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#1341 Pendaelose


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Posted 04 October 2006 - 02:02 PM

hi all!

a friend of mine doesn't want to play contra anymore since he heard that Nuke's Retaliator will become weaker. He couldn't defend his base properly without mighty Retaliator. I know Nuke should attack, but when game starts he needs some Defense. And every other China has 2 or even 3 Defenses. Now i have suggestion: Could u please add normal 5 Men Bunker to Nuke? He doesn't need the Artillery Battery, that would be too strong, but just normal Bunker?

Nuke general is BY FAR the strongest general in Contra... I don't think a 20% drop in retaliator damage should make him too weak to play. :p Without the retaliator doing super damage your friend might have to defend his base with units... omg ;) ...but it shouldn't be hard considering nuke has the best units in the game.

Keep in mind though, the Nuke Cannon is getting deploy buttons, so it will be a MUCH more effective base defense.

A nuke cannon plus a couple retaliators, a propoganda tower, and a few nuke hunters will make an almost unbreakable defense point.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#1342 Phoenix911


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Posted 04 October 2006 - 04:42 PM

No offence but if your friend is too much off a n00b to not want to play contra anymore because the next version is going to be made "BALANCED" then he should not even be playing any game as he is a n00b.

In fact tell him to turn of his computer and go sit in the corner and cry us a river... i mean honestly the defences are fine and the nuek general was soo over powered that it was just a joke... even when balanced the retaliators are still pretty evil... but omg now u have to use units and other ways to defend.

ps: n00bs suck they should learn to play the game and don't whine.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#1343 Link_Iceblader

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Posted 05 October 2006 - 12:32 PM

He isn't a n00b, k?
It's just that this Battlemasters are little weak. I don't mean the Damage they do, they have a good cannon. But the've got too weak armor: 2 Skorpion kill 2 Battlemasters because their Rocket is awesome strong. And it's difficult to defend the Base with units.
But it's ok he said he wants to test 005 when it's out in order to test Nuke then. Hope Retaliator is still strong. Pandaelouse, could u say how much 20% takes out? I can't imagine anything with 20% less damage.

#1344 Pendaelose


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Posted 05 October 2006 - 02:08 PM

He isn't a n00b, k?
It's just that this Battlemasters are little weak. I don't mean the Damage they do, they have a good cannon. But the've got too weak armor: 2 Skorpion kill 2 Battlemasters because their Rocket is awesome strong. And it's difficult to defend the Base with units.
But it's ok he said he wants to test 005 when it's out in order to test Nuke then. Hope Retaliator is still strong. Pandaelouse, could u say how much 20% takes out? I can't imagine anything with 20% less damage.

instead of 160 damage per burst its 128.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#1345 Phoenix911


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Posted 05 October 2006 - 02:26 PM

He is a n00b if he can not understand the nuke generals stratagy.
Creator and pend want the nuke general to be an attacking force.
It says during load up "best defence is assult" or something along them lines.
In other words his units do great damage in the cost of having weaker armor, if your friend wants to defenced then get him to play a side that is built for defence but monring about how nuke general is crap in defence because he is an assult type general is n00bish ok.

He should learn each generals stratagys before moaning.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#1346 Capt.Drake


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Posted 05 October 2006 - 02:48 PM

Pend pls don't be so hard, just let them ask noobish questions it's ok, that's why everybody of us is here, to give them info so that they finally will be no n00bs anymore

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#1347 Ubermedic


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Posted 05 October 2006 - 07:02 PM

Pend pls don't be so hard, just let them ask noobish questions it's ok, that's why everybody of us is here, to give them info so that they finally will be no n00bs anymore

Yeah. You do make a good point.
I mean we we're all new at some point (Note I said new. not n00b. there is a difference)
It is funny how we all jump on the "attack the n00b" bandwagon...

And the difference betteween a new person and a n00b.
1. A new player.
Hi, I was wonder if you could add another base defense to nuke. He only has one.
(I don't attack when approached with a question in this fashion)
2. n00b
Dude nuke is uber-weak give him a another base defese dude he needs more units!
(I'd attack on site and laugh at his bad spelling)

As for suggestions...I can't really think of anything.. How far along is Contra 5?
I'd love to know what you have so far.

Edited by Ubermedic, 05 October 2006 - 07:02 PM.

