WotE Update Topic
Posted 09 December 2007 - 09:10 PM
well done
Posted 09 December 2007 - 09:43 PM
Posted 10 December 2007 - 12:05 AM
Maybe by tomorrow
"Tell a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry"
>>Political Compass<<
Posted 11 December 2007 - 12:15 PM
Wars of the East is the Best
Posted 15 December 2007 - 03:36 PM
Posted 16 December 2007 - 03:24 PM
This time I don't have that much new stuff (at least no new coding or units), but some high quality things anyway
First of all, something I forgot to show last week, Aragorn in his Level 10 Coronation outfit:
Thorin Stonehelm's skin has been improved a bit:
Thorin standing with his loyal Dragon Slayer minions:
Thorin upgraded with Dragon Helm of Belegost:
New, and much better, Dale Knights, donated by Eldarion of the Wars of Arda team:
Gloin now looks more like in the books (or at least in the movies), thanks to Eldarion:
Celeborn's new Battle Armor, skin by ElrondHighLord, model by robnkarla:
At last, Thranduil's appearance is true to Tolkien's books, credit goes to Celeglin of the Elven Alliance:
Like in SEE, Mordor Orcs now have the amazing randomised models/skins Nightmare of the BfME+ team provided:
Dark Easterlings ingame:
Wain Rider's brightness issue has been solved by robnkarla (RJ-RotWK):
Some cool fan-made high graphics screenshots from the Beta 1.06:
To make your day even better, I added 4 of the new WotE "theme" wallpapers into the Wallpaper Gallery:
Sorry, no Valranur this week, but I'll try to make a skin for him for next week's update...
Edited by IthronAiwendil, 17 December 2007 - 04:31 PM.
Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:11 PM
Loved them all!!!!
Posted 17 December 2007 - 04:39 PM
Posted 17 December 2007 - 06:55 PM
Wars of the East is the Best
Posted 17 December 2007 - 06:59 PM
#533 Guest_xno_*
Posted 18 December 2007 - 03:00 PM
P.S. Sorry for my bad English, I'm Thai and even I'm 14 years old but my brain is only 4 years old. I'm new.
(Daeron Nenmacil)
Posted 18 December 2007 - 03:02 PM
Posted 20 December 2007 - 06:06 PM
Posted 20 December 2007 - 06:22 PM
Posted 20 December 2007 - 09:26 PM
I'm going to take a bath. Your mod is the best for me !
yummy (btw u didnt really need to put that, of course wote mod is the best )
joke btw:)
welcome wars of the east is the best rotwk mod around but is getting stiff competition from rj-rotwk.
maybe register and you could apply for beta testing
Edited by elvenfury, 20 December 2007 - 09:26 PM.
#538 Guest_Guest_lacrossman930_*_*
Posted 21 December 2007 - 02:17 AM
Posted 23 December 2007 - 09:49 AM
Valranur, leader of the Black Numenoreans of Angmar (invented by MorrisB):
Valranur using his Aimed Shot power:
Thanks to our talented coder, Grizzlez, Witch-king has gained a bunch of new abilities.
Witch-king can toggle between his War Mace (Area of effect damage) and his Morgul Blade (Poison damage):
Witch-king's First of the Nine leadership:
Witch-king also has a destructive Level 10 power called Lord of Minas Morgul (I think these pics tell you how the power works ). FX by Grizzlez:
Azog, leader of Moria, reskinned:
And finally, Aragorn's Level 10 power, King of the Dead, has been finished:
King of the Dead has a power called Shade of the King that boosts his strenght:
I've also added one new wallpaper to the Wallpaper Gallery:
Note: Witch-king's new button image has been made by Caluadan and his First of the Nine power button has been made by Vapula.
Coming next week:
Due to Christmas I won't be having much modding time, but next week I'll try my best to have Boldog redesigned, new powers for units and new skins for Rhudaur units.
Edited by IthronAiwendil, 23 December 2007 - 09:52 AM.
Posted 23 December 2007 - 10:49 AM
Very good update, Ithron ! Valranur looks awesome... maybe even better than Randor and Thindelar (and these are great words from me) !
And great 5/5 for Grizzlez for the modifications on the Wicth-King !
But one thing kinda' disappointed me: the King of the Dead has only ONE power ? I expected him to have 2 or 3 at least. Is this a temporary state (so new abilities are on the way for later releases), or is it final ?
"Well, I can't argue with that - modding IS hard. But what would have become of games like Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dungeon Siege, Half-Life 1-2, Neverwinter Nights and BfME 1-2 if we, modders, weren't there ? They would have long been forgotten. Modding is hard, but it's an honorable thing." - MorrisB
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