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Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!

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#221 Downfall



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Posted 27 January 2008 - 04:58 PM

True and true. So far, we only support skirmish and multiplayer. Depending on how quickly we progress, WotR and the Campaign will also be adjusted.

War of the Ring mode would probably be the easier of the 2 to code into the mod in my opinion.

Also many units now have highres models and skins, so the game is bound to be a bit slower than before.

You could always have the skins be knocked down to 256x256. Insted if the 512x512 you guys are running it at now. That would help with some lesser computers and give a slight boost. :sad:
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#222 Guest_Guest_Lurtz08_*_*

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 05:21 PM

So attack trolls should have various weapons!

Another couple of suggestions :

1. Isengard should have the Olog-Hai troll, I read about it in one of the books Tolkien wrote, they were cousins to the Mordor attack trolls. OLOG-HAI wear Enlarged Uruk-Hai armor and weaponry :sad:
2. Isengard should have crossbow uruk-hai and Uruk-Hai Scout bowman like the books
3. Why don't the Rohirrim trample anymore??
4. I have some ideas for uruk-hai armor, you know how the captain uruk-hai wear large crested helmets like the one here? http://www.kropserke...kcommander1.jpg You should make Uruk-Hai pikes and swordsmen have these spawn with the flagbearer just to add cool effect. Just an idea.
5. When is this beta planning on being released? I love the MOD I play now, it is AWESOME
6. Make walls walkable ;) It is so fun to use siege towers + Ladders with berserkers on them ;)

#223 Lauri


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Posted 27 January 2008 - 05:27 PM

1. We're not stupid.... Isengard doesn't have trolls at all, you've only seen it over at Games Workshop ;)
2. Crossbows aren't mentioned in the books... it's something from the movies ;)
3. They don't? Then they don't... I don't know :sad:
4. Tough idea, but then there would be too many of this helmet IMO... A random helmet could be cool though...
5. Patience...
6. And it's soo much work to do to make it possible ;)


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#224 Uruk-Hai Berserker

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 05:31 PM

War of the Ring and the Campaing aren't supported, as far as I know. That means, there haven't been anything done for it, unless it's been made playable ;)

And the game isn't as slow as you says it is, it's just because the game is slow if your computer is lagging... (even though you seem to have a good computer)....

True and true. So far, we only support skirmish and multiplayer. Depending on how quickly we progress, WotR and the Campaign will also be adjusted. Also many units now have highres models and skins, so the game is bound to be a bit slower than before. RotWK isn't faster btw., it uses the same engine with just a few additional features, not a complete engine overhaul.

[Hey Nazgul, Awesome MOD! I have a few questions and suggestions.
1. Can you play this MOD online with other people who have this MOD
2. Can you PLEASE make it so that Units can fight on walls again, Like in BFMEI? That was so fun, It made it so fun to be evil!!!
3. Can You add Mauhur as an Uruk-Hai hero?? He was another scout uruk leader like Ugluk
4. Can you add Uruk-Hai scout bowman? Not crossbows, Bows.
5. Oh, can you make trolls have different weapons like the CAH Trolls. Like the maces and the swords when the come out of the troll pit?
AWESOME Mod, take these into consideration please, if you have any questions for my suggestions, email me at Legion.of.the.White.Hand@gmail.com I will answer

1. Yes
2. That has already been discussed and has a pretty low priority. Making walkable wallsegments (about 7 per faction, 42 in all) is just a tremendous amount of work, and we have other things to do as well.
3. We'll see.
4. I would like that.
5. Sounds nice and has already been discussed, like 4. above.
Right now, i am working exclusively on AI related stuff. Once Nazgûl is back, we'll turn to different stuff. The order of things ToDo will be entirely up to our whims, since progress is much quicker if you work on stuff that you currently have the most fun working on. ;)

1. Isengard should have Olog-Hai trolls, they are cousins of Mordor attack trolls, I read about them, Saruman was breeding them during the war of the ring!
2. Uruk-Hai Scout bowman as well as uruk-hai crossbows need to be in play for Isengard!! ;)
3. Mordor needs to have Call the Horde power recharge faster! Sauron should be able to over whelm with orcs like in the movies:)
4. Isengard need Feral uruk-hai different from berserkers (read about them in a book of tolkiens) They weild two scimitars and armor and a helmet similar to an Uruk-Hai but are stronger and are crazy
5. Rohirrim don't trample like they used to.
6. When the Banner upgrade is purchase for Isengard units, A flag bearer should come with a Captain uruk-hai with regular uruk-hai armor and a hand print on his chest and helmet like this http://www.kropserke...kcommander1.jpg
7. Mordor should be able to construct the black gate if you make walkable wall segments (more than 7 :sad: ) Make it cost like 40000 or 50000 Lol

#225 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 05:50 PM

Also many units now have highres models and skins, so the game is bound to be a bit slower than before.

