I like that idea alot !!!
but idk if it is possable to make a unit cost over time when made.. but i might be wrong.
I do however think the powers need to be changed for watever team gets it, should not have kill driver and time explosive of diff kinds abiltys all in one.
Maybe the explosives could remains remove the snipe driver abilty and give to demo gen.
Why not? couldn't you reverse the Black Market logic?
(The powers were just general abilities)
I don't know if its possable, somone posted an idea a while back saying something along the lines of "could u make an aura like the frenzy power But make it give negative effects, any enermys in this area would be worse in combat."
You get what i am trying to say, anyways pend replyed saying it is impossable to do that because of the engin, it sounds simple but if the engin wont let somethign simple liek this be reversed then i don't know if the mercany type idea would work.
No tiker i ment silly as in, silly taking the piss outta his idea, not silly that mercanys go to highest bider, and btw my defence of mercanys is simple hang a sign up saying "any mercanys working for my enermy come talk to em and i'll pay you double to leave me alone and piss my enermy off.
Edited by Phoenix911, 28 August 2006 - 01:32 AM.