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#601 Thorontur


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Posted 03 January 2007 - 10:55 PM

Hey hunter are you ever on xfire?

#602 adummy


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Posted 03 January 2007 - 11:21 PM

This is not to ask questions to each other, it is to ask questions for cel. stop talking about things that have their own topics. And if you need to ask someone a question, PM them instead of wasting the time of people who are trying to see what is new on the forum.

edit: dont take this personal. im pissed off that the computer i was suppost to get last Saturday is not coming until this friday

Edited by adummy, 04 January 2007 - 12:23 AM.

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#603 Guest_blauwrens_*

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:12 AM

I've played the elven alliance mod, and It's a very good mod. So thank you very much for making this mod.
But, I've got a questuon: I've you (Celeglin) change your mod, do you want to make more heroes then?
I've made a list with some new heroes:

Aragorn removed to Gondor (reason: he has got the sword Elendil)

2 black riders and the witchking (they started with walking on foot, when they are rank 5 they get horses and when they are rank 8 they are sitting on fellbeasts!)
Mouth of Sauron (can mount to horse)

Grima Wormtange


Things that can be change on heroes:

Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Halbarad and Madril can be on horse. Frodo,Sam and Pippin can sitting with the other riding heroes of Gondor. Gimli and Merry can sitting with the other riding heroes of Rohan. The hobbits can also sitting on the shoulthers of threebeard.
Aragorn get a new armour when he's rank 10.
The Rohirrim archers can shooting when they are riding.
Grima can take battolions of others players over, Saruman not more.
Saruman can heal a lot of uruks with a power at rank 6.

That's it. I hop you can read and understand it; I'm from Holland and I'm not very good at writing a letter in English.
Greets Blauwrens.

#604 Thorontur


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:23 AM

This is not to ask questions to each other, it is to ask questions for cel. stop talking about things that have their own topics. And if you need to ask someone a question, PM them instead of wasting the time of people who are trying to see what is new on the forum

Is scrolling down past a post for one second on your screen a waste of your time? :grin:

#605 adummy


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:25 AM

Are you crazy with all of those heroes :grin: .

Sorry about what i said earlier, Thorontur. Just pissed off about my computer ;) and you were the easiest thing to get pissed at ;)

Edited by adummy, 04 January 2007 - 12:26 AM.

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#606 Celeglin


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:32 AM

While I appreciate your enthusiam (and really appreciate your praise), I can't really do much with a list of characters from the books. I've read them myself (:grin:) and can easily come up with a similar list. The hard part is actually making those heroes and making them work with the game (balance, in particular). While for the most part, your list is far too extensive for any plans I want with the mod, you did bring up some points:

- I really do want to move Aragorn over to Gondor, but that would require HUGE amounts of rebalancing
- Denethor and Grima are definitely heroes I'd like to do at some point
- Having hobbits being able to mount with other heroes is certainly something I want to do, but I'm having some problems getting it to work smoothly at the moment.
- While giving Rohirrim Archers the ability to shoot while moving would be overpowering, I may try working it in to other units in different ways somewhere WAY down the line. Maybe.

Other than that, the other items on your list are either too minor of characters, dead/long dead characters, or far overpowering. Thanks though!

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#607 haydnthegrey

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:39 AM

I've played the elven alliance mod, and It's a very good mod. So thank you very much for making this mod.
But, I've got a questuon: I've you (Celeglin) change your mod, do you want to make more heroes then?
I've made a list with some new heroes:

Aragorn removed to Gondor (reason: he has got the sword Elendil)

2 black riders and the witchking (they started with walking on foot, when they are rank 5 they get horses and when they are rank 8 they are sitting on fellbeasts!)
Mouth of Sauron (can mount to horse)

Grima Wormtange


Things that can be change on heroes:

Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Halbarad and Madril can be on horse. Frodo,Sam and Pippin can sitting with the other riding heroes of Gondor. Gimli and Merry can sitting with the other riding heroes of Rohan. The hobbits can also sitting on the shoulthers of threebeard.
Aragorn get a new armour when he's rank 10.
The Rohirrim archers can shooting when they are riding.
Grima can take battolions of others players over, Saruman not more.
Saruman can heal a lot of uruks with a power at rank 6.

That's it. I hop you can read and understand it; I'm from Holland and I'm not very good at writing a letter in English.
Greets Blauwrens.

so many of these heros are long dead like Thengel and all that and so many other heros are in the rong factions like Gorbag
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#608 Thorontur


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 03:44 AM

Are you crazy with all of those heroes ;) .

