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Ring Heroes

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#21 SrgInsane

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Posted 15 February 2008 - 10:41 PM

Ring Heros are designed to add new strategy and tactics on the field of battle. As you can see, they can easily turn the tide of a battle in favor for, the losing player, or can dominate the game for the winning player. In personal opinion i think that every faction should have there own uniqe Ring hero. Each Ring Hero should have their own powers and strengths, so i have put together my own roster of Ring heros!
Gondor - Gandalf the White, in the fellowship Gandalf told Frodo that he could the Ring but he would be at risk of losing himself.
Rohan - Radagast the Brown, If Gandalf can use the ring, then Radagast should be able to use it also, being that there both wizards, and part of the same order.
Isengard -Saruman-, Same Idea as above.
Elves - Galaderial- she showed Frodo that she could wield the ring
Dwarves - ?-Massive Seige Machine maybe
Wild- Balrog
Mordor - Sauron
MOTE - One of the Blue Wizards or Nazgaul
Arnor- Cirdan? Tom Bombadil?
Angmar-Witch King or Ice wolf

Strengths as a ring hero
Gandalf- keep his powers but give area damage for his standard attack and massive recharge rates for his powers.
Radagast-Same thing as Gandalf however take his eagle summon out and add a whole set of summoning powers like RJ was going to do with blue wizard illusions.
Saruman- Should be given more power attacks and also a huge leadership bonus, he should be able to also have a call of the hord power.
Massive Seige Machine- Has a Defensive Bonus, can transport units across the maps and provide seige and anti infantry support. Weak against Air and Seige
Wild- Summons the Balrog and replaces standard Summon Balrog power with Meteor strike. Weak Against Wizards and Magic attacks
Mordor-Standard Sauron but with faster attack speed and replace his Mace with a sword
Mote-Blue Wizards dont know yet
Arnor-Tom Bombadil , Has massive crush powers and healing powers. Can upgrade follow units around him.
Angmar- Witch King- Becomes more terrible, more like Sauron ,can summon the nine to him and the ring gives him massive upgrades to his power.

So there is my roster of Ring Heros, i also like the idea of Gollum and Frodo:)

#22 Myrdin


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Posted 02 March 2008 - 04:09 PM

ring hero for Isen ( i always think about this, maybe its coz Warhammer series )

Huge Iron statue, living colos with two sword ( each in one hand ) with splash, knocback dmg. Passive fear ability, and something like Double blades, he would cross the swords, hit the ground and send forth a massive shockwave tearing apart anithing in one line.

name, something like : Awatar of Isengard

" Lore " : With Saruman possesing the one ring, rather than consume its powers extending his own abilities, deep in the furnancies and armories of isengard pits he had hundrets of orc slaves forge a gargantuic armor made of black steel. Engraving powerfull dark runes in its " body " he imbuead this Awatar with the power of the ring. In the end a new Leader, idol of Isengard has rose, the Awatar of Isengard stood as the ultimate weapon of industrial Isengard leading cohorts of uruks, with loayality full sworen to his one and only master Saruman

. . . . well i know this wont happen, i propably just wanted to share this idea :popcorn:
"Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world."
"From this seal shall arise the doom of men,"
"who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own."
"Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit."
"Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control."
"Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair."

"Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!"

#23 CIL



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 05:16 AM

Evil men- Khamul on steroids and with mace.
Angamar- Witch-King on steroids but with flail and attacks like Sauron.
Isengard- Who do you know in Isengard that is already really strong and magical? That's right! Saruman! Just prescribe steroids for him (the ring being steriods).
Mordor- Though this may seem strange, I support doing with Sauron like what happened w/ the Elves and Galadriel. Sauron managed to take physical form several times, just not as strong as when he had the one ring. He would be weak and die before being able to assume super form. Also, change his mace color to black, like the Grond (probably what he uses).
Arnor- Cirdan on steroids
Elves- Keep Galadriel, redo the skin though.. kinda crappy
Gondor-Super Gandalf

Edited by Crazy Intellectual Liberal, 30 May 2008 - 05:54 PM.

