But creator,usa buildings needs some protection.They are too much exposed for enemy capture.China structures are well defended,gla has toxins with one click,or mines as demo general.Why not simply give all usa structures drone upgrades like for cyber structures?
USA needs protection, but not this way.
Idea #1: Component Tower
A cheap structure that can hold an infantry inside. Without infantry the tower would have no weapon. And the tower weapon would change according to infantry type (only USA one). Since it's a tower, it should be able to fire over structure. Of course, it can be used to rush but it would not be one def vs all types anymore.
Ranger: Shredder cannon (4-5s reload, small area damage like shotgun palette)
Missile Defender: A missile just like previous security system (possibly AA too)
Laser Defender: Some kind of AT laser stronger than Laser Defender weapon
Burton: Grenade Launcher (good vs vehicle and infantry, he's a hero after all)
Idea #2: New security system
Instead of a turret upgrade, USA building comes with an ability, "Activate Security". This ability would then raise a defense wall or shield (or whatever) that would double or triple its armor for 30-45 sec and emit microwave radius like vZH microwave tank for 15-20 sec. Then the security would have to be shut down and recharge (same amount of time).
Defending USA would have time to build something to fight during that period and this ability would kill anyone trying capture the building (capturing USA building would be more tricky now). Attacker would have a window of opportunity during the downtime of security system.
You could separate this into two abilities and add some upgrade for it.
- Upgrade for both abilities
- Armor by default and microwave by upgrade