Uruk-hai Crossbowmen: Basic heavy archer units with slow rate of fire but heavy attack and good armor. Weak range, however, but they can chew up infantry units. When Orthanc Armory is applied, they become
White Hand Thunderers: Super heavy archer units with slow rate of fire but shots that are incredibly damaging and pierce armor. Heavy armor. Slower than crossbowmen. Average range to compensate for lack of accuracy. When upgraded with Flaming Shot, they can take down most units with one bolt. Devastating against all units if they get in range.
Dunland Boneriders are mainly unit killers, for charging into scores of soldiers and demoralizing them. I'm hoping Wild Man cavalry will be added for destroying buildings. I think Isengard should have a Dunland subfaction for all their weak, light units in the early game. You have Dunland Rabble for meat shields and attacking resource buildings; Crebain Archers (just a name, they're hillmen with bows) that have good ranged damage but get slaughtered close up; Wild Horsemen for raiding and flanking archers; Hillman Axethrowers for dealing melée damage at a distance, useful against pikemen and buildings. Horsemen and Rabble can be upgraded with Torches as well as Banners. None can recieve Heavy Armor, Forged Blades or Orthanc Armory.
Edited by Hasfusel, 02 June 2009 - 08:57 AM.