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#24 Myrdin


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 11:56 AM

you seen to be running on steroids too much dude :xcahik_:
"Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world."
"From this seal shall arise the doom of men,"
"who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own."
"Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit."
"Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control."
"Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair."

"Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!"

#25 CIL



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:42 PM

Well, what else is there to think of? The Witch-King would want to crush Arnor before letting the nub of a master he has get ahold of the ring. Can you think of anyone else more suited to bear the ring for Isengard than Saruman? And Arnor... Guess Bombadil's probably not the best choice as he is immune to the ring's effects... most likely, power and all. Khamul would probably want to further his own personal agenda (like WK of Angmar). Also, the Awatar idea of yours isn't too shabby... but make it called the Avatar of Isengard, a giant statue of Saruman that attacks with a greater area of effect than the other ring heroes but no powers and lower HP.

Edited by Crazy Intellectual Liberal, 04 March 2008 - 06:45 PM.

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#26 Myrdin


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Posted 05 March 2008 - 02:35 PM

giant saruman ? :rolleyes: sounds kinda funny
"Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world."
"From this seal shall arise the doom of men,"
"who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own."
"Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit."
"Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control."
"Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair."

"Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!"

#27 CIL



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Posted 07 March 2008 - 02:38 AM

I know, but it wasn't my idea. It was someone else's....
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#28 Myrdin


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Posted 08 March 2008 - 05:39 PM

newer said it was yours, peace man

and for the idea i posted before ( Awatar of Isengard ) heres s link, how it COULD look ( just imagine it with sword in both hands, all black, and not burning ) : http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
"Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world."
"From this seal shall arise the doom of men,"
"who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own."
"Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit."
"Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control."
"Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair."

"Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!"


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 05:15 PM

i think it is better saruman become a super wizard and his name become evil wizard some new power or old power with double speed recharge power and his hp most become 5000.to build this hero first saruman most die like nazgul system.

#30 Iluvatar

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 03:44 PM

Arnor: Like the Isildur idea
Isengard: THe Sauruman of many coulours.
Mordor must keep Sauron.
Goblins Smaugh:P?! only it would be bit of unrealistic becouse he cant wear the ring...
Dwarves: One of the 7 dwarflords?
Mote/angmar are kind of Sub factions of mordor(they follow mordor commands) so they should have sauron too..
Elves: Should keep Galadriel, though Gil Galad would be nice too, cause Elves already have a normal Galadriel, too's weird:P
Gondor: Gandalf, Denethor?:rolleyes:

#31 CIL



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 08:19 PM

I have an idea for Rohan... Radagast. Dain II for the Dwarves.. Oh, and eating something like the ring works for beasts. I hate the Isildur idea for Arnor. My reason for this is.. would it really bring a good person back from the dead? I think that Gandalf should do it for Arnor and Denethor for Gondor. Denethor wanted to use the ring bad and what do you think he would do if he mannaged to get a hold of it? He would use it. He would probably become evil and possesed by Sauron but he would be good for a little. Gandalf... let's just assume that he was actually tempted by the ring, ok? He goes wildly mad with power. I think that Denethor should be stronger than Boromir but not by much. He should have INTENSE leadership bonuses (the 500%-750% extra attack/exp stuff range). Sauron needs more powers. Way more. Gandalf's word of power would stay. Mount would go. He would have much more health, attack, defense and would get good powers (strong wizard's blast, loss of sword and use of CaH wizard staff style, Sauron-like meta, etc.). Denethor deserves meta equal to Arvedui

Edited by Crazy Intellectual Liberal, 22 March 2008 - 08:21 PM.

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#32 Devon


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Posted 22 March 2008 - 08:43 PM

If we were having good ring heroes, it should definatly be theoden and aragorn for rohan and gondor. However, since I'm pretty sure we're not (or we'll at least have the option...) it probably doesn't matter :rolleyes:

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#33 Guest_SrgInsane_*

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 09:09 PM

Also remember that the ring benfits the users skills and ablilitys even though it mite not be in its masters hand, Gollum was able to stealth and climb better because of the ring. For Isidur he probebly would have been a better fighter and commander. The Ring would have overcharged all the five wizards powers, and since each wizard had there own uniqe skills. I kind of changed my mind about Nazgul being able to use the ring, i mean they are slaves for sauron till the end. They have to follow his commands wether they have the ring, however for angmar maybe the Witch King could use it untill sauron commandes him to hand it over. MOTE should have Allatar or Pollando as the user each one with there own set of skills or the same.
I like Yodas Idea of having Aragorn as the ring hero for Gondor, this means we could switch Gandalf over to Arnor.