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#1348 olli


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Posted 05 October 2006 - 07:20 PM

for a difference between a newb and a noob, refere to cnt+alt+del comics on interent
ok basically, newbs need to be nurtured and taught. with learning, they become good. they then correct thier mistakes and learn.
a noob is somebody who is bad at something but wont admit to it. tehy will be eternal virgins. :p
they wont learn even when told,and will be ignorant still thinking thier good
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#1349 Phoenix911


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Posted 05 October 2006 - 08:48 PM

well personly i could not help but say his friend is a n00b i mean honestly he said he was gonna NOT play contra 5 simply because (heaven forbid) the nuke general will be balanced. I mean honestly if a person can't defend they base then they should use a team built for defence not a team built for attack, also if a person can't accept that balancing needs to be done then they should not play anyways because weather they like it or not we are aiming to make all sides fun and BALANCED.

Edited by Phoenix911, 06 October 2006 - 12:38 PM.

Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#1350 Link_Iceblader

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Posted 06 October 2006 - 12:36 PM

it was just question phoenix ok? i've joined this forum about 2 weeks ago because Contra is my favourite mod and i want to get more information about it. My friends and I found Contra just 4 Months ago, before that we played always Europe-Mod. He isn't a n00b, but if u think so , ok i don't care.
Now please let's go back to really suggestions, and i'm sorry if i wrote this in the wrong topic.

Greetings @ all!! :p

#1351 Phoenix911


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Posted 06 October 2006 - 12:42 PM

I don't really care if he is a n00b or not but making a comment about not wanting to play a mod because a team is going to nurfed a little to make him balanced is n00b like and if u fail to see that then thats not my problem.

nuke general in contra 5 will stay fun but be balanced that all you need to know, and in remix i can say nuke general is very balanced now but has lost some of the fun side so pend is already in the mean of coming up with some new ways to make him fun again.... because of my ranting about it lol.

me and other testers on remix are aiming to find bugs problem balancing and to find things that are not fun, and i sure creator is aiming for the same thing so don't worry yourself.

ps: and yes i am the harsh person that will just speak my mind say what i like and ****every n00b thats crosses me :p lol

Edited by Phoenix911, 06 October 2006 - 12:43 PM.

Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#1352 AngelStalker666

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Posted 07 October 2006 - 08:02 AM

Quick idea here hopefully it will be read.
Demo Pit
Essentially it is a pit the size of the Stinger Site which is full of explosives. It would detonate whenever a unit comes close to it. It would be able to detonate 5 times in total(each one taking a fifth of the health untill it is destroyed this also means that units that attack it can cause it to explode). It would have a wait to it as well(meaning that it would explode and than would need 5 seconds in between the blasts for balance). This could be for all of GLA to give them a boost. Either have it replace the Demo Trap or a new defence. It would look like a camoflouged pit but be packed with explosives. Naturally it is camo netted. And would cost about a $1000 just so it aint cheap for what it does.

#1353 Phoenix911


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Posted 07 October 2006 - 10:33 AM

that only works well for demo general
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#1354 Pendaelose


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Posted 07 October 2006 - 03:26 PM

I like it. it also needs a button to detonate all 5.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#1355 marilius

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Posted 07 October 2006 - 06:11 PM

New to the forum, pheonix will probably flame me for some reason or another but oh well...

Also, never played Remix as i'm just now finding out about it, and i don't know which thread this is for. I don't own this game, i only play it over at my friends house so i'm a little rusty on what gen has what, but a suggestion is a suggestion.

In a few threads i've been reading Pend has always been saying no one plays GLA to the point they have a wish list. Well i play GLA constantly, and only stop to play as the Inf General. So with a few things that i could wish for, i will only submit the ones i think could really be feasible.

-BENEFITS: DEMO GEN. (or GLA in gneral)
Like AngelStalker said, a "Demo Pit". It could be skinned as a stinger site with the men being replaced by 5 demo traps. The only problem in that is it would take the joy of playing it out. When u place a demo trap on the ground, then walk 5 feet next to it and place another, what happens when one explodes? They both do. So Instead of the demo's in the "pit" exploding one by one like angel suggested, it should be all 5 at once, with the ability to switch between manual and proximity detonation of course. Further more it should cost less then 5 demo traps singlely placed, but not too cheap. Maybe have the "pit" the price of like 3 1/2 or 4 regular demo traps.

