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#321 Hasfusel


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Posted 15 December 2008 - 01:02 PM

There are too many capturable buildings to begin with in the RJ maps, and what's more they have no purpose or individuality. No reason for being there. And those Aitheons are just bloody ridiculous.

What's happening with the Hobbits? Will there be Hobbit Archers, or is it staying how it is?

And what about Bullroarer Took and Fatty Bolger? :p

Edited by Hasfusel, 15 December 2008 - 01:03 PM.

#322 mike_


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Posted 15 December 2008 - 10:47 PM

/cough/ more important stuff being worked on /cough/

#323 Devon


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Posted 16 December 2008 - 12:11 AM

Short answer is we don't know :thumbsupsmiley:

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#324 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 16 December 2008 - 06:25 AM

/cough/ more important stuff being worked on /cough/

What could possibly be more important than having Fatty Bolger in game? :thumbsupsmiley: Let us not forget that without him, Sauron would have dominion over all.

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#325 mike_


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 12:07 AM

Yeah, who else would have alerted Buckland to the Riders' presence and kept their attention long enough for Frodo and friends to escape? Or start an unsuccessful resistance against Sharkey's Brigands? :p

#326 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 01:02 AM

I was actually referring to his and Merry starting the "conspiracy" which culminated in Pippin and Merry going along with Frodo. Fatty Bolger is the reason the ents attacked Isengard and Merry killed the WK. But the first one of yours works too...

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#327 Hasfusel


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 11:47 AM

And Fatty stayed in Crickhollow to keep up appearances for Frodo, and to divert the Nazgul. If it weren't for him, the four hobbits would probably have been ridden down before they reached Tom Bombadil.

And if removing the Aitheons isn't important, I don't know what is.

#328 Dalf32


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 09:14 PM

finishing the elves perhaps...

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#329 Silky

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 02:11 AM

Wow last time i posted here (in Arnor) they said hobbits wouldn't get extra units but these ideas are awsome i hope rob adds them, but when i posted in arnor i said hobbits should get a cavalry unit like that sherrifs idea but on ponys (like a hobbit version of EA's Rohirrim ) but they would be like a scout.
Trust Me..If There Was A Hobbit Faction Mod..I Wouldn't Be "HERE" I'd Be "THERE"

#330 Guest_Michael Putto_*

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 03:38 AM

Hobbits Faction
Cost: 2800 Weapon: Sting (dagger) Health: 2000 Command Points: 50
Lvl1. Stealth- Hero has the ability to stealth while standing still (passive)
Lvl3. Leadership- All hobbits near Frodo gain +20% armour and attack and earn experience twice as fast.
Lvl5. Light of Galadriel- Causes enemy units to flee in fear
Lvl10. Faith in Sam- summons lvl10 Sam and Aragon without any powers and 2 battalions of hobbit warriors (upgraded with forged blades and heavy armour) for 80 seconds.
Description: Frodo is expensive compared to his strength but his powers defiantly make up for his cost. When levelled up to 10 he summons a destructive army.
Cost: 2600 Weapon: Dagger Health: 2800 Command Points: 50
lvl1. Stealth- Hero has the ability to stealth while standing still (passive)
Lvl3. Athelas- Hero performs a small healing on himself and all surrounding heroes.
Lvl7. Hobbit Rage- Hero’s attack power doubles for 30 seconds.
Lvl10. For Mr. Frodo- Hero deals 1500 damage to an enemy hero.
Description: Sam is a powerful hero with average attack but awesome health.

Cost: 1200 Weapon: Dagger/ Stones Health: 1600 Command Points: 25
lvl1. Stealth- Hero has ability to stealth while standing still (passive)
lvl7. Friendship- Hero gains +25% armour and attack power when near Pippin.
Lvl10. Squire of Rohan- Hero can summon 2 battalions of Rohirrim (with forged blades and heavy armour) for 100 seconds.
Description: A fairly weak hero but with Pippin he is a threat. If Merry and Pippin are both at level 10 they can summon a destructive army.
Cost: 1300 Weapon: Sting (dagger)/Stones Health: 1600 Command Points: 25
Lvl1. Stealth- Hero has the ability to stealth while standing still (passive).
Lvl5. The ring- Hero becomes invisible (visible to yourself and all allies) to all enemies and cannot be attacked for 60 seconds, while invisible attack power is halved.
Lvl9. An old friend- Hero summons lvl10 Gandalf without any powers for 60 seconds.
Lvl10. Ring Bearer- Sméagol drops the ring at Bilbo’s feet.
Description: Bilbo is a cheap and weak early game hero but when levelled up has great powers.

Cost: 1200 Weapon: dagger/stones Health: 1600 Command Points: 25
lvl1. Stealth- Hero has the ability to stealth while standing still (passive)
lvl7. Friendship- Hero gains +25% armour and attack power when near Merry.
Lvl10. Guard of the Citadel- Hero can summon 2 battalions of Gondor tower guards (with forged blades and heavy armour) for 100 seconds.
Description: A fairly weak hero but with Merry he is a threat. If Merry and Pippin are both at level 10 they can summon a destructive army.
Cost: 3500 Weapon: 2 handed sword Health: 2500 Command Points: 50
lvl1. Transform- Hero can transform into a bear (gains 30% speed and but looses 15% armour).
lvl5. Berserker Rage- Hero’s attack speed doubles.
Lvl10. Earth shaker- Hero slams the ground with his sword creating an earthquake within a large radius (like Gloin’s).
Beorn is a massive man that can transform into a bear. He has super attack and his armour and health is good as well. But the bad thing about Beorn is that he is very slow.
Tom Bombadil
Cost: 5000 Weapon: Hands Health: 3800 Command Points: 75

#331 Guest_Michael Putto_*

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 03:39 AM

i made it myself :p

#332 Guest_Michael Putto_*

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 03:45 AM

no arches. but hobbit stone throwers or slingers?

#333 Argeleb


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Posted 15 January 2009 - 12:18 PM

You're ideas are cool but the team is not intrested about hobbit faction (I think someone said this before so I'm not making it up by myself :p). Hobbits are simply too peaceful. This discussion is about hobbits in faction Arnor and hobbit heroes

Edited by Argeleb, 15 January 2009 - 12:21 PM.

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#334 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 01:45 PM

Hobbits just wouldn't face up to any other race. They're small in size, strength and number. And none of them have any weapons or know or want to fight. It wouldn't work. But good ideas.

#335 Dalf32


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Posted 15 January 2009 - 09:08 PM

even if we wanted to add a hobbit faction we couldnt, the game simply does not allow us to add any more factions than we currently have.

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#336 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 18 January 2009 - 02:30 AM

Hobbit heroes costing 2000+? You've got to be kidding me! ;)

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#337 CIL



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Posted 01 February 2009 - 11:40 PM

Holy crap! Frodo is NOT going to be 2.8k! That's more powerful than Glorfindel is and nearly as strong as Elrond! 600 would be pushing it even! And seriously, were 3 posts in a row within 7 minutes of each other necessary?
I'm creeping, not gone.

#338 The Hawk of Light

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 11:50 PM

300 is the maximun, Glorfindel a Elve of more than 50.000 years costs 2.000!

Edited by The Hawk of Light, 01 February 2009 - 11:55 PM.

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#339 Thorin IV

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Posted 23 February 2009 - 08:22 PM

I think that Merry should be able to mount a pony at Lvl. 10 and Hobbit pony riders should be purchasable from Lvl. 3 Hobbit house. :p

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#340 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 24 February 2009 - 03:03 AM

They would never fight on ponies...

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I had the meaning of life in my signature, but it exceeded the character limit.

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