#34 Myrdin


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Posted 23 March 2008 - 11:59 AM

theoden for Rohan ? he is weak even as normal hero, with ring he would still be a wimp.ä

Rohan could get Helm Hammerhead ?.. ? though hes not a man of Rohan, they nameb the Helms deep after him, soo he was imporatant person in theyr history.

I hate the idea with Denethor, i newer really liked him. He was idiot ( excues my violent speech ) and could be easily corrupted, i think Gandalf could become Gondors ring hero.

for MotE, if you want to use the wizards, what about this ? - The dude with his illusions would become stronger ( of course - ring hero :p ) BUT, with the ring, no more illusions . . . REAL UNITS !!!

i hate people saying Saruman of all colours, it sound stupid, he had become corrupted so NO all collours, but dark or shadow

i like the Isildur idea for Arnor, but same as with Denethor ( but instead of Denethor, he really got owned by the ring ) he already got possesed by the ring, soo i think it would be out of line, giving him the ring again. But i still like the idea of him as Arnor ring hero
"Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world."
"From this seal shall arise the doom of men,"
"who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own."
"Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit."
"Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control."
"Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair."

"Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!"

#35 mike_


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Posted 23 March 2008 - 01:05 PM

Denethor was not easily corrupted. He had to deal with a crumbling empire being surrounded by his enemies, the death of his elder son and the apparent death of his second. His allies failed to answer his pleas for aid, and so he looked into the palantir in an - albeit ill-conceived - attempt to find an answer in all of this madness. Unfortunately, he was ensared by Sauron, as was Saruman before him.
I don't have the time to comment on all of the proposed Ring Heroes atm, so I'll edit this post when I get a chance.

Edited by elfhelm.., 23 March 2008 - 01:05 PM.

#36 Devon


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Posted 23 March 2008 - 02:22 PM

Theoden was the king of rohan....pretty much as strong as the rest of their heroes. And even if he wasn't, he's still the king, and his people would give the ring to him. No one would be a wimp with the ring, and Theoden would probably use it to get super powerful on horseback....glorious charge x 10 for example :p Saruman was white when uncorrupted, which is no color....and when he became corrupted he became saruman of many colors. Read the books :p

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#37 Guest_Guest_Iluvatar_*_*

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Posted 23 March 2008 - 02:56 PM

Okay, or for but you guys dont like to bring dead persons back to live to become a Ringheroe(like Isildur)else you could use Eorl for Rohan:) but this whole discussion is a bit useless when the Ring heroes won't be changed;) but the Aragorn Idea is indeed very nice:D

#38 Devon


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Posted 23 March 2008 - 03:04 PM

Oh, they might be changed. Nothing is set in stone yet, rob just thinks he knows what he wants to do. If someone came up with a convincing arguement, I'm sure he could be persuaded :p

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#39 Myrdin


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Posted 23 March 2008 - 03:05 PM

Denethor was not easily corrupted. He had to deal with a crumbling empire being surrounded by his enemies, the death of his elder son and the apparent death of his second. His allies failed to answer his pleas for aid, and so he looked into the palantir in an - albeit ill-conceived - attempt to find an answer in all of this madness. Unfortunately, he was ensared by Sauron, as was Saruman before him.
I don't have the time to comment on all of the proposed Ring Heroes atm, so I'll edit this post when I get a chance.

and that my friend is called corruption :p
"Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world."
"From this seal shall arise the doom of men,"
"who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own."
"Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit."
"Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control."
"Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair."

"Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!"

#40 Devon


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Posted 23 March 2008 - 03:07 PM

He wasn't corrupted completely, he was decieved and depressed because sauron showed him there was no hope, or so he thought.

My political compass
There's a story that the grass is so green...what did I see? Where have I been?

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