Sorry about what i said earlier, Thorontur. Just pissed off about my computer ;) and you were the easiest thing to get pissed at :sleep:

Np np, I know some of my posts aren't constructive or ontopic but o well. :grin:

While I appreciate your enthusiam (and really appreciate your praise), I can't really do much with a list of characters from the books. I've read them myself (:dry:) and can easily come up with a similar list. The hard part is actually making those heroes and making them work with the game (balance, in particular). While for the most part, your list is far too extensive for any plans I want with the mod, you did bring up some points:

- I really do want to move Aragorn over to Gondor, but that would require HUGE amounts of rebalancing
- Denethor and Grima are definitely heroes I'd like to do at some point
- Having hobbits being able to mount with other heroes is certainly something I want to do, but I'm having some problems getting it to work smoothly at the moment.
- While giving Rohirrim Archers the ability to shoot while moving would be overpowering, I may try working it in to other units in different ways somewhere WAY down the line. Maybe.

Other than that, the other items on your list are either too minor of characters, dead/long dead characters, or far overpowering. Thanks though!

UGH yeah RA being able to shoot on the move would be way too op but its too bad since that's EXACTLY what they did in the movies and books lol.

A small note on Aragorn: his King of Gondor skin (the one you have on him atm) shouldn't come until like lvl 7 or 8. He should keep his Dunedain Ranger skin when first recruited obviously, but o well. ^_^

#609 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:53 AM

I've played the elven alliance mod, and It's a very good mod. So thank you very much for making this mod.
But, I've got a questuon: I've you (Celeglin) change your mod, do you want to make more heroes then?
I've made a list with some new heroes:

Aragorn removed to Gondor (reason: he has got the sword Elendil)

2 black riders and the witchking (they started with walking on foot, when they are rank 5 they get horses and when they are rank 8 they are sitting on fellbeasts!)
Mouth of Sauron (can mount to horse)

Grima Wormtange


Things that can be change on heroes:

Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Halbarad and Madril can be on horse. Frodo,Sam and Pippin can sitting with the other riding heroes of Gondor. Gimli and Merry can sitting with the other riding heroes of Rohan. The hobbits can also sitting on the shoulthers of threebeard.
Aragorn get a new armour when he's rank 10.
The Rohirrim archers can shooting when they are riding.
Grima can take battolions of others players over, Saruman not more.
Saruman can heal a lot of uruks with a power at rank 6.

That's it. I hop you can read and understand it; I'm from Holland and I'm not very good at writing a letter in English.
Greets Blauwrens.

so many of these heros are long dead like Thengel and all that and so many other heros are in the rong factions like Gorbag

yea ; I know. But in the game is boromir also dead... :grin:

#610 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:56 AM

While I appreciate your enthusiam (and really appreciate your praise), I can't really do much with a list of characters from the books. I've read them myself (:grin:) and can easily come up with a similar list. The hard part is actually making those heroes and making them work with the game (balance, in particular). While for the most part, your list is far too extensive for any plans I want with the mod, you did bring up some points:

- I really do want to move Aragorn over to Gondor, but that would require HUGE amounts of rebalancing
- Denethor and Grima are definitely heroes I'd like to do at some point
- Having hobbits being able to mount with other heroes is certainly something I want to do, but I'm having some problems getting it to work smoothly at the moment.
- While giving Rohirrim Archers the ability to shoot while moving would be overpowering, I may try working it in to other units in different ways somewhere WAY down the line. Maybe.

Other than that, the other items on your list are either too minor of characters, dead/long dead characters, or far overpowering. Thanks though!

Maby it is a idee to for giving aragorn his bow >>>> he was a ranger, was'nt he?

#611 Olorin



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Posted 04 January 2007 - 11:36 AM

That would certainly make sense (yes, he was one of the Dunedain) and be a nice addition to his arsenal of powers/abilities. I only see two downsides: 1) a small amount of (if not no) rebalancing, and 2) would also lead to the conclusion that Aragorn have his horse as well (and ranger and Helm's Deep skins), which (as well as being cool) would be too much. But that is a nice idea.