Let the arms dealer produce civilian cars. They could be faster then most units, even faster then motorcycles, and the main purpose would be for hijackers to use. It would have extremely low armor (say 2 missiles from a rocket man could blow it, 1 and a fraction from the nuke gen maybe) but it would give off a slightly larger blast radius then a regular guy (c4 in the trunk maybe?) If it is possible, maybe it could be fast enough to dodge SOME tank shells, but not all. (Say driving perpendicular to an overlord, the overlord fires, and hits right behind the car. Blast radius does damage, but not a big percentage)

Assault gen could have a more beefed defense. Instead of a straight stinger sight, you could also build a "Kord Site". Heavy MG"s that do little damage to tanks, but can stop alot of infantry and light light light vehicles (motorcycles, buggies, and if facing "the civilian car" from above, then a 5 second burst would stop the car maybe)

Chem Gen could have a small chem cloud when a demo trap explodes, or maybe even a second version of demo trap called "toxin trap" or something

-BENEFITS: STEALTH GEN (or GLA in general)
Stealth Gen could have "Spy", which could only be detectable by base defenses. Can't be seen by vehicles with Towers on them, but can be seen by ability reveals (USA Drone, China Sat Hack, etc...). Has no weapon, so basically it's just a supped up USA spy drone...only, you can build these from your backs (maybe a tier 2 ability). Used to scope incoming enemy movements out on the battlefield. If it's still too weak, maybe it can even spot enemy stealth units.

New Universal GLA Unit: "Freedom Fighter"
Carries shotgun/machinegun (shotgun could make this a "wild card" type, where it could kill soldier units in 3 or 2 hits, or 7. All random) and a slightly weaker than Missile soldier, RPG.
Variations of above to fit into the generals specialty
Assault-Moves faster then all others
Chem-RPG gives off toxins
Stealth-Stealthed when moving
Demo-RPG Causes more damage OR RPG causes bigger blast radius

-A problem i've seen in Contra 004 (the only one i've played) is the lack of base defense on GLA side. If this is the mod i think it is, then i know a general (i think demo) can build a "Stinger site" with variations/add-ons. Like a howitzer or SAM and the stuff like that. Well That's ONLY for that general. Maybe expanding that to all other generals would be a nice idea, and add their own unique touch to it. I don't have to say what the touch of uniqeness is but you pretty much know what i'm talking about. It might be this mod, or it might've been shockwave. Contra 004 and Shockwave are the only mods i play.
More suggestions as i think of them. Any input on my ideas would be nice and remember, their only suggestions. (Saying that to people that might flame me)

#1356 Havok4

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Posted 07 October 2006 - 06:34 PM

Those defense sites are one of my favorite base defenses, I would love to see it expanded.
Another way to make the gla defenses better would be to make one of the generals stinger sites garrisonable, allowing for the player to increase its power while keeping the gla feel.

Edited by Havok4, 07 October 2006 - 06:39 PM.

#1357 Phoenix911


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Posted 07 October 2006 - 08:31 PM

Ok first up the idea for the 5 barrels demo pit i thinks good but as said before whathappens if u put it next to other buildings? they all get damaged making it a big downer... also what if friendly units are near by? blast would hit them aswell.

So personly it should NOT be a base defence instead it should replace the demo generals demo traps and would only be used for that general. I think it should not be stinger site sized it should be smaller like say think of 5 barrels put together u could even put one laying on it side to make look better and slide over some camo netting for stealth... basicly it would be a more advance demo trap. This is the only way i can see it being useable or should i say something that peaple would use..

If it takes up to much space and it eventuly kills it self then like thats 1 downer.
If it costs to much again there would be little point in using it. or atlest i know a few peaple that would see an expensive suicide building as usless.
And as stated before what about friendly fire? no one wants a defence that can't be built near something or have a unit stand near it easply if it gets blown up while you have some units moving past it.. your lose your own troops.

So i can only think that making it like i said a more powerful advance demo trap only for the demo general is only actuly possable way of making it fun and more ideal in being used as if made any other way the cons will out weight the pros. So if making it like i say then we still need demo general to have proper defence.

The suicide car idea i not really keen on, why build a car when u acn build completey stealthed demo trucks and eventuly nuke trucks. (please take into accont defence NO longer reveals stealthed units) In other words u need radar vans or other such radar equipment, also all of the demo generals units are suicidable ie: get a bike and u got a fast moving demo verical anyways (bike with terroest on?) why add somethign very similer?
It would be more simple to just up the speed off all demo units ment for suicide runs. (this would only accont for demo trucks and demo bikes and maybe a SMALL incress on nuke truck (but don't think its needed)
So basicly the demo general scoprians and other units that can blow them selfs up on death like a suicide unit would not move faster as there not built specficly for suicide.

So anyways i don't think this ideas needed, and i thoughtthe hijackers was only a stealthe general unit? so this also makings hijakers in civilian cars more not needed.

About the defences all gla sides will have new defences and so i wont comment on your idea as a MG because i already think there is somethng like this planed for 1 general... and a quad cannon defence is already in game in contra 4 so i sure there will be a mg site in there somewhere.

