I like the Berserkers how they are. I think they should do splash damage, even. Those swords look pretty big.
Oh, and the Ents should be made stronger. I agree with everyone here. And bigger, too. Like the way Nazgúl did them.
Perhaps we could have a Scouring of the Shire scenario at the end of the campaign, like in the book. I gave my ideas for the Sharkey unit in the Ideas section (in Skirmish, he replaces Saruman once Saruman has been killed 3 times, has a Wormtoungue model but grey coat and white hair...), with powers and all. Here's the scenario:
The four hobbits return to the Shire, and witness some Wildmen of Dunland making hobbits work in some neutral Workpits (you know, the capturable building with the pulley and crane, and the upgrades that make machines cheaper).
The four hobbits fight the Wildmen, and set free, oh, five battallions of hobbits. The small group moves on and liberates Maggot's Farm, which is under attack by Wargs. Sharkey and Wormtoungue appear, and flee to their camp. The group chases them, fighting off a group of Wildmen and Corsairs that have captured the Green Dragon Inn. From the Inn, you can recruit Dunedain Rangers and Dwarven Guardians. To get the money you need, there will be Warg lairs dotted around, and some +500 resource chests guarded by Corsairs.
Assist a small group of Rangers that you find in a battle against Corsairs and Wildmen, and they will join your group.
Finally, you must attack the Isengard base - a few Furnaces, and a few Taverns to recruit Wildmen.
This base is where Sharkey and Wormtoungue are hiding. Destroy the base, and defeat them.
The scenario ends with a small animated scene, where Sharkey uses his Last Remembrance ability (see Ideas & Suggestions topic) on Frodo, but Frodo survives and Sam attacks Sharkey. He flees, and Wormtoungue kills him with his Backstab ability. The Dunedain then shoot Wormtongue down, and all the hobbits celebrate. The Shire is free!
Edited by Hasfusel, 26 September 2008 - 10:55 AM.