tanks...

- Infantry size...I've seen that you will be rescaling them back the orignal size, which is..just...meh :/ I got used to the size in this version, thought it was pretty good...

Agree to all except the way the AI uses ships, I think that's fixed in the 2.5 beta.

#203 IronCurtain

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 10:21 AM

My point with the stong but weak artillary is strong firepower weak armor. Mainly pointing to the original V3. Obvilously you haven't been around for RA1, Soviets are all about strength, not nessesarily slow from what you pointed out but firepower and armor are their statements, mobility is a factor for Allies not Soviets. On a last note FYI Seige Choppers are a vinilla YR unit. Battleships for the most part were from my info suppose to be a rule the water but still can attack land heavy destroyer (not that the destroyer rules the water). Anyhow it's Speeder's mod so we should get off this topic and let him mod what he wants.


In MO, there's Scud Launcher. A great unit.

V3 was a really bad unit in vanilla YR.

Siege Chopper, I was talking about the one in MO.

In MO, this "soviets is all about strength" is wrong.

#204 Speeder



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Posted 30 July 2009 - 10:38 AM

To resolve all questions about BFRT and Apoc crawling - they had Omnicrushers and Accelerate=yes set which is wrong. This is now fixed and those two units no longer crawl at any circumstances.

In new version of MO Soviets are mainly about powerful units incl. artillery. They have decent airforce as they used to in previous versions although I am not fond of giving them a MiG which is basically a more powerful Harrier clone. People seem to like it though.

And because there will be no use of NPatch, countries are reduced from 15 to 10 back again, Yuri's side will most likely get branches to tech up in different ways (as a recompensation for no countries) and there will be no support weapons like Backwarp, Tank Drop and stuff. If Ares adds the possibility, some will return.

Edited by Speeder, 30 July 2009 - 10:55 AM.


#205 Zenothist


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 03:51 PM

Alright then, but is there any point then in reporting 2.5 bugs? It seems that it's a little unstable as it crashes after about half an hour of gameplay.

#206 Speeder



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Posted 30 July 2009 - 04:08 PM

And that's a little? That was one of primary reasons I'm rewriting the mod. :mellow: I will release an early beta of rewritten MO in the future.


#207 Zenothist


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Posted 06 August 2009 - 05:56 PM

And that's a little? That was one of primary reasons I'm rewriting the mod. ^_^ I will release an early beta of rewritten MO in the future.

Well if you need a beta tester, you know where to contact me. :p

#208 Gamr973


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Posted 13 October 2009 - 09:07 PM

...No more backwarp? Crap. That saves me a lot of trouble.
Healing my power plants with it while the opponents aircraft are turning around for the 2nd strike, 800 saved.
Healing my smoking conyard before the other squad of MiGs/Starflares shows up, 3000 saved.
Repairing my prism tanks so they can get off one more shot and destroy that 0:22 Weather controller, Heeellllll YEAAH.

1. Keep a spare MCV/ConYard around at all times.
2. Build way more harvesters than you think you need. Build 10 extra harvys. Picking up 70,000 in 20 minutes will help you a lot more than 84,000 in 45 minutes.
3. (exploit)If you see a derrick, take it. Maybe put a handful of GGIs and GIs, the AI won't put up a huge fight to take it from you.
4. Keep a squad of emergency defenders hotkeyed for paradrops/tankdrops/slaveminers in poorly defended areas of the base. 5 Chrono Legionares 5 Floating disks or 5 Terror Drones is probably enough. Too bad Yuris lacking in the quick responders area.
5. Try taking out an opponents defensive force, power grid with your super. Or send in a couple squads of aircraft right before you trigger the super so they get there before your opponent can repair much of their conyard/super/nuke reactor.

1. You know how when you destroy civilian buildings that stupid rubble is left behind? Guess what... chrono legionares just erase the building. You can get extra building space this way. Maps where this is good are: DC Uprising(2), Oceanside, Bay of Pigs, Old New York, and Manhattan Mayham.
2. The Chronosphere is a weapon you can chrono enemy units, *cough* siege crawler*cough* into the ocean.... or even better, into another enemy base. For 1 on 1 no water maps, drop the enemy unit(s) in between some chronolegionares or into a prism circle. Be warned, chrono legionares can't hit the siege crawler.
3. Keep in mind that Prism towers charge eachother up, they are pretty decent in groups of 4 right next to each other.
4. You have gates. Wall off your refinerys and put up a gate in front, this would be useful if the AI used spys. But considering they don't use spys or engineers, its pointless to wall things.... so yeah.
5. 5 Deployed GGIs and a deployed sniper at a bridge can stop alot for 2900.