The spy idea is good but a infantry guy to reveal map and stuff? thats a bit slow and also weaker than other rader such units, china has radar trucks and alot of there units has radar upgrades (on overlords and other such capable units)
US has radar trucks aswell as little scout drones and spy drones, i don't think a spy would be on "par" with the other sides radar detection because a infantry can move as fast as a vehical and there not as strong as a vehical. I think u should if u make a spy give him some special abuilt to make him usful..

Infact how about making him NOT reveal map he can detect stealthed units tho, BUT he would have an defection aura around him. He would remain stealthed and only seen when a radar van or other such detection units are around.
Any infantry and ONLY infantry would be taken over slowly if they remain in the AoE, the enermy units would flash slowly like if u was captureing a building, as said before vehical would be uneffective.

Idk about contra 5 so i can't comment on that but toxin and assult is moving to be more of a middle easten army but still keeping the fun side of gla there just gonna have more of an actuly funded army force.
So freedom fighters would be more suited only to stealth or demo. But the idea is sound.

And why would i flame U mr n00b? (jk)
I mean u done nothing wron only post suggestions... i not a complete jerk.... (most of the time) lol
Do not take this as a "i like you" because i still might end up flameing u later for a silly idea :p so feel special lol

Anyways thats my 2 cents.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#1358 marilius

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Posted 07 October 2006 - 09:02 PM

Demo general demo traps are already the way the demo pit is. I mean why would you put it next to one of your own buildings? Demo traps only explode in proximity to enemy units (i think) and if one of yours guys die, oh well, so be it. It happens. I mean alot of things have blast radius, and friendly fire occurs. But basically the demo pit is a bigger more powerful demo trap. You're bringing up all the bad things about "the pit" when in the game, the demo trap is the exact same thing. Demo traps/pits are base defense sort of, if you know how to use it right. But alot of people don't so that's why they don't do demo gen.

As for the car, if the car was made, then it would be fast...extremely fast. faster then a bike. So think...slow and stealthy vs. quick and deadly. It would just complement the slowness of some units with this. Adding the car would be a faster more powerful "bike with terrorist". (Not too sure about hicjakcers being stelth only. Are we talking remix or contra004?)

About the spy. Yes to convesion (think GLA's own mini-propoganda man), but in my suggestion, the spy couldn't be picked up with vehicle/drone radar (i just added the drone, so don't quote me word for word). It could only be detectable by "reveal" abilites. NOT UNITS. When i said "reveal map" i'm not talking the entire thing. I mean, it has a bigger sight range then other units. And the conversion thing, should only be on enemy TROOPS and it shouldn't be quick, or long. Maybe like 1 min and it's yours. Dunno if you could move or not to follow the unit and still convert. Then again, up to the programmer.

Stil suggest on expanding the add-on sites to all GLA

#1359 Capt.Drake


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Posted 07 October 2006 - 10:51 PM

Oh man that, idea about the demo thing is crap

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#1360 Phoenix911


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Posted 07 October 2006 - 11:07 PM

Ok first of i know about demo traps but the differance is SIZE and ATTACK power.
I would never build a damn demo trap type building that is the size of a stinger site not even if u payed me. I sure there would be better defences capable of holding an enemy back more than a pit the size of a stinger site that kills it self and peaple was talking about it not being cheep to compensate for the power of it...

Agin personly i think it being powerful is ok and i also think the idea is ok but i wont ever use it if its going to be the size of a stinger site.
As i said i think the idea of mine of reducing it to a smaller 5 barrels put together is fine with a smaller camo neating layed ove rit. it does not need to be hugh, and it only should replace the demo general.

O and btw Marilius someoen has to post the cons about the idea's that the whole point on disccustion to come up with ways to make them better. As it is now i think its worthless and i wont use something so big, when i don't see the need for a suicide building to be soo big.

And the car again why bother adding it? there is no point bikers are already fast and they could be made faster if pend sees fit, also bikers are NOT stealthed and so the cars don't have anything over a bike it would be a waste of space and coding time to add another unit that is basicly in game in the form of a terroest biker.

Serisoly dude u are really asking to be flamed by me... again anwser me this why waste time and make more usless codeing to add a unit that is essentuly already in game, the terror bike has no stealth it fast and can go over mountines sides and stuff. So please tell me why we need a fast civilian looking car that has no stealth can go up cliff sides and would essentuly do the same job as terror bikes.

Untill u give me a solded reason for adding another unit that does the same thing without the climing of cliff faces then shush about it :p
Bikes can be incressed in speed if u want a fast suicide unit. but thats all that needs doing.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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