Dwarves v Mordor
AI Witchking
the witchking hovered flapping in place while I assaulted his base. He just stayed there until my archers took him down
same map - very slow animation of the building rubble on dwarven fortress add-ons
same map - King Brand's bird tweeting like mad in the middle of the map long after he had moved on
same map (not sure if this a bug or a feature) dwarven hero slam the ground (earthshaker?) skill damages friendly units and structures
Lebennin II (BFMEI)
Isengard v Elves
Warg sentries
releasing on approaching enemies, but then strolling around ignoring them
same map - Isengard Fellbeasts not selected when pressing 'Q' to select all units
AI Witchking: yeah i know, happens sometimes. Don't know why. I'll raise the flight ceiling since he maybe gets stuck on the fortress.
Falcon companion: Bug already solved. When Brand is gone, so is the bird. Also reduced the chirping volume.
Warg sentry: Solved. Same bug as with the falcon actually, but with different effect.
Isengard Fellbeast selection: Giant Birds now don't select with Q. Intentional. You can still select them by Hero button or by SelectAllHeroes.
Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff
".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."