I like these missions, but I don't think it's necessary for both of them to be in the non-linear campaign.
Well first of all, thank you. I don't want to scream that it's necessary to have them in the mission but from looking at the Living World Map (on the Living World Map) thread, it does look like that there would be both a Central Ithilien mission and a Southern Ithilien mission. But that would be assuming that Rob would want to use the same LWM for the Non-linear campaign.
but if the team puts too many extraneous missions in the non-linear campaign, then it may detract from the feeling of charting your own destiny and choosing who you want to fight what battles.
This is why I was kind of "iffy" about posting my suggestion only mentioning Faramir and Damrod. I definitely see where you're comming from because I posted my suggestions only as missions that would (kind of) go with the lore. I can try to drum up remixes of these missions to include if the Dwarves appeared or something like that. But for the moment that I posted my Ithilien suggestions, I was only thinking of missions that would co-operate with the lore at the time so I'm gonna ask that you visualize the fact that other armies can join/replace Gondor in the Ithilien missions.
Also, the non-linear campaign is supposed to go more by the movies, and thus I think ought to have a higher concentration of "big battles" than the lore-based linear campaign.
Non-linear is suppose to go wherever the player wants to go so you can stick by the movies or not. For me, I would stick by the lore a lot.... I don't want to open up huge arguments over the films but in the films, you never really got to see the invasions of Gondor and Rohan (like scenes that would show in-depth fighting in Cair Andros, the Fords of Isen, the westfold, etc.). In my opinion, the movies made it seem like there were two great battles fought almost consecutively (Helm's Deep and MT) but in the lore; there was more fighting inbetween.
My whole point to this is that you have to keep in mind that Rob could use the LWM for the non-linear campaign, that we saw in the LWM thread. And that LWM has tons of regions where fighting can take place. I would agree to the extent that players will most likely look forward to the "big battles" in the Non-linear campaign but I wouldn't go as far to say that the non-linear campaign is more concentrated in bigger battles. If anything, I think that there is a fair chance that the non-linear campaign might take a longer time before you get to a big battle like Helm's Deep. I mean, Rohan looks like it is getting divided.
I think that both these missions should be included in the linear campaign.
If the Linear campaign is suppose to be the "Lorist's godsend" then I don't see why either of my Ithilien missions would be considered for the Linear Campaign because all I did was base these missions off of the lore that Faramir and his rangers travelled through Ithilien to find Frodo and Sam. In no place have I found that it say's anywhere that Faramir and his rangers travelled through Southern/Central Ithilien before they found Frodo and Sam -or that they did anykind of fighting/defending/scouting in those regions either. But hey, if Rob wants one or both of these missions in the Linear Campaign, I won't be opposing his choice .
EDIT: Congrats Vithar M on the thousandth post!!!
Edited by Scryer, 04 January 2009 - 05:52 AM.