Here are the default RotWK spellbooks:
CommandSet MenSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookHeal
2 = Command_SpellBookRallyingCall
3 = Command_SpellBookRebuild
4 = Command_SpellBookTomBombadil
5 = Command_SpellBookHobbitAllies
6 = Command_SpellBookLoneTower
7 = Command_SpellBookArrowVolleyGood
8 = Command_SpellBookCloudBreak
9 = Command_SpellBookRohanAllies
10 = Command_SpellBookDunedainAllies
11 = Command_SpellBookArmyoftheDead
12 = Command_SpellBookEarthquake
CommandSet ElvesSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookRallyingCall
2 = Command_SpellBookHeal
3 = Command_SpellBookFarsight
4 = Command_SpellBookTomBombadil
5 = Command_SpellBookEnshroudingMist
6 = Command_SpellBookArrowVolleyGood
7 = Command_SpellBookElvenWood
8 = Command_SpellBookCloudBreak
9 = Command_SpellBookEntAllies
10 = Command_SpellBookEagleAllies
11 = Command_SpellBookFlood
12 = Command_SpellBookSunflare
CommandSet DwarvesSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookHeal
2 = Command_SpellBookRebuild
3 = Command_SpellBookRallyingCall
4 = Command_SpellBookHobbitAllies
5 = Command_SpellBookLoneTowerDwarf
6 = Command_SpellBookDwarvenRiches
7 = Command_SpellBookMenOfDaleAllies
8 = Command_SpellBookCloudBreak
9 = Command_SpellBookUndermine
10 = Command_SpellBookBombard
11 = Command_SpellBookEarthquake
12 = Command_SpellBookCitadel
CommandSet MordorSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookTaint
2 = Command_SpellBookEyeofSauron
3 = Command_SpellBookWarChant
4 = Command_SpellBookIndustry
5 = Command_SpellBookBarricade
6 = Command_SpellBookUntamedAllegiance
7 = Command_SpellBookArrowVolleyEvil
8 = Command_SpellBookEvilBombard
9 = Command_SpellBookDarkness
10 = Command_SpellBookAwakenWyrm
11 = Command_SpellBookBalrogAlly
12 = Command_SpellBookRainOfFire
CommandSet IsengardSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookWarChant
2 = Command_SpellBookPalantirVision
3 = Command_SpellBookCrebain
4 = Command_SpellBookIsengardTaint
5 = Command_SpellBookIndustry
6 = Command_SpellBookDevastation
7 = Command_SpellBookWildMenAllies
8 = Command_SpellBookFreezingRain
9 = Command_SpellBookFueltheFires
10 = Command_SpellBookWatcherAlly
11 = Command_SpellBookDragonAlly
12 = Command_SpellBookDragonStrike
CommandSet WildSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookTaint
2 = Command_SpellBookWarChant
3 = Command_SpellBookCaveBats
4 = Command_SpellBookUntamedAllegiance
5 = Command_SpellBookScavenger
6 = Command_SpellBookWildMenAllies
7 = Command_SpellBookSpiderlingAllies
8 = Command_SpellBookDarkness
9 = Command_SpellBookAwakenWyrm
10 = Command_SpellBookWatcherAlly
11 = Command_SpellBookBalrogAlly
12 = Command_SpellBookDragonAlly
CommandSet AngmarSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookBlight
2 = Command_SpellBookChillWind
3 = Command_SpellBookWarChant
4 = Command_SpellBookUntamedAllegiance
5 = Command_SpellBookFrozenLand
6 = Command_SpellBookSummonOrcs
7 = Command_SpellBookSnowbind
8 = Command_SpellBookSummonGiants
9 = Command_SpellBookFreezingRain
10 = Command_SpellBookSummonWights
11 = Command_SpellBookAvalanche
12 = Command_SpellBookSummonShadeOfWolf
CommandSet ArnorSpellBookCommandSet
1 = Command_SpellBookHeal
2 = Command_SpellBookRallyingCall
3 = Command_SpellBookRebuild
4 = Command_SpellBookHobbitAllies
5 = Command_SpellBookElvenWood
6 = Command_SpellBookArrowVolleyGood
7 = Command_SpellBookLoneTower
8 = Command_SpellBookDunedainAllies
9 = Command_SpellBookCloudBreak
10 = Command_SpellBookBombard
11 = Command_SpellBookSunflare
12 = Command_SpellBookEarthquake
I've changed this point, but that was what shipped with the game.
El Kevo - I will pin a topic with all of the heroes/units etc. found in the campaign until I get the site updated. I don't have The King of the Dead yet, so if you would like me to take a look a the model I'd be happy to. Feel free to send it in a PM or just e-mail me
Edited by robnkarla, 20 June 2007 - 09:18 PM.