You could always have the skins be knocked down to 256x256. Insted if the 512x512 you guys are running it at now. That would help with some lesser computers and give a slight boost. ;)

That's actually quite a good idea. I mean, even I get lag with 2 gig RAM, a Geforce 7900 GS 256 mb and an Intel Pentium IV with 2x3Ghz. I know that's not really a high-end system, but the Geforce 7900 didn't even exist yet when TBFMEII was released, and let's be honest, the Sage engine isn't that great to have huge armies. Just look at Rome or MedII: TW... So one word: optimizing :sad: .
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#226 Lauri


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Posted 27 January 2008 - 05:52 PM

1) Your wrong
2) maybe..
3) maybe..
4) Your wrong again...
5) I don't know..
6) Too many captains
7) What do you need a gate for, when you have no wall?


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#227 Uruk-Hai Berserker

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 06:47 PM

1) Your wrong
2) maybe..
3) maybe..
4) Your wrong again...
5) I don't know..
6) Too many captains
7) What do you need a gate for, when you have no wall?

Well, many of the people on BFMEII Agree (And RotWK) that Walls should be walkable again It might be alot of work, but that would make this mod popular. I know all my friends who play would eat BetaV up if it had units on walls again

#228 Uruk-Hai Berserker

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 06:52 PM

You know all of the maps Minas Morgul, Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Isengard, Helm's Deep, You should make a map named Barad Dur. :sad: With a giant tower with the eye at the top and yea... Catapults, War bows, bridges. Thats alot of work but it might be cool, like have good siege Barad Dur.

and uh, Lauri? Do you play this MOD online? as well as the regular un modded games? If you do, we should play. I love playing this game, invite along other people as well.

Another Great idea:

Easterlings need Shields and swords. ;)

Edited by Uruk-Hai Berserker, 27 January 2008 - 06:59 PM.

#229 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 27 January 2008 - 08:39 PM

Well, if you like great ideas i suggest you read all the 'suggestion'-threads in this subforum, so you don't go duplicate suggestions that we have already taken into account, included, discarded, discussed at length etc. That would spare us a lot of work and it would spare you the disappointment.

Also, before you or anybody tells me that 'something needs to be in the mod because Tolkien wrote it in one of his books' let me say this:
1. Movie content comes first, books second (though i love the books much more), because we are trying to recreate both the feeling of BfMe1 and the feeling of the movies.
2. Any Tolkien reference needs a) the name of the book, b) the chapter of the book, c) the page number (and the exact edition), d) AT THE VERY LEAST the quote where 'tolkien said this in his book'. Otherwise i will not take it seriously unless i already know it is true.

Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff

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#230 Lauri


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Posted 27 January 2008 - 09:23 PM

I don't play this mod too much, the buildtimes gets me sometimes, and I don't play it online :sad:

And this mod is the most popular for BFME2.... Does it need to get popular then?


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#231 Uruk-Hai Berserker

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 11:22 PM

So walls are a no then? :-( well consider it, it would make some serious amounts of people happy :)

#232 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 28 January 2008 - 01:16 AM

Read this, lazy fan: Walls for S.E.E. :)

I'll put it this way, it's a lot less work to have a look at all the other threads, posts and answers lurking in the suggestions subforum then it is to either mod walkable walls into the game or, alternatively, to answer all the questions you guys have in the same appropriate detail as has already been done before, several times. I am saying this with the risk of sounding pestered. But i have to admit that the one thing i really like with answering repeatedly the same questions over and over again or pointing out that they have already been answered several times is: that i can tell everybody who is doing so is really getting on my nerves! ;)
Fun, isn't it?

