what is the point of flame throwers when there is already a dragon tank.
Infantry are cheep, garisonable, and force the enemy to protect thier units/buildings with anti-infantry units. Especialy true in any version of Remix (3 most of all) infantry cannot be ignored. They are a POWERFULL CHEAP REPLINISHABLE defense force. While playing as AirF general I crushed an enemies overlord assault because he overlooked my 2 barracks and thaught only of my airfields. 30+ missle defensers can be trained in 15 seconds (5 man squads, 5 seconds each, 2 barracks). I rocked my friends bad ass nuke general overlord rush with basic starting infantry because he wasn't smart enough to bring a red gaurd (gattling tanks/turrets can be pwned by huge rocket infantry groups)
in another battle I broke my best friends base defense line with only infantry because he was so sure I'd be cmming in with Air or tanks. He had LOTS of rockets to shoot, but he never expected 150 mixed rangers and deffenders. he had too few anti-infantry guns and suffered for it.
Keep this in mind when you look at Dragon infantry. They can screw up a players day just as bad as a dragon tank and don't cost near as much.
what is the point of flame throwers when there is already a dragon tank.
Infantry are cheep, garisonable, and force the enemy to protect thier units/buildings with anti-infantry units. Especialy true in any version of Remix (3 most of all) infantry cannot be ignored. They are a POWERFULL CHEAP REPLINISHABLE defense force. While playing as AirF general I crushed an enemies overlord assault because he overlooked my 2 barracks and thaught only of my airfields. 30+ missle defensers can be trained in 15 seconds (5 man squads, 5 seconds each, 2 barracks). I rocked my friends bad ass nuke general overlord rush with basic starting infantry because he wasn't smart enough to bring a red gaurd (gattling tanks/turrets can be pwned by huge rocket infantry groups)
in another battle I broke my best friends base defense line with only infantry because he was so sure I'd be cmming in with Air or tanks. He had LOTS of rockets to shoot, but he never expected 150 mixed rangers and deffenders. he had too few anti-infantry guns and suffered for it.
Keep this in mind when you look at Dragon infantry. They can screw up a players day just as bad as a dragon tank and don't cost near as much.