1. Don't just drop tank drops over your enemys base, drop them near an ore field or something. Firstly, protection for the miners, secondly they will build up 5 drops gives you the bread and butter 15 tanks for an assault. Combine them with the focus tank or tesla and throw in 5 half traks to take care of kirovs. Keeping repair drones around might extend your tanks lifespan.
2. Imo the Soviets have the best navy around. Abuse it. What can the allies do about 6 typhoons 3 killer whales and 2 akulas? Very little. they can't get your subs or whales without doplhins, the dolphin has never been good for anything but shipyard killing and squids.
3. You can build MiGs for 1050 with the industrial plant, that's sick and wrong, abuse that too.
4. Build 2 Nuke reactors, a decent distance from each other and the rest of the base. Walk them with a few barracks or tesla reactors.
5. Don't forget to make use of those terrorists and bomb trucks, they can really mess up and incoming wave of attackers.

I'm not doing one for epsilon... the one I made ended up listing 5 reasons epsilon isn't worth playing in 2.0psi... which is sad cause I usually love epsilon

Edited by Gamr973, 13 October 2009 - 09:43 PM.

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#209 Speeder



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Posted 13 October 2009 - 10:08 PM

Well, you can always post your thoughts about the Epsilon in suggestion thread. :shiftee:


#210 Cloaked Decimator

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 04:49 PM

To stop the AI spread out mirage tanks to defend your base and then build more to gaurd ore fields. Then build another MCV and build ore refineries around the ore fields gaurded by mirage tanks and IFV's. This will also stop the enemy from getting funds and they'll be butter. AS for the AI cheat I aint tellin you. :p

EDIT: I'll give you a hint, I didn't have a...

i don't know if this has been answered. but heres the idea.

for some odd reason an AI war factory uses cloning logic. same thing with barracks and construction yards.

and air field. basically all production structures.

if this has been answered. than sorry. but searching through about 11 - 12 sections is not my list of things to do XD
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#211 Darkstorm


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Posted 07 April 2010 - 02:56 AM

Yeah, if the Ai has more than one production structure it clones, this is known and isn't a mistake since it helps the AI.

#212 PointBlank

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Posted 16 April 2010 - 03:35 PM

with max resources at start if you play soviets build 10 teslas for protecting base then go for 2 airfields , don't make war factory, if you are fast enough you can attack the AI's main building before he has any AA, i destroyed it with 8 migs, after that attack again barracks or ore refinery ,It usually has 2 war factories and 2 ore refineries by this point so barracks is your best option(so he can't train flaks or guardians for cheap AA or snipers/dogs desolators to whore your infantry) , after that the airfield.If you are fast enough and with a bot of luck you get him down.
Also i think it's a good idea to mention that the first time i tried it (not knowing what buildings he had) i attacked the war factory , he already had enough AA to destroy enough planes to defend his remaining building even if one of his factories got destroyed .After that it was slowly downhill for me, his entire base was spammed with guardian gis :D)

#213 5t3v0

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Posted 16 April 2010 - 10:15 PM

I wonder what spamming attack dogs would have done? (probably not much, but a bit maybe)

#214 PointBlank

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 08:28 AM

I wonder what spamming attack dogs would have done? (probably not much, but a bit maybe)

he was allready spamming me with snipers,i had to put my flaks inside a wall to keep them safe

#215 Maximus

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 08:09 PM

I wonder what spamming attack dogs would have done? (probably not much, but a bit maybe)

he was allready spamming me with snipers,i had to put my flaks inside a wall to keep them safe

I think all your suggestions are great people but personally i don't find the AI hard in MO 2.0 . It's easy to defeat but lengthy though. I tend to build a lot of bunkers a first and train conscripts along with tesla troopers to garrision them.I build two flak cannons near my MCV wall for air strikes.While all this is done,i train 5 war miners as well for money.I keep building until Sabotagour can be unlocked and start stealing money from the AI itself. This increases money to around 100k which is really helpful. After building the industrial plant and a couple of war factories create the Centurion.Fill it with Boris and two Desolators. Use a few tanks with the Centurion by the 'tank drop' ability and crush any opposion the end.

P.S:-I use this strategy mainly in the map 'Monster movie'. That map is just brilliant for experimenting.

#216 Darkstorm


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Posted 12 October 2010 - 08:42 PM

It's been half a year so I'm pretty sure they forgot about those posts by now. Anyways, yeah it isn't too hard but takes some time getting used to.

#217 Byamarro

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Posted 17 November 2010 - 10:51 PM

Build Boris, 2 Tesla Troopers, Centurion.
Put Boris and Tesla Troopers to Centurion.
Destroy enemy base.
Short and easy

#218 Zenothist


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 08:22 AM

And it works on most human players as well!

Unless they have Magnetrons, Infector Tanks or Clegs. Then you're screwed if you try to solo.

#219 Speeder



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Posted 18 November 2010 - 05:07 PM

Clegs don't really work on Centurions in 2.0psi. :p


#220 Zenothist


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 06:12 PM

They had better work on it in 3.0. :p

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