Ok first up the idea for the 5 barrels demo pit i thinks good but as said before whathappens if u put it next to other buildings? they all get damaged making it a big downer... also what if friendly units are near by? blast would hit them aswell.
So personly it should NOT be a base defence instead it should replace the demo generals demo traps and would only be used for that general. I think it should not be stinger site sized it should be smaller like say think of 5 barrels put together u could even put one laying on it side to make look better and slide over some camo netting for stealth... basicly it would be a more advance demo trap. This is the only way i can see it being useable or should i say something that peaple would use..
If it takes up to much space and it eventuly kills it self then like thats 1 downer.
If it costs to much again there would be little point in using it. or atlest i know a few peaple that would see an expensive suicide building as usless.
And as stated before what about friendly fire? no one wants a defence that can't be built near something or have a unit stand near it easply if it gets blown up while you have some units moving past it.. your lose your own troops.
So i can only think that making it like i said a more powerful advance demo trap only for the demo general is only actuly possable way of making it fun and more ideal in being used as if made any other way the cons will out weight the pros. So if making it like i say then we still need demo general to have proper defence.
The suicide car idea i not really keen on, why build a car when u acn build completey stealthed demo trucks and eventuly nuke trucks. (please take into accont defence NO longer reveals stealthed units) In other words u need radar vans or other such radar equipment, also all of the demo generals units are suicidable ie: get a bike and u got a fast moving demo verical anyways (bike with terroest on?) why add somethign very similer?
It would be more simple to just up the speed off all demo units ment for suicide runs. (this would only accont for demo trucks and demo bikes and maybe a SMALL incress on nuke truck (but don't think its needed)
So basicly the demo general scoprians and other units that can blow them selfs up on death like a suicide unit would not move faster as there not built specficly for suicide.
So anyways i don't think this ideas needed, and i thoughtthe hijackers was only a stealthe general unit? so this also makings hijakers in civilian cars more not needed.
About the defences all gla sides will have new defences and so i wont comment on your idea as a MG because i already think there is somethng like this planed for 1 general... and a quad cannon defence is already in game in contra 4 so i sure there will be a mg site in there somewhere.
The spy idea is good but a infantry guy to reveal map and stuff? thats a bit slow and also weaker than other rader such units, china has radar trucks and alot of there units has radar upgrades (on overlords and other such capable units)
US has radar trucks aswell as little scout drones and spy drones, i don't think a spy would be on "par" with the other sides radar detection because a infantry can move as fast as a vehical and there not as strong as a vehical. I think u should if u make a spy give him some special abuilt to make him usful..
Infact how about making him NOT reveal map he can detect stealthed units tho, BUT he would have an defection aura around him. He would remain stealthed and only seen when a radar van or other such detection units are around.
Any infantry and ONLY infantry would be taken over slowly if they remain in the AoE, the enermy units would flash slowly like if u was captureing a building, as said before vehical would be uneffective.
Idk about contra 5 so i can't comment on that but toxin and assult is moving to be more of a middle easten army but still keeping the fun side of gla there just gonna have more of an actuly funded army force.
So freedom fighters would be more suited only to stealth or demo. But the idea is sound.
And why would i flame U mr n00b? (jk)
I mean u done nothing wron only post suggestions... i not a complete jerk.... (most of the time) lol
Do not take this as a "i like you" because i still might end up flameing u later for a silly idea
so feel special lol
Anyways thats my 2 cents.