I've played the elven alliance mod, and It's a very good mod. So thank you very much for making this mod.
But, I've got a questuon: I've you (Celeglin) change your mod, do you want to make more heroes then?
I've made a list with some new heroes:

Aragorn removed to Gondor (reason: he has got the sword Elendil)

2 black riders and the witchking (they started with walking on foot, when they are rank 5 they get horses and when they are rank 8 they are sitting on fellbeasts!)
Mouth of Sauron (can mount to horse)

Grima Wormtange


Things that can be change on heroes:

Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Halbarad and Madril can be on horse. Frodo,Sam and Pippin can sitting with the other riding heroes of Gondor. Gimli and Merry can sitting with the other riding heroes of Rohan. The hobbits can also sitting on the shoulthers of threebeard.
Aragorn get a new armour when he's rank 10.
The Rohirrim archers can shooting when they are riding.
Grima can take battolions of others players over, Saruman not more.
Saruman can heal a lot of uruks with a power at rank 6.

That's it. I hop you can read and understand it; I'm from Holland and I'm not very good at writing a letter in English.
Greets Blauwrens.

so many of these heros are long dead like Thengel and all that and so many other heros are in the rong factions like Gorbag

yea ; I know. But in the game is boromir also dead... :grin:

But there's one difference: Boromir was in the Fellowship of the Ring and took part in the events from the start; Thengel and Morgoth (especially Morgoth in this case) were already dead by this time. ;)
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...The Journey doesn't end here; death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it. White shores...and beyond. A far green country, under a swift sunrise...

...Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder...

...Stand, Men of the West! Stand and wait! This is the hour of doom... ~ Gandalf the White, The Return of the King

#612 zimoo


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:50 PM

Morgoth wasn't dead ;)

But yeah I agree with not adding him, especially as Sauron was ruled out for balance reasons. Imagine what it'd be like with Morgoth :grin:

*Builds Morgoth, attacks 1 goblin lair and destroys the whole map in the process*

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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#613 Celeglin


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 03:16 PM

A small note on Aragorn: his King of Gondor skin (the one you have on him atm) shouldn't come until like lvl 7 or 8. He should keep his Dunedain Ranger skin when first recruited obviously, but o well. :grin:

The only reason why he only has his RotK outfit is because that's the only one I've done so far (I'm dreading having to do his Ranger and Helm's Deep outfits). How I'll implement them will be a challenge, as I have a funny feeling I'll be needing multiple models (rather than just multiple skins). Having two armour upgrades has proven a challenge (note how Merry and Pippin don't have their second model change in the game yet) and will be even more bitchy with Aragorn's Elendil and Bladesmaster FX. The best option for me is to do it how EA did it and just have the three variations put in randomly (ala Arwen/Eowyn/Elrond).

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#614 Lauri


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 04:16 PM

yeah, I agree on Aragorn. It felt really wierd when he has his king costume in Moria, and Lorien.. and Helm's deep :grin: well, it doesn't kill the game, I enjoy the elves the most :p


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#615 swan

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 05:28 PM

EA's Aragorn was just ugly, how could you watch him :grin:

The best option for me is to do it how EA did it and just have the three variations put in randomly

Are you going to make his coronation outfit? Maybe as a 10-level armour upgrade?

#616 Lauri


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Posted 04 January 2007 - 06:28 PM

I've made that just now :D *angel-eyes* but Cel won't have it, nor would he accepted it :grin:

anyways, why did 3 quote that guest? :p

and I could watch Aragorn's EA, or the other way around, but it did hurt....


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#617 Guest_blauwrens_*

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 07:13 PM

I've made that just now :D *angel-eyes* but Cel won't have it, nor would he accepted it :grin:

anyways, why did 3 quote that guest? :p

and I could watch Aragorn's EA, or the other way around, but it did hurt....

Could you give a picture of your Aragorn, I'm curious!

#618 Olorin



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Posted 05 January 2007 - 12:05 AM

Random skins sounds nice. And as zimoo corrected me before, yes, Morgoth wasn't dead, just trapped in the void where he can't get out until someone e.g. Sauron comes and gets him out. (pretty much the same as dead :grin:)
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...The Journey doesn't end here; death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it. White shores...and beyond. A far green country, under a swift sunrise...

...Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder...

...Stand, Men of the West! Stand and wait! This is the hour of doom... ~ Gandalf the White, The Return of the King

#619 Celeglin


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Posted 05 January 2007 - 12:35 AM

Btw, I can make it so he has his proper outfits in various campaign missions (as I did with Eowyn in Helm's Deep). But for Skirmish mode, random selection will be the way I go.

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#620 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 05 January 2007 - 02:07 AM

Ok i had something to suggest but i had a brain fart
*head pat*...umm...
oh f***...nvm...if i remember ill put it on

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