Now go, read the link, and please, if you have questions or if you want to make a suggestion, browse through the forum first and/or use the search function targeting the appropriate subforum and a good search term (like 'Walls' or something).
Thank you very much.

P.S. Pointing out the obvious ('Yeah, walkable walls rock!') is both obvious ('Who wouldn't like that?') and has been done many times before. :p

Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff

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#233 Uruk-Hai Berserker

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Posted 28 January 2008 - 02:22 AM

I couldn't find it anywhere about AI's being able to close the gates at like minas tirith and minas morgul and places like that. Why don't they close their damned gates? It pisses me off, Im sorry but Its no fun walking right into a base with no attempt to hold you off. Lol

Well you guys did an awesome job with Beta IV, I love it. Can't wait for Beta V. When do you think it will come out, (sorry if that has already been asked :)

I want to know how to code and stuff, where do learn how to do that stuff?

Edited by Uruk-Hai Berserker, 28 January 2008 - 02:32 AM.

#234 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 28 January 2008 - 03:16 AM

:huh: (burying face in hands) :p

(1) ... Why don't they close their damned gates?...

(2) ... When do you think it will come out, (sorry if that has already been asked ;)) ...

(3) ... I want to know how to code and stuff, where do learn how to do that stuff?

To (1) and (2): Search and behold! Take it to heart if you are really sorry!

(3) Unless you start learning to 'go look for things and find them' yourself about right now, you can just forget about modding. That is the very first skill you need acquire to be even able to tie your modding-shoes without anybody pointing out where you can find your modding-feet (or that you even have any for that matter)! :p
Modding is a sometimes tedious, sometimes very satisfying amount of mental legwork. If you expect to get anything handed on a platter right from the start, you might better start something that doesn't require you to read.

Edit: If you are wondering why i have such a sarcastic tone even though you just arrived here, you need only read up on those other silly questions i have been answering. If you can even bother that is. It's nothing personal yet.
I even provided a link to one of them in my last post. There are countless more, it grieves me to say. :)

Edited by Sûlherokhh, 28 January 2008 - 03:20 AM.

Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff

".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."

#235 Downfall



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Posted 28 January 2008 - 03:19 AM

A little cranky Sûl? :)

Anyway, have you or Naz ever thought of resizing the skins to a lower setting, for better performance?
"Human beings make strange fauna and flora. From a distance they appear negligible; up close they are apt to appear ugly and malicious."
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#236 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 28 January 2008 - 03:26 AM

Since the idea came up half a day ago, no. I'll mention it to Nazzie next time we talk modding. It will depend on how excited he is about downgrading perfectly good textures and on how necessary our fans see a reduction in quality to eke out a slight increase in performance. Anyway, as long as the textures are stored as .dds (and over 90% are), a reduced LOD setting takes care of that, as long as the proper codes are in the W3Ddraw module of the unit in question. Most of the jerkiness stems from the multiple subobjects in several units (like the new orcs) though, so in all probability it won't go away, unless you want less awesomely varied orcs or somebody goes to great length to remodel the single orc with multiple subobjects into a multitude of seperate models without any.

Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff

".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."

#237 Downfall



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Posted 28 January 2008 - 03:36 AM

You have a valid point.

But I wouldn't call it a downgrade per-say. Granted you'd most likely see the effects when using RJ's Camera. But if your using the regular veiw, since you haven't implanted the RJ's Cam View in every map, you wouldn't really know the difference. And since most (over 90%) of the game's skins are redone to a greater quality anyway, you'd still see those superb skins in high fashion regardless.

Edited by Downfall, 28 January 2008 - 03:37 AM.

"Human beings make strange fauna and flora. From a distance they appear negligible; up close they are apt to appear ugly and malicious."
Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer

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#238 Rob38


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Posted 28 January 2008 - 04:56 AM

Actually, I really don't think textures add any lag to a game. I've taken the LOD settings off all my units and haven't noticed any difference in lag from high to very low. If you notice, even if you have textures at 512X512 but are playing on very low settings, they do become much more blurry and less detailed. :)




#239 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 28 January 2008 - 03:07 PM

Like i said, 'multiple subobjects'. :)

Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff

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#240 Uruk-Hai Berserker

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Posted 28 January 2008 - 08:39 PM

Like i said, 'multiple subobjects'. :)

Sorry Sul, I am an idiot, I won't bother you anymore.

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