Here's a little preview, mainly shows things about Pallando:
Damrod the ranger (has powers like Summon Trebuchet and Leadership)
Gundabad Fighters can be trained from Goblin Cave:
This is a preview of Pallando the Blue. Alatar will be seen a bit later:
Pallando fighting against Gandalf. You can also see Wraiths in the pic. Pallando can use his Dark Poison power to turn enemies into Wraiths, just like Morgul Blade, but the area of effect is larger.
The Kraken can be summoned by using Pallando's level 10 power:
Half-Trolls of Far Harad are elite pikemen that can be trained at the Haradrim Palace (You can also see Gothmog's icon in the image:)
This is the hero list for the mod:
Isildur and Damrod
Alatar, Bregalad and Gildor (Summon)
Tom Bombadil and King of the Dead
Pallando and Kraken (Summon)
Post your comments, suggestions and questions about this mod here!
Edited by IthronAiwendil, 07 September 2006 - 